The church teaches us to do what Christ does, to serve. To serve mankind, or now we'd say to serve humankind. We are called upon to aid the church in its goals but as humans, inside and outside of the church, we serve mankind as Christ taught us. Also, church is not only or solely about reformation.
Is it not absolutely funny 2000 years ago 12 men's known as disciples of Jesus were told, "render unto caesar what is caesar and render unto God what is God" the wealthiest evangelical appear no issue paying God tithe, yet not government tax, yet those with the least pays the most, ironic isn't it?
It's only logical and obvious that most treasonous offenses would likely involve some bribing of public officials. Like, "Hey, you give me the goods on this or that classified info, and we'll give you 2 million bucks. Deal?". Yikes, our Prez/ DOJ just made treason legal!!! What's he got planned?
I read about a Golden Calf somewhere, decades ago when I was forced to read the bible.
Followed, as I recall, by a lot of smiting and "angry god" moments
Don't doubt it.
It (NARS), & Israelism ( Zionism),is a pseudo religious, totalitarian, evangelical movement seeking world 'domination'- spiritual & temporal, via its ever expanding network of apostles, & their recruitment. And no, this is not a conspiracy theory, it is all too real.
You have to school all the people who are telling you you're "sinners."You have to school the people who claim to know the most about faith and WWJD. It's pathetic. They are the first to stampede to what they would call a false prophet. 😡🙄 And they worship there. It's stunning.
It’s not stunning at all. Make people believe absurdities and they will commit atrocities. They’ve been doing it for 1500 years. Now we are supposed to be surprised?
MEGA churches need to pay taxes instead of lining the pockets of their leaders and the wealthy, just as any wealthy should pay taxes. Small churches are struggling to pay heating bills and still give to causes that help others. Those small, sincere churches are the reason for no taxation.
PREACH! Sadly, most churches are not hearing THIS message. I never dreamed the church as a whole would EVER support a demagogue like this. I can no longer attend any church around me as they seem to be filled with maga . The damage that has been done to the Christian faith may be irreparable. 🙄😥
It IS some kind of a miracle though:
1) 💩tin succeeds in enlarging NATO,
2) $trumpf succeeds in uniting Europe and enlarge their defense-economy,
3) maga (evangelicals) succeeds in making people leave church.
Not even mentioning the growing #boycots
Some kind of unknown superpower working here?
I quit going due to COVID. Because a cancer battle left me immuno-compromised, I just never returned. I have no idea if my church became political like others, but they DO clearly support LGBTQ so that leaves me thinking they didn't fall down the Trump hole.
Everyone needs faith in something even if it’s just that things can be better than they are. No one needs organized religion to have faith. Religion is always about creating an us versus them mentality even when it’s being used to help the disadvantaged.
A course in uni called universal morality, was taught by a Jesuit Engineer. I found myself disagreeing with most of his arguments but I agree with this. Empathy for people who are not you/ me is the only way to approach morality. To be cliche, you can’t know a person without walking in their shoes.
My own clarification via additional adjectives - it's a pyramid scheme cult. The goal of amoral profit via psychological tricks taking is important to note.
Thomas Paine, a key figure in the American Revolution, advocated for a secular state and believed that government should not be involved in religious matters, a principle reflected in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
they've all evolved in nothing but political movements seeking power and to forces their ways on other people who want nothing to do with them, it's obviously no longer about the teachings of "jesus" or was it ever? did jesus say to burn women?
Nonprofits (including churches) are strictly forbidden from engaging in political actions. If you know of a church telling people how to vote, report it to the IRS. Form 13909 is used to submit a complaint about tax-exempt organizations, and you can do it online or by letter.
It's similar here in the Midwest, yet another reason I spend half my time in France. At least in Europe one can have a sensible conversation about sex, politics, and religion!
Wow, unheard of here. My son passed away from cancer in 2020, but he and I used to argue politics and religion for hours and then hug smile and say, "I love you." 😁 It was actually fun.
I assume they don't get reported because those parishioners mostly support their improper patriotic POV and others just don't realize they could report it.
Yup, and that is why I publicize how and why those listening SHOULD report any churches taking a political stance to the IRS for contravening nonprofit regulations. Separation of church and state, you know.
This is why I refer to myself as a Christ follower, instead of a Christian. The differences between the two are becoming more and more stark by the day.
