I don't know. Individual contributors might find new jobs, but to run a similar operation as a whole takes a lot of capital. https://Pollster.com was killed off by HuffPo years ago and nothing took its place, likelihood that a powerful enough media actor reinvents 538 seems depressingly slight.
I do wonder if there's some plan / way to download and preserve the key data elements. Between https://Pollster.com and 538, that's a heck of a lot of useful data that good people spent a lot of time creating.
I dunno. When I was asked to join 538 I ultimately declined because I had to sign a contract saying the Mouse would get all my election-related data...including my academic research
I never took it to UF. I asked that the clause be struck. They wouldn't do it. They (effectively) said I would have to hire a lawyer to rewrite and negotiate and I don't have those resources. I'm guessing as a work for hire the 538 databases are Disney's property that they won't give up easily
Please remember that Mr Desantoso put some of his stupid people over @ Disney Headquarters because they suited him for interfering in their business, & because he so wanted to become president, & was after Mr King my ass's, ass he didn't get too far.
Isn't that the problem though? A lot of good people set loose but a lot of contracting traditional platforms which can't absorb them. The growth area is in independent broadcasting. And that favors the attention-speaking blowhard, rather than the proficient and productive professional.
The timing of this is just appalling. Now more than ever, Americans need clear, insightful reporting on elections, politics and polling that #538 provides. Data journalism is absolutely critical right now. #Disney apparently has other plans
I guess if Trump’s definition of greatness is eliminating the jobs of smart people everywhere while hiking prices on goods across the board, he is REALLY winning.
Hoping the massive corporate greed layoffs lead to more support for independent everything. Disney should have never owned a major political tracking site in the first place. How do we build honest media that consumers can sustainably support?
You're a reporter and that's how you worded that headline....did NBC kill 538 pl? So I guess they weren't killed but now there's 538 out of work but ready for a new assignment....wtf is wrong with you
Normally I'd assume that's the reason. But ABC's action takes on a different hue against the backdrop of Trump suing a pollster for publishing poll results, ABC paying $16 million to settle a dumb lawsuit by Trump over ABC's coverage, and major media ceasing publication of things that annoy Trump.
Sorry, personally, about the repercussions to good people, but being free of ABC news gives them a chance to make something useful. 2024 538 was useless compared to 2016 538. I do wish them all the best of luck finding new elections to forecast.
Trump, the Herbert Hoover of the new millennia.
I was in the 2008 one.
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