Carney sounds so realistic and professional. It's so unusual for a lead politician to sound this way.
His statements make so much sense—no trace of slogans.
I learned the hard way that federal barriers can be removed, but provs still act like goofballs w their own barriers. #wine
I live in AB, the land of perpetually pissed off Smith. Those who think she'll play nice w anyone except Republican USA is naive.
She'll be 1st to capitulate as 51st state😬
That was to protect industries within the provinces, not much different than a country does to foreign businesses to protect their own.
There should be some sort of agreements to not gut each others livelihoods while making it easier to deal interprovincially.
Alberta’s Smith just stabbed Eby in the back AGAIN.
She can’t keep her hands off BC $1B wine industry. After BC & Alberta settled their differences in January, she turned around in her April 1st budget with a 15% premium wine “tax” on BC wines.
Traitors Moe & Smith aren’t cooperating with the feds.
They protect Trump for their own conservative power.
Moe didn’t want his potash, oil or uranium used in trade war. Even sabotaged 🇨🇦 by shipping as much potash south as he could, so it wouldn’t cause US food prices to go up & hurt Trump.
That is the reason we need to use Potash as a tool to make The Felon DonOld Trump STOP THIS Dumb Tariff. Add a 25% tariff to Potash & threaten to double down on it if DonOld T continues. DJT word, signature, & agreement’s ARE NOT Worth the PAPER it’s written on. He has on reneged the existing Treaty
Then we put an export tax on it. If DJT wants to start doing business with Russia then the Real Truth will come out. Trump is in bed with Putin. I doubt that the American people will be happy about that. Making threats to their neighbours while cuddling up to a communist dictator will be a hard sell
How quickly Moe forgets that Saskatchewan was a have-not province for most of Canadian history, receiving equalization payments to survive. Now he thinks they’re above everyone. Narrow-minded Conservative.
PM Trudeau and PM Carney have both worked on trade agreements with Europe.
Moe had sold Sask Oil to China thru a side deal with Brazil or Venezuela....I can't remember which one but it ended up with China owning Sask Oil near Weyburn.
Hey man don’t attack Alberta, we seen how that works down south!
No more divisiveness!
Country over party!
Encourage them to vote Nenshi for premier, he was a great mayor and he is a uniter not a divider!
He is the future of Alberta.
Without provincial government agreement, how much of an impact Will the removal of federal trade barriers have?
Don’t get me wrong, this seems like a great start but I’m not sure how much of an effect it will have.
Premiers are typically amateur economists, but I believe they will understand the economic facts if they are explained clearly and in simple terms to them. I get the feeling that Carney would be able to do that.
Best thing happening to Canada is Mark Carney and his centrist approach!
Canada will be stronger!
Let's not fall for the Trump trap by having a Mini-Trump like Poilièvre elected!
Make sure you go to the polls and vote!
It’s about time we trade amongst ourselves in Canada. We need to lessen our need to sell our products to the USA. The Felon DonOld Trump claims that he doesn’t need anything from us. We need to do to do similar to the USA. The way USA is treating the world is criminal. STOP buying goods made in USA
I am absolutely not okay with them. When I first heard about those I thought it was utterly bonkers. How can a country not facilitate free trade within its borders? It's totally absurd.
I get the feeling that Carney will find a way to overcome them.
Premiers will find it difficult to ignore the economic facts when they are explained to them clearly.
This is making Canada stronger. More united. The threat of right wing extreme is on your doorstep and you will not allow it entry. ✊🏼 So proud for Canada. 🇨🇦❤️
Thus is absolutely fantastic. A lofty and doable goal, esp w the indomitable leading some of these inter-provincial projects through authentic community engagement.
I’m curious, what type of barriers are in place now? On which products? Are their examples? I didn’t know of this. Except maybe O&G but even that I don’t know.
Yeah, about that. These barriers are more complicated and embedded that you let on here. It's going to take a lot more work than you seem to acknowledge here. But I think you know this. So don't promise things you can't achieve.
I did watch the conference, thanks to your link. I still don't think this is convincing as you think it is. But, don't waste your time on me. Our PM i smart and superior to the alternatives. But, let's not lose our critical judgment in all of this upheaval.
As i just mentioned to Cheryl, I'm not clear on exactly what change(s) will green light private investment so I'll have to watch that part again. That's quite a lot of ground covered.
