I was there Gandalf. Personally removed these from @tumblr.com when border radius became available. Felt like this was the start of when CSS popped off in all the good ways! 🎉
Oh!! I was so proud of doing it with just one gif. I even had named my technique "tortilla-rounded-corners" and wanted to write an article for "A List Apart" and get rich and famous LOL. (alas, I wasn't a native english speaker and llms weren't around)
@armandososa.bsky.social I’m also “A List Apart as demagogues of CSS tips and best practice (and hacks)” years old. Also, “HTML 4.01 Transitional” years old. Also, heart bleeding too for Macromedia 💘
I never had any truck with pandering to that P.O.S. browser, still don't. Write to standards and let the users fall where they may. At least then I get the moral victory!
img { behavior: url(iepngfix.htc) }
And...yeah, time to go check my blood pressure.