Vivian Wilson reveals on 2025-03-09 that she was sex-selected prenatally by Elon Musk: "My assigned sex at birth was a commodity that was bought and paid for. So when I was feminine as a child and then turned out to be transgender, I was going against the product that was sold."
I also suspect embryo selection for other traits and possibly even gene mods.
IVF since then now allows you to screen for genetic disorders, but both selecting for
and we already have a China CRISPR baby where the doctor who did it got 3 years in prison for breaking their rules, but that is very recent.
Yea, the chance of him having 17 kids (except vivian) who were all naturally
And based on his recent opinions, friends and political allignments, i don't think he likes women a lot.
He definetly used IVF for all his kids.
He's pissed because one of his pre-selected "boys" grew up to be a woman, that's all.
It's still eugenics, though.
I swear he has to like being embarassed in front of millions of people or something.
Also i would be suprised that eugenics is still allowed but so is slavery.
As long as they find a way to not call it what it is.
as far as if it's eugenics: yes. very much so. like straight up gattaca shit
though both the selection and the genetic testing to reduce odds of miscarriage and birth defects are technically eugenic in nature, it’s usually not done to make a “designer baby” like this
im judging musk for being a stupid asshole and an utter failure of a parent
Elons flesh will be burnt with fire as his gold and silver, will an account against him on the day of judgement.
God is close to us marginalized trans people.
And I'd really love it if he was the sperm donor.
He must be spending a LOT in therapy to justify this in this tiny little head, rather than accepting the situation for what it is & celebrate her transness...
"That expectation of masculinity that I had to rebel against all my life was a monetary transaction. A monetary transaction. A MONETARY TRANSACTION."
This is profane beyond words and I'm shocked
It's the literal truth.
The horrible part is not accepting her trans identity.
This feels like a criticism of IVF in general.
Bodily autonomy by any means necessary!
"How dare my child not BE what I wanted"
"How dare them not be extensions of myself in that way"
Children are not to be persons. They are property.
They are not themselves, they are who and what their parents want
“I named them after Important Ancestor(s) and it’s a betrayal that their new name no longer reflects that family history.”
Like, how dare I reject my father's name
Srsly fuck them all
I’ve always hated it and hated even more when I realize his views wouldn’t allow him to love the real me
I was named after a horse. An actual physical & biological horse.
Fascists think they can control humans to get a specific outcome they want.
Humans are chaotic and don’t do what they’re told.
My best friend worked for a biotech firm where he would perform bull sexing, which separates sperm based on chromosome type. I didn't know they did that to people too.
No, that's stupid. A person cannot be a defective product. They're a person.
Did they run DNA sequencing of each sperm and egg?
Did they let multiple embryos develop in full until they showed male/female characteristics, and then only allow the male ones to live?
How did that work?
he’s a monster.
Entitlement showing itself in the demand for absolute conformity, of ownership, of the arrogance to decide.
maybe thats what made him tumble, someone he perceived ownership telling him
"Im not your thing", demanding agency & happiness
in the US there is a correlation with conservatives and using the word that way
i apologize for being pedantic and if i came off rude
full agreeing that sex selection of embryos should be illegal tho musk is the type that'd pressure someone to abort but tbh I dont want to think about that creep having sex, I dont need nightmares
-2017, lamb fetus developed to birth in a bag, not a ewe
-2016 Musk gets into medical R&D w/neuralink
Couple years of testing and development...
202x 8 kids are born.
From recruited gene donors, to the donors clients select, to the selection process of the embryos themselves.
These children are treated like a consumer products, down to returnable if "defective".
It's sick.