Conservative Christianity is the enemy of a free people and incompatible with our constitution. Conservative Christians are the enemy trying to destroy our country and I am just waiting for people to treat them like it.
That is between you and your fellow Christians. Because they claim they are the true Christian and yall are the fake. It is only comforting to other Christians to deny them. Many are cultists but they still claim the title Christian.
The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk.
Idolatry from start to finish. Ignoring that they follow (--?--) the One who turned down “all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor,” rejecting the offer to “bow down and worship” the Adversary. They have become blinded by their pride and their voracious will to power.
YES! All of this!!!! None of what is happening has anything to do with Jesus or true Christianity. True Christians are speaking out against it and the cruelty this administration and its supporters revel in.
Thank you! Christians are getting bashed. There are bad actors in most religions. But it’s hypocritical to condemn the MAGAtts for marginalizing so many groups and then in the same breath condemn all Christians. We all aren’t bad!
Day in and day out. MAGA attacks it by usurping the word for suckering fools and weak minds but some on the left, with minimal understanding of what Christianity really is, label it bad when at its root it is good, and they bash as badly as any MAGA bashes anyone.
I am sorry. It's difficult. I am currently a member of what some still consider a fringe religion and I'm accustomed to hearing accusations of Satanism by those using Christianity as a cloak for hatred. I'm a firm believer in the 1st amendment rights of freedom of religion. We will get beyond this.
Exactly. And honestly, the rank and file maga voters have had their beliefs manipulated by bad actors, imo. I'm not Christian now, but I grew up Catholic and still feel the most of the new testament message and values align with my personal values.
And those devout Christians keep getting caught for child sex crimes. The most high profile recently was Trump's Spiritual advisor !
'Hypocrisy' isn't strong enough.
I don't know a word that is.
💯%In my neighborhood all the trump flag were taken down after the FOTUS pardon ALL J6! Now, I've not seen one flag in my South OC neighborhood but I don't get out much😂But my new neighbor took down his trump flag & hung it in his garage. So I hung up 3 of my protest sign on the inside of my windows.
What you are missing is that most of the things they are doing have been forced by CIA and Pentagon on so many countries around the world with your blessings.
Your problem is that they are now doing it at home and YOU are their target.
Don't they understand ...
Christianity started in the Middle East, that Jesus himself was a carpenter who lived in and ministered in probably what is now where the people Palestine live. Plus, Christians live in the whole world, so draping the American flag over the cross is sacrilegious.
"All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit." The Age of Reason Thomas Paine (1794)
“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing children for the sin of the parents....
Exodus 20:4
They are the money changers at the temple
It was the only time Jesus lost his calm
Jesus is just a brand they use to sucker people in
If you look at their favorite quotes they are all from the Old Testament
Jesus was out to bring compassion and love to replace vengeance and cruelty
The moneychangers were there to facilitate tithing commanded by Deuteronomy 14:22-26. Jesus also lost his calm at a tree that wouldn't bear fruit out of season & he said "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother"
By the way... #Christianity is under attack, it's being destroyed by #MAGAFascist #Nazi #cult members!
If #JesusChrist came back today, as he was, #MAGA & #Trump would have him frog marched into that awful #ElSalvador #concentration camp!
People who really are Christians or considering...
becoming one, can now see how fake #MAGA faith is! They literally worship #Trump & #ElonMusk! They just completely disregard most of what Jesus preached & what the Bible says!
Churches in general are run by a bunch of hypocrites, taking money from parishioners, idolizing priests while expecting nuns to take a vow of poverty, hoarding money at the vatican for example. Not a fan here.
Just to clarify, Christianity has been used as a weapon of conquest since it was declared the official religion of ancient Rome more than 1,500 years ago.
There's nothing more galling than that heretic arsewipe Mike Johnson kneeling down in prayer with his band of merry brothers in crime while the country is going to hell in a hand basket. 😤
Not all people who believe in the teachings of Jesus are evil. I consider myself a Christian but not by the standards of the church. I used to tell people in my church to LOVE THEM ALL AND LET GOD SORT IT OUT. It's not their job to judge.
It's people who abuse religious contents, it's the people who act evilish&diabolic 👿. Every person can decide in every new moment, to be empathic&helpful. To act kindly. To support peace&nonviolence. People are responsible for their acts.
