If you're not a US citizen, I would highly recommend that you don’t come here right now…
Don’t visit.
Cancel your travel plans entirely/immediately!
Don't spend your money here, as this country doesn't deserve your good company, or your money.
It’s. Time. To. Teach. Them. A. Lesson. 😎✨
Don’t visit.
Cancel your travel plans entirely/immediately!
Don't spend your money here, as this country doesn't deserve your good company, or your money.
It’s. Time. To. Teach. Them. A. Lesson. 😎✨
They plan to go to Disney Land in Japan in stead
This is not how my country treats people…
FDT… 8647 now
Didn't even need a passport.
America was our friend in those days, but sadly those days are gone.
Like most Canadians right now, you couldn't pay me to go to the States.
So sad but hey, there are plenty of beautiful beaches around. The Caribbean is pristine.
Take care of yourself.
And Europe will never trust America to the extend we did.
We will not buy US military equipment ever again.... we have seen what the US voter is capable of - gambling with European freedom and European lives.... never again.
Steer clear of America.
Boycott travel, food and any product from the USA.
Spend on your country's local products and change your buying habits like dropping Amazon.
If you don't buy USA product, you pay 0 tariffs.
Brazil has very friendly people. Lots of good food, beaches, diversity. Second largest Japanese population outside of Japan.
Canada is great. Mountains, Plains, Oceans, friendly people.
How did you let this happen to yourselves?
Keep up the good fight.
Not anymore.
Merci beaucoup
les coudes levés
Stay safe - stay away - ultimate warning!
Taxi drivers are already complaining about the complete downturn in business at international airports - They are saying they need to get other work.
Trump is dismantling all the gov agencies that let us know about the downturn in jobs economy
Now, it’s because I don't want to risk the chance of being detained by ICE and get disappeared to a slave prison in El Salvador.
I wouldn’t go anywhere near the US now and possibly never.
Our Countries have official shithole notifications out.
U.S. Citizens when you travel carry a burner phone all phones may legally be searched. (The cloud is exempt.) Any info on you phone can be turned bad.
Your tourism industry is going to suffer consequences of electing the🍊🤡and his dangerous incompetent government
I’d suggest you come here to the UK but we’re not kind to Asylum Seekers (even the white ones) and we’re showing signs of modelling ourselves on the US so 🤷♀️
France are about to release one and the rest of the EU (maybe not Hungary) will no doubt follow shortly.
We have had many enjoyable holidays in the U.S. we also have family there. Sadly,we will never return. Even sadder, we will possibly never see our family members again. Unfortunately, b/c of America's shit wages, they'll never be able to afford to leave or visit Australia again.😡😪
I have decided to leave & go back to England before he starts rounding up European hostages just like Putin does.
"the U.S. is beginning to take on the contours of a nation without a clear future. “It’s the same as other countries, People don’t trust the government"
They spent an hour being grilled by immigration in a tiny room.
Later in the holiday a Trump fan approached my friend and I and said to not worry if the 1/3
His street lol what an evil CUNT to say such evil things.
So no thanks no 'Murica for me during Trumps reich. 3/3
The guys that asked us for a cigarette were so fucking kind and he had the vile cheek to call them what he did and say that shit about my family.
If this is free speech fuck your freeze peach 'Murica
Plus my wife's always said if situations like that arrise don't act violent (self defense aside) and I have to respect her wishes
Would I be detained at the airport? Disappeared? I dunno but I'm not taking the chance.
world. Now I'll go to Mexico and Canada games instead.
Their name will forever be cursed by both our nations forever as a national tradition.
Let's wish for a swift end to the madness engulfing America, within.
Safety is better than any economy.
Although I'm a Pirate and might just make it through ;)
Damn right.
🇨🇦 🍁 👎 🏝
America is literally run and owned by Nazis--stay away.
And Their Traitorous Leaders
But enough that are MAGA’
We're already thinking it hun.
It's not you.
It's him.
Coup d'etate complete.
Think Mafia!
🍁🛶❤️💙💚🌻 (still love New York)
How much?
Keep trying little guy, you'll get there.
I don't and never had any desire to visit so, I'm good.
Better to stay and ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING
They were all stunned and shocked, they have absolutely no clue what is happening in the US right now.
Florida is a hard pass. Nothing to see in Texas.