It’s just such a monumental tragedy. Heartbreaking. Stay safe Heather. Praying that you and your neighbors will be able to return home shortly and that your property and homes will remain untouched.
sending all things positive your way. So scary - will be (I know, corny, right?) praying for y'all and your families. Just mindblowingly scary. Please stay safe - you're irreplaceable.
Heather my heart breaks for you all. Prayers for CA 🙏
So glad you are evacuating! I cannot imagine what your heart is dealing with.
Please stay safe!
My heart goes with you. I was born in Burbank, lived in Thousand Oaks as a kid. I understand the the terror & the sadness. Be safe my dear. You are far more valuable than your stuff.
Scary, stay safe & I hope your house is spared. Hoping the winds die down, that there are no injuries from these wildfires & the firefighters can safely put all the fires out soon.
I feel your pain. I was in the same position 4 years ago, wondering if I still had a house.
Realize that fires can fool you--your house may still be there. But you will move forward one way or the other. You're safe (and hopefully pets and people you love) are as well.
Wildfires are so unpredictable. I know that evacuation is a huge pain, but if you can do it on your terms without the fire literally burning next to you, everyone will be safer. Be safe!❤️
😢 I was just thinking about you, your chickens and other pets and your beautiful garden. The images coming out of CA are apocalyptic!! Please be safe. 🙏💙
Follow orders of your superiors they know what they know and if you have doubts you can always Sue later so take receipts. Names dates figures contact info all of it are receipts God loves Americas penchant for suing in their Sunday best asking Godly arbiters use an oath to uphold the constitution.
Best of luck to all of you going through this. I have a daughter just down the road in Mar Vista with a bag packed, and two kitty crates, and one doggie crate at the ready. Luckily she has a good friend in SD area who has invited her to stay in case of evac.🙏
I’m praying for you…🙏🏻
It feels crazy to have your precious home at risk while on the other hand saying it’s just stuff. It’s not just stuff, but life & family & love so much more important.
(I kept saying this on 4 hour drive to NOLA airport w/ my kids before Katrina that usually took 25 min)
It's best to stay safe and evac. With no one else on the road, the fire trucks and emergency vehicles can respond more quickly to where they are needed. In our fire in the mountains, our streets were also patrolled by leos from all over the state to prevent looting. Mutual aid's a great program.
So glad you are evacuating! I cannot imagine what your heart is dealing with.
Please stay safe!
Prepare for the next migration, from threads
Realize that fires can fool you--your house may still be there. But you will move forward one way or the other. You're safe (and hopefully pets and people you love) are as well.
Hope all works out for you after this devastation. Hugs
The most terrifying experience I’ve ever had. Please evacuate and stay safe. 🙏 💔
And hoping this shit is under control soon.
Damn wind.
Much love to you and everyone endangered by these fires.
Be safe. ❤️
Car smoke gets trapped under the fire smoke
Fire smoke gets trapped under the jet smoke
Car and jet smoke drive global warming
Study at
Just tragic all around
stay safe and take care
It feels crazy to have your precious home at risk while on the other hand saying it’s just stuff. It’s not just stuff, but life & family & love so much more important.
(I kept saying this on 4 hour drive to NOLA airport w/ my kids before Katrina that usually took 25 min)