Thus why "organized religion" being the problem and not spirituality per say. Having spiritual beliefs and practices is ok, but all organized religion is interested in *controlling* the masses which ironically means breaking them up emotionally/spiritually.
yup, and no religion is needed for any of that. the golden rule, don't be a dick, help others if you can, right and wrong... these things are not exclusive to religious, but are universal among Intelligent Civilized Beings. religions are just cults for taking advantage of stupid people.
With or without religion, good people can behave well, and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.
-Steven Weinberg
With or without religion, good people can behave well, and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.
~Steven Weinberg~
As a famous #dead author I can confirm that #satan leads all major religions these days. Every single one. I also know that he’s very proud of that accomplishment.
Christian CEO, Joyce Meyer billionaires, Christian yacht club, Christian hedge funds, bringing live venomous snakes into a crowd, networking misanthropic sermons, ritual times and places, ritual punishments, convincing billions of alcoholics that a man had wine for blood, sacrifices of HUMANS. PAGAN
Actually, Matthew and John were disciples who knew Jesus personally. Paul was around but never met him personally. The New Testiment was fully canonized about 300 years after his death. The Old Testiment was written centuries before.
I have no evidence to back this up, but it does seem like the least religious countries tend to have the best outcomes for education, upward mobility, and healthcare. France and the UK come to mind. Maybe Canada.
They have completely betrayed and bastardized the belief systems of their congregations. It could take generations to fix that sh*t. It's difficult to determine wrong from right when your baseline was intentionally manipulated for political gain.
See, the thing is, this is not the Church's first rodeo. Organized religion never served the poor and the needy. It was always a political entity that wanted political power. Organized religion is a faith based MLM, nothing more
Well said! They are all heathens. They are supporting the man and not our constitution. All are ignoring their oath of office. Harriet Tubman is a American hero. Trump is a whiny sissy. trump and his supporters are not religious people. He is not ushering in a golden age for us. Just them.
Followed, as I recall, by a lot of smiting and "angry god" moments
Can’t wait for ‘s book The Separation Of Church & Hate!
Don't doubt it.
It (NARS), & Israelism ( Zionism),is a pseudo religious, totalitarian, evangelical movement seeking world 'domination'- spiritual & temporal, via its ever expanding network of apostles, & their recruitment. And no, this is not a conspiracy theory, it is all too real.
1) 💩tin succeeds in enlarging NATO,
2) $trumpf succeeds in uniting Europe and enlarge their defense-economy,
3) maga (evangelicals) succeeds in making people leave church.
Not even mentioning the growing #boycots
Some kind of unknown superpower working here?
Exodus 20:3: “You shall have no other gods before Me.”
If Christians like these worship Trump, they aren't real Christians.
Religion is believed true by the common people, false by the wise, and useful by the leaders. ~Seneca~
Get the word out to everyone!
Share it on TikTok!!
We need more pushback!
Signups @ and for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk.
Trump is the literal Antichrist.
Shouldn't Evangelicals be on the lookout for this guy?
'Hypocrisy' isn't strong enough.
I don't know a word that is.
got His
as a Bee
making oodles of
Money for the damn GOP
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Freedom From Religion Foundation
American Civil Liberties Union
Please consider joining and/or donating.
Your problem is that they are now doing it at home and YOU are their target.
Liberal Christians care more about their beliefset not looking bad than they do actual living people.
You shall have no other gods before me.
As u say: just 2 clarify...this means u worship 1 God. *
U don't worship idols or other humans or in this case I'd like to use a word besides 'human'.
*I always thought this exempts persons who choose not to believe in God.
Christianity started in the Middle East, that Jesus himself was a carpenter who lived in and ministered in probably what is now where the people Palestine live. Plus, Christians live in the whole world, so draping the American flag over the cross is sacrilegious.
christian in name only
**No a or and 🤦♂️
Exodus 20:4
It was the only time Jesus lost his calm
Jesus is just a brand they use to sucker people in
If you look at their favorite quotes they are all from the Old Testament
Jesus was out to bring compassion and love to replace vengeance and cruelty
If #JesusChrist came back today, as he was, #MAGA & #Trump would have him frog marched into that awful #ElSalvador #concentration camp!
People who really are Christians or considering...
And an actual Conservative
You are correct
-Steven Weinberg
~Steven Weinberg~
Fucking frightening when I 'meet' people like that.
Organized religion is detrimental to a functioning, fair and prosperous society.
Just to clarify, ALL religions are cults.
Some are just older, more wide-spread, and more socially acceptable than others.
Praise Jah!!!