Headteacher Katharine Birbalsingh tweeting "ethnics can not be English". Few white headteacher would make sweeping racially exclusive comments.
Her belief every single ethnic minority person identifies as "British not English" is a sincere misperception, but educators could look at the evidence!
Her belief every single ethnic minority person identifies as "British not English" is a sincere misperception, but educators could look at the evidence!
Equally, Scots, the Welsh & the NI are all British & European.
People who move around the British Isles may choose to be British rather than English, Scots, Welsh etc.
It is nothing to do with your ethnicity.
How dismissive and belittling.
| as "British not English" is a sincere misperception'
Or plain ol' common-or-garden bigotry.
Do they reject being Welsh, Scottish, or Irish and only identify as British?
Birbalsingh has only said she thinks footballers identify as English, because "football is different" - but has just ignored this data so far.
Does she not realise it is a Christian thing, not an English thing?
(Some, like "clubs and associations" and "gardening", don't strike me as English OR British! Just... things you find everywhere)
The idea every Englishman owns a bulldog, wears a bowler hat, drinks tea, and plays cricket is known universally outside the UK - but it represents as few people as ginger haired kilt wearers playing bagpipes might in Scotland.
Or, alterntively, an ethnically-defined section of the community is inately superior all others in Englishness...
2. Identity globally is a very interesting thing. England does not define Britishness but defines an “other”, whereas EU nations often use more defined criteria. So there is no real “Britishness” is there
But I find it shocking she hasn’t been fired because this kind of talk is so awful and discriminatory and ignorant. National identity and becoming a citizen and integration is something she should leave the experts to discuss, she’s awful
* give her the opportunity to see it
* give her the opportunity to respond to evidence, if thinking about educational content rather than personal polemic
* put it on the tineline in the public domain in case others don't know it
We all identify as many things surely? I am Edinburgh, Scottish, British and European in no particular order.
Is it really so difficult to be at ease with your neighbours?
I have some words for that, but they're not fit for little ears.
Will broadcasting her views lead to her being disciplined ?
Are they affecting her pupils ?
Why did she leave the State system in the first place ?
Why did she and Braverman set up their Free School ?
Will she cry ‘ Free Speech ‘ if any enquiry made ?
Just try & tell an Antillais(e) from Guadalupe/Martinique they are not French.
Or a white French person from métropole that Antillais aren't French for that matter.
Btw,ofc,same shld apply to any naturalised immigrant.
You just need to contribute to those communities positively.
It's abhorrent nonsense whoever suggests it.