Imma gently tap that sign again.
This is how Adobe treats their userbase, especially after baiting them in with sales.
You deserve FAR better than to be caught up in predatory subscription tactics.
Need an alternative but don't know where to look? XdanielArt made this for us.
Pass it around!
This is how Adobe treats their userbase, especially after baiting them in with sales.
You deserve FAR better than to be caught up in predatory subscription tactics.
Need an alternative but don't know where to look? XdanielArt made this for us.
Pass it around!
Haven't looked in a couple of years. One more try, I suppose...
It drew nearly an inch to the upper left from the cursor. @.@
CSP has a three month demo, if you wanna give it a try!
They were recently acquired by Canva, who are known for their AI photo editing.
Which... It's a damn shame as I bought my copy a few years ago.
And there's not a whole lot of perfect choices out there unfortunately
Fuck you, Adobe. 😤
This list was updated not too long ago, though. Audacity had a takeover, so Tenacity was created by those who broke away from that company.
KarliCartoons also provided the business address they'll ask for;
345 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA 95110-2704
Tel: 408-536-6000
Fax: 408-537-6000
Best of luck!
Yes, he's best known as a board repair guy and a Right to Repair supporter. But he's adding yet another voice to why certain cloud-based software needs to quit its shit.
TW for language.
As presented by Mutahar from SomeOrdinaryGamers. He pays close attention to what tech companies are doing, be it games, Microsoft, and so on.
TW for language, etc. etc.
Adobe has too many great things in their graveyard, especially stuff they just acquired only to kill.
I remember the guys behind Homestar Runner learning HTML5 about eight years ago so they can continue animating. They are still releasing the occasional cartoon to this day.
I usually use ruffle.
There are even browser extensions for it.
Alt text for a link to the article, in case it goes away...
I got worried when I hit the Alt Text limit before making the decision to split the poster.
Iunno why TalkBack is better about it but it always catches me off guard >_O
Most of the time it either gets ignored or it reads out math symbols, pending on the unicode and depending on how the SR is set to interpret it.
Which. Honestly might be why TalkBack handles it better actually >.>
Sadly they are not 1:1 exportable with Adobe programs.
I know Affinity Photo can import .psd files, though. So that's a plus.
In the UK, legally, there is a 14 day cooling off period to cancel a contract
Don't forget to give the same love to Op, up above!☝️⬆️❤️
They started this, and provided a HUGE list of free alternatives!
holy shit, just when i think these assholes can't get any worse, they pull shit like this
thank celestia i switched to clip studio
They use it in combination with trying to squeeze out another year's worth of subscription money by trying to sweeten the deal with a discounted sale.
Basically trying whatever skeevy trick they can to keep you from slipping away.
Like. Can do prepaid for the year, but not everyone has that kinda cash, and they act like "Oh, this is just x per month!" while slipping in somewhere "And if you cancel, you have to pay the remaining"
You miss these things when you learn to 'yar-har fiddle dee-dee" software and never stop
For what I do, GIMP handles it fine, fast, and free.
Krita is a free alt. to photoshop I've used too but its harder to navigate imo so I only us it when an art piece requires it specifically.
With that in mind, those who have dealt with Japanese IPs [see; any YouTuber relying upon Nintendo or Konami content] may already know how much of a struggle it can be to deal with them. 😓