sometimes though i just be complaining because it feels good, just not asking for a change. ill make the changes need myself, i just wanna complain about it too
I absolutely believe in the power of complaining to ease suffering and build solidarity. Because some things are difficult for me a lot of times people will say, "I'm not going to complain to you about XYZ," and I'm like, "please do, I understand and might be able to help!"
I have printed this out and stuck it on my door and will be using it as the signature image for a working group I'm leading on teaching workload: if you make a purchasable digital download I will buy it, otherwise I'll see if you have a ko-fi or similar! Thank you I love it
hi, sorry to bother you - you are likely already aware but this reply below is from a scammer attempting to impersonate (note the 0 followers, different @ and new account status) - if you could report them for impersonation i would appreciate it!
A complaint is usually an implicit request for someone to alter the circumstance so it's no longer difficult. (for values of "someone" inclusive of deities and fairy godparents.)
"not-complaining" expressly declaims that implicit request.
Skeeters gonna skeet, skeet, skeet, skeet, skeet.
But a very cute hippo, nonetheless <3
"not-complaining" expressly declaims that implicit request.