It's refreshing to see so much info packed into a 33 minute presser an Q&As, but I still need time to unpack it.
He said they're going to table legislation by Canada Day. It's a pretty low bar you're setting to claim that's not achievable. As is standard with all legislation, the mechanics will be teased out as part of the development of subsequent regulations, once the legislation is enacted.
It's needed and you have my vote ! Let's get this going. You're the only one without the lame slogans about Canada First, or other Maple MAGA bull....Canadians see through them now. When they lie about you or put up fake memes, get your people on it IMMEDIATELY. Refute, rebut and respond!
My husband said early on that this would be one of the best ways to fight back against Rump and his tariffs. Let Canada trade freely among the provinces without all the red tape. As PM Carney said it makes more sense to have one unified economy rather than 13 separate ones.
removing interprovincial trade barriers will also help unify Canadians right across the country, but it's ultimately up to the provinces to cooperate, since the federal government has limited power to unilaterally force provinces to eliminate trade barriers.
and while we're at it, let's also nationalize healthcare right across the country, instead of federal money to the provinces & territories to squander & misappropriate, as has been done for decades. same goes for housing, a provincial responsibility that was totally mismanaged by every province.
Yes. That is true. BC has already talked about removing most of our trade barriers. I also heard that Nova Scotia will agree to quid pro quo with a province that will do the same. It is starting. Dropping the Federal red tape is a good start.
His statements make so much sense—no trace of slogans.
This is what the US government is doing to people:
I live in AB, the land of perpetually pissed off Smith. Those who think she'll play nice w anyone except Republican USA is naive.
She'll be 1st to capitulate as 51st state😬
I guess that's why he's trying to attract the Incels??
They can go their own way and keep on going!
There should be some sort of agreements to not gut each others livelihoods while making it easier to deal interprovincially.
She can’t keep her hands off BC $1B wine industry. After BC & Alberta settled their differences in January, she turned around in her April 1st budget with a 15% premium wine “tax” on BC wines.
She is another deplorable Harper/Trump grifter.
They protect Trump for their own conservative power.
Moe didn’t want his potash, oil or uranium used in trade war. Even sabotaged 🇨🇦 by shipping as much potash south as he could, so it wouldn’t cause US food prices to go up & hurt Trump.
Moe is loyal to Harper IDU political parties: Trump republicans.
If he cut potash shipments (🇺🇸 85% from 🇨🇦) for farmers spring planting, US agriculture prices would rise.
Of course traitor Harper wouldn’t hurt Trump.
That’s why Ford said to cut potash supply off to US (for spring planting).
But Trump, Harper, Smith and Moe had other plans, like starting extra shipments in 2024.
Harper can’t harm Trump with higher food costs.
Trump had Russian potash for backup.
That's what she'll whine about.
I hope that the feds sell the O&G and not her. Alberta just digs it up and moves it on. Please tell me this is correct.
I do NOT want that POS Smith to sell Canada's O&G to the Orange POS. That is just WRONG!!
Moe had sold Sask Oil to China thru a side deal with Brazil or Venezuela....I can't remember which one but it ended up with China owning Sask Oil near Weyburn.
He also sold out to sanctioned Russian oligarchs.
No more divisiveness!
Country over party!
Encourage them to vote Nenshi for premier, he was a great mayor and he is a uniter not a divider!
He is the future of Alberta.
Don’t get me wrong, this seems like a great start but I’m not sure how much of an effect it will have.
Canada will be stronger!
Let's not fall for the Trump trap by having a Mini-Trump like Poilièvre elected!
Make sure you go to the polls and vote!
then all of this will have been worth it...
Canada is a Realm of King Charles III as are Australia, New Zealand & The United Kingdom.
Premiers will find it difficult to ignore the economic facts when they are explained to them clearly.
Ok this didn't land lol
I was slow on that one.
One cannot be “blue and black” at the same time.
The solutions and explanations the PM proposed are a lot more involved than these little excerpt clip teasers and sound bites.
The link is embedded here in this post:
It's refreshing to see so much info packed into a 33 minute presser an Q&As, but I still need time to unpack it.
#ElbowsUp #RESIGNSMITH #NeverUCP #NeverSmith #DanielleSmithlsUnfitToLead #Ableg #Abpoli #Cdnpoli #ABResistance #UCPfail