I actually think Starmer is doing a good job. I, too, HATE the second State visit thing, HATE it, but sadly, the USA is going to make a huge difference to world peace. We have to try to keep the States broadly on board with protection of Ukraine/Europe. This is buying time…
Yes it’s nauseating, yes being nice is necessary. A second expensive state visit unsurprising but revolting. Channeling my inner Les Mis, placards and voice ready.
A state visit is totally undeserved and will be absolute carnage, can you imagine, thousands protesting and effing neo-nazi saddo's will turn up looking for trouble, 'defending' that great orange arse-hat...Awful!!
Asking a manbaby that cant read to read a letter from the king was awkward. Trump would have hated that. I am not sure Starmer delivered that particular arse kiss very well
Do you think for one second that the EU is against what we’re doing? They’re coming to London on Sunday to discuss security. This is an attempt to give us more time to sort ourselves out. It has to be worth a try for the sake of Ukraine.
What is the red line then? How far can Trump go before we realise the "special relationship" is over?
As America turns inward toward isolationism it would be utter madness not to look closer to home, to become ever closer to Europe, diplomatically, politically but above all else, morally.
No, but what does this have to do with what I have said. Now we learn a trade deal is afoot, previous attempts have failed on Agri and access to the UK healthcare market, you think US and EU trade deals are inherently compatible? They aren't. There will come a time when a choice is required.
Also, they will know people will protest in huge numbers.
And they will know that Trump will see it.
And the will know that'll burst his little 'they love me there' bubble.
It's also necessary. Starmer tells Trump to fuck off, then what? Ukraine is left to its own devices, and the attack on us starts in earnest from the US troops already here, and we can't defend ourselves properly because of Tory defence cuts...
I understand the revulsion, but what do we do- refuse to engage, and let Trump wander further towards Russia putting Ukraine, Europe,UK at further risk, or make attempt to keep Trump sort of on track?
I know! Looked at Kier playing Trump doing the King thing on C4news and laughed, then the next story was the Tate brothers being released. Harsh. Horrible. If Europe stood together. Europe has gifted more money to Ukraine than US. Putin fears a united Europe more than anything else
I am all for a united Europe, truly. I would actually like us to be able to walk away from US altogether, but we are too entwined AND in last weeks have actually started to fear a US that is antagonistic towards us. We have to do what can to avoid that. Here’s to a close Europe though, for sure!!👌
Thinking Kier has done us a favour, we get the chance to shout our disapproval at the Dicktator in person. The baby balloon needs to come out of storage 😀
It's not nauseating, let's get the fascist prick on our turf and let him see massive crowds of people everywhere he goes, telling him exactly what a fascist prick he is!
And it's not just Ukraine - it's about the stability and security of the whole of Europe. We've relied on the US as a backstop since the 2nd world war.
It's like giving Hitler a State Visit. Protesters won't get anywhere near and they will all be on camera. The politics stinks, I'd rather Trump is called out than massage his ego.
Of course he has, but he has also gauged the public mood that U.K. does not want to see USA align further with Russia and threaten the destruction of Ukraine with the risks associated by increased animosity between U.K. and USA!
You can wave your flags and tell him he is a cunt but that means fuck all to him. Invite him, use him, get leverage on him like Putin. This is the way to beat him.
How is Putin encouraged by the UK trying to influence Trump?
Surely Putin is more encouraged by Trump allying the US with Russia and cold-shouldering the UK and EU?
Because all this will achieve is UK endorsement of Krasnov’s exploitation of Ukraine. Krasnov is not going to hive Ukraine any help whatsoever. The conclusion Putin will draw is ghat he can do whatever he likes with impunity
So sitting back and not trying to influence Trump is better?
Not seeking to attempt to defend Ukraine’s interests in these “negotiations” would yield better results?
I just don’t see your point at all. You don’t see mine either. Let’s just leave it there.
It's proof that we've drastically depleted our weapons stocks in recent years, not only by giving them (quite rightly) to Ukraine, but because of Tory cuts.
Yeah, it's the smart play as long as we are working to build a stronger Europe in the interveing time, building to when we can pull the plug on his shitty deals.
Nauseating doesn't come into it. He is literally shitting on every western ally, he is aligning himself and the US with Putin, he is acting like a Mafia boss to Ukraine.
And Charlie invites him over for Earl Grey and cucumber sandwiches.
Fuck Trump & Fuck Charles for legitimising him!
Charles isn’t legitimising him. He will be trying to educate him and steer him away from the Putin regime. Sadly, Trump is on powerful position. We have to engage with him.Bet King is not to thrilled either!!!
I'm no monarchist, but to be fair to him, Charles probably doesn't have much of a say in the matter and I'm pretty sure he's no fan of the tangerine Mussolini. If the UK Govt decides to arrange a state visit, it's the monarch's job to play host, despite any personal misgivings.
I agree it's far more serious this time, but I'm also pretty sure this will get more media attention than placards and I believe this type of derision hurts him more.
The more balloons the better, but tRump is the one who's officially visiting. A balloon of baby tRump with the Hitler mustache and Nazi cap could also be an option.
Charles can pull a sickie, William can go on another holiday. All the others can have prior engagements, so that leaves Andrew Windsor. Shouldn't be an issue they have lots in common. Or fob him off until Mother Nature takes action.
Where’s the Go Fund for a larger blimp! That he will be able to see from the sky. He flew around in a helicopter because he didn’t want to see everyone who protested his visit via roads! Now we should be louder and larger so he cannot be ignorant of it #fucktrump
As America turns inward toward isolationism it would be utter madness not to look closer to home, to become ever closer to Europe, diplomatically, politically but above all else, morally.
You think they talked about football?
And they will know that Trump will see it.
And the will know that'll burst his little 'they love me there' bubble.
It's also necessary. Starmer tells Trump to fuck off, then what? Ukraine is left to its own devices, and the attack on us starts in earnest from the US troops already here, and we can't defend ourselves properly because of Tory defence cuts...
Flew in today
They'd send a limousine anyway
But yes protest and make the Manbaby uncomfortable.
Has Starmer not gauged the public mood at all?!!
No, you don't appease fascists.
But you can exploit their weaknesses.
Unless the mineral rights are for the exact pieces of land Russia wants.
It will just encourage Putin
How is Putin encouraged by the UK trying to influence Trump?
Surely Putin is more encouraged by Trump allying the US with Russia and cold-shouldering the UK and EU?
Not seeking to attempt to defend Ukraine’s interests in these “negotiations” would yield better results?
I just don’t see your point at all. You don’t see mine either. Let’s just leave it there.
Proof there is no nobility, morality, or ethics in this much lauded capitalist system.
We should be breaking links with USA and withdrawing from 5 Eyes etc
We need time. We now have it.
Or so they think 😂
And Charlie invites him over for Earl Grey and cucumber sandwiches.
Fuck Trump & Fuck Charles for legitimising him!
No different from when the queen met with Amin, Ceaucescu, etc
However, it’s possibly the only thing we have that the Orange One wants to be a part of.
It massages the fragile ego and means the RF finally have a purpose.
We all want to tell Trump to fuck off, but leaders don't have that luxury.
The strategy will have been agreed in advance between European leaders.
As the US is now an unreliable ally it may pay us to remain friendly but not in its pockets.