An ancient-of-days Black & Decker, heating element repaired 3 or 4 times, I think you can’t get a pot for any more (I have a spare with a wrecked lid safely tucked away).
My clock that makes coffee is the most loyal small (or large) appliance I have ever owned. It’s at least 30 years old. I 💕 it.
the mokas are interesting - my ex swears by them, I messed it up the one time I tried it but I'm sure it was just not having someone to show me how it was really done.
the double-wall? We have one of those - we use it for cacao, because it needs a really long brewing time (10m or so) & it would get cold in the uninsulated cafetiere.
Several. Standard drip coffee machine, which I only use if I have a larger group over for coffee. French press when making coffee for 2 or more people , individual melita pourover, which is what I use mostly, and a moka pot, which is rarely used.
3 French presses (small one used MOL daily, 2 1L size used either for coldbrew or cacao), 1 drip (used only for company, which means not in about 6 years), & about 3 retired Aeropresses (to which I will never go back).
We have a French press, a Chemex, and a moka pot but the daily driver is a Moccamaster. We have a good grinder but don't waste time on beans (grocery store brand). Works pretty well!
Small metal pour-over filter, not because I'm especially particular about it, but because more than about 400mL of coffee a day just makes me vibrate unpleasantly. When I occasionally do cold brew instead, I use a large French press or a mason jar and a mesh bag.
Nespresso? (sp???) Oddly. I don't drink coffee. Never touch the stuff. The coffee maker is here for someone else. I don't even know how to use it. 😂 I do keep a jar of instant coffee for cooking purposes and don't understand why it isn't good enough to drink. 🙄 I also love Groot. 😍
An automatic machine from Bosch, a cheap electric drip machine, a number of french presses of different size and a couple of italian Moka brewers (too bad aluminium doesn't work on induction stoves).
Cuisinart Grind & Brew - this beast is ~15 years old and still working fine. Also a kettle and Pourover. Also also a hand grinder, a plug in grinder and an aero press (hand grinding to that level of fine was too much).
I've had all kinds of machines over the years, but now I use an Aeropress. I think it was who first turned me on to them about a decade ago.
Aeropress, V60, Moka pot…
We have a Wilfa grinder to complete the set.
We always drink tea for breakfast!
*For anyone thinking about an Aeropress, it’s a little wonder. Super simple to use and clean, takes up almost no space and the plunge is very satisfying!
Kyle all we want to do is help you, but first you have to admit that you have a problem. Let us in Kyle, breakdown those walls you've built. You don't have to go cold turkey, how about a nice herbal tea. 🙏😂🤭
But I've been considering an Aeropress, literally just for fun and to see how it differs from the other methods
My clock that makes coffee is the most loyal small (or large) appliance I have ever owned. It’s at least 30 years old. I 💕 it.
Even I did that once or twice
I also have an elderly moka I never use, but I'll also never part with it.
Although, after the abhorrent customer service I received when my last one broke under warranty, this (replacement) will be my last Ninja product.
Lovely brewer and it's now making me learn to appreciate pure black coffee!
Can't wait to experiment more with it, as well!
We have a Wilfa grinder to complete the set.
We always drink tea for breakfast!
*For anyone thinking about an Aeropress, it’s a little wonder. Super simple to use and clean, takes up almost no space and the plunge is very satisfying!
I've been into coffee for a while so I have a French press, Aero Press, Moka pot, siphon, a couple pour overs, espresso machine, and a regular drip.
My main method is French press, after trying all of them, it works best for my taste.
Just know that when you're ready to take that journey and be freed from Beanie Beast, we will be here to support you. ❤️