On average, child care costs $1,031 a year more than public college tuition.
Let that sink in for a minute!
Let that sink in for a minute!
And there is no way Trump and friends can empathize with that.
Why—Bc. Education Is Economic Booster For Future Of Country, Lowers Crime Rates, Dependence On Government Social Programs To Live. Potentially Advancing Whole Country’s Best Interests And Prosperity With Its Citizens Achievements/Knowledge.
Says a billionaire and sexual abuser
Nearly all Canadian families with children under 6 qualify for the $10 a day daycare program.
It was the beginning of the end of the Am dream, he broke unions, slashed social programs, established the lie of trickle down for his buds and put us on a path for massive debt
No way child care costs that much.
1. Full-time college is for ~15 class hours a week. Day care while parents work is 2x to 3x that
2. Small kids need much higher teacher-student ratios than college students. No 200-person gen ed classes for tots.
3. Public college tuition is subsidized.
I hope the pain of the expense of child care burns a hole through the budgets of Republicans nation-wide. Never let them forget what they could have had with a Democratic president & congress.
Don't look to Rs or Trump for answers.
We could've fixed this, but MAGA wanted a nonstop championship wrestling spectacle.
Even though they are hurt the most by the cost of childcare.
“Child care is Child care…”
He don’t care!!
Honestly I don’t know what tuition runs these days, so I can’t speak to how much more child care is.
It’s completely a double edge sword, we paid more for better care. Were we really broke? Yea.
For the record I think in home providers don’t get paid enough, or should be be subsidized.
Where the heck is that happening?!
My daughter’s kids and yours must go to the same daycare!
They pay >$3000/month.
"There are PLENTY of jobs"
"It's cheaper to NOT work if you are a single mother"