The Director of the U.S. intelligence community is spouting verbatim Kremlin disinformation. And the tens of thousands she leads know these are lies.
Reposted from
MAKS 24 👀🇺🇦
🙄 "Churches are closing in Ukraine, elections are canceled, and the government fully controls the media" —
Tulsi Gabbard
Tulsi Gabbard
Shutting off Cybersecurity for RU?
Is normal. Wow, a traitor. Putin ordered this-Trump complied last week- DOD says -RU no longer a threat. Ok we’re open to hacking many vital systems now. RU is in charge and GOP could stop it if they stopped being traitors right now.
The CEO is more important than the employee
Or we wouldn't be here.
No institution or profession is immune to the virus that plagues this nation.
That's the scary part.
I'm wondering what the real careerist American Intel world is doing behind their figureheads. I'd be losing my mind and backing up and secreting things she shouldn't ever know existed or could exist.
Ever. Like Chris Murphy said-
“Truth does not exist for GOP/Maga honchos”They spend everyday setting up Lies for the next day. It’s all Lies-non stop.
She grew up as a cover girl for her father's homophobic jihad and has continued her various grifts to her current role as one of Putin's White-House whores, spokespersons.
And you not wrong.
Still, DonT doesn't represent 100% of USA.