@n1ghtmarica.bsky.social has phenomenal information regarding whom to contact with election grievances & details steps they have taken.
Includes letters you can sign/send to request recounts/investigation into the election results. PLEASE SHARE. Do everything you can- while you can
Thank you for writing this. I didn't expect the somewhat optimistic ending. I'm not convinced we'll get there any time soon but agree we need to keep pushing back.
Yes, thank you for this (and the essay too of course). This duality, this presence of constant tension is what I keep coming back to about the history of this nation. The drive for public education and the war against it... The drive for science based policy and the hatred of the "eggheads"...
The full-on racisms of all kinds and clear-eyed focus on human and civil rights... The welcoming of peoples from all over the world much more persistently than almost anywhere else in the world and the almost periodic anti-immigrant movements that arise seemingly in response ... Thank you again.
The “we” who cared about these issues are pretty socially divorced at a friendship and community level from the “we” who voted in Trump. The social links we have in common are controlled by conservative-bias.
Is there a way to bridge that gap that is as pervasive as Fox News & Friends?
I’m will read this later (cooking) but I think in the end it didn’t matter what we did. We were never going to beat the perception that inflation was caused by democrats and when you see a pic of the D. Congressfolk it’s just too damn chocolatey.
He's been melting down for months. He's barely been seen in public for days. We keep seeing these Weekend at Bernie's photo ops with his enablers/puppeteers/minions.
He might not even make it to January.
Anyway the constitution disqualifies him from office. Either it's enforced or it's over.
That’s one of the (many) things that PO’s me. Along with people now saying, “We have to fight even harder!” No; we have to figure out why the overall strategy was a disaster, and fix that.
"We will not be able to rely on voting to push them out. There can be no assumption of a well-informed public, a truth-seeking fourth estate, or a capable elected resistance. For all we have given to electoral politics, we are at its limits. The myths of American exceptionalism will not protect us."
Includes letters you can sign/send to request recounts/investigation into the election results. PLEASE SHARE. Do everything you can- while you can
Is there a way to bridge that gap that is as pervasive as Fox News & Friends?
He might not even make it to January.
Anyway the constitution disqualifies him from office. Either it's enforced or it's over.