this was just repackaged “dating short women is pedophilia” discourse and Kim Kardashian is solely responsible for setting feminism back with shape wear
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People have bad media literacy skills.
I mean people managed to watch The Wall & Fritz the Cat and come out thinking that the nazis were good/aspirational.
come on, it’s not like there’s a whole scene near the end where dolores looks directly into the camera and explains the many ways she was harmed and how those harms reverberated through the rest of her short life
I saw this a lot with bella delphine's first turn into OF. like if it's two consenting adults and she's got a babyface what precisely is the problem? who is harmed
Way for them to tell a literal adult human being that the only people who would find them attractive are the most deviant predators alive. I'm sure that'll do wonders for self image.
the way they talk about it reminds me of the way fandom bullies scold each other, where it's not something you created, it's "content that glorifies X", but like, about *photography* and *video* and *acting*
I knew a woman who couldn't get braces until her mid twenties and people were horrendously infantilizing of her and said awful things about her boyfriend telling her that her glow in the dark braces were cute.
Word. It's social violence seeking to remove the agency of women under a pretense of "won't someone think of the children" when the children in question are entire adults. Took me a while to work that out, but it's all "that woman doesn't have the right to choose who she wants to fuck" in the end.
No kidding, you have to be brave as fuck to get them! And the whole situation just made me think how fucking ready everyone was to get mad at these two adults over nothing.
I've seen stuff since then where people online get mad at sex workers with braces too. They're adults with medical aids!!
It's one of the most stupid ideas I have ever heard in my life... How incredibly dumb the person who came up with this idea had to be... Glorious fighter for children's safety 🫤
like 60% of australian politics is incomprehensible nanny state bullshit that no one likes like this, look up the social media ban for under 16s that just passed
My "favorite" thing about people who genuinely believe this is that they don't believe it.
Skinny women? Short women? Women who have freckles? Women with pig tails? All child coded.
But if one of those women gets married in a hetero relationship? Immediately it's "no it's different!!"
Revisiting this whole thing annoys me especially because I’m Asian. Lots of us are short and look youthful even well into our 30s. It doesn’t make us self-victimizing or pedophiles for being short or looking young or being attracted to age-appropriate people who are short or look young
My cousin had to deal with this for years. She's 4'6" and slender. Her boyfriends got assaulted and berated publicly. It cost her every relationship until her mid 30s.
I don't know if I agree with that post, but doesn't it mention a magazine shoot where Sabrina made 1:1 recreations of shots from the Lolita movie? And another shoot where she's in lingerie in a highschool-like bedroom? I believe it says the problem is feeding into stuff, not her being short
The high school bedroom was definitely the weak part of the original post we're discussing, I believe it was her imitating studying in a room that reminded the writer of a childhood bedroom. I don't really agree with that, its definitely a far step away from what they were implying imo
so she shouldn't do anything to play into her sexual identity even though she's a grown ass because it might be misconstrued by people who don't care about her agency anyway?
I didn't say that and I certainly didn't mean to imply it. My problem is she didn't have to do that using Lolita, and if she was trying to say something about people with that shoot, she never mentioned it. Is it really that crazy to you to think doing a Lolita photoshoot is a bad choice? For anyone
i think the whole point is she *isnt* a disney actress anymore so she should be allowed to just be a young woman with a sexuality instead of being infantilized as she’s getting closer to her 30s. to me that’s much like lolita needing to experiment with her peers not a creep imbibing her with fantasy
That's fair. You could be completely right, and that's what her intentions were with that shoot, but she never said that, and I think that's a big mistake. It's a story from the perspective of a pedophile, you are put behind the lens of him so you see how delusional he is 1/2
I read that because it seemed ridiculous, and afterward my only issue with Sabrina was the Lolita movie thing. People are also making a lot of assumptions about that post that I certainly don't remember being true
Quick question: what do you think the point of the book/movie Lolita is? Because if you, a grown adult, are finding yourself sexualizing someone laying in a sprinkler, you... are literally Humbert Humbert and missed the idea of that scene BIG time.
GIRL of course I know what the point of Lolita is, but people definitely misconstrue it, moreso with the movie. My question is why would I, a grown woman, wanna recreate it in a photoshoot, especially if its to sell something? Why would I want to put myself in the position of the victimized child?
"People misconstrue it" yeah you're the people misconstruing it. The point is to let people do fun childish things without sexualizing them. You might wanna reread the book and see if you can glean that lesson this time around.
You can do a million fun childish things without referencing Lolita. I find that to be a weird choice is all. Acknowledging that a lot of weird people will be weird about that? I don't think that's as crazy as you're making it out. You can be unbothered, I just don't think the article is batshit
It's actually the people being weird about it who are wrong, not the person just trying to have fun. That's actually the point of the book, hope that helps!
If I've been attracted to as many women my height or taller as I have women a foot or more shorter than me, does it cancel it out, or do I still have to introduce myself to the neighbors and tell them I like Sabrina Carpenter?
I mean people managed to watch The Wall & Fritz the Cat and come out thinking that the nazis were good/aspirational.
I've seen stuff since then where people online get mad at sex workers with braces too. They're adults with medical aids!!
"sabrina carpenter sucks, her music is mid" and move on
Skinny women? Short women? Women who have freckles? Women with pig tails? All child coded.
But if one of those women gets married in a hetero relationship? Immediately it's "no it's different!!"
you’re telling on yourself if you date anyone with more than a 5cm differential, i fear!
even if content is roleplay kinks as long as all parties are consensual adults then it shouldn't be labeled as pedo by anyone.
policing sexuality is such weird fasc shit.
Adults indulging in fantasy knowing full well it’s a fantasy can b weird, but there’s a LOT about the species that is weird.
Did you know people don’t give their kids life saving medical care because they think magic space daddy will fix it and send them to hell if they do?
Maybe this woman just wants to relive the rush you got back during her sexual awakening and that happened in HS/around that age?