For those of you in states with a State Attorney General Election this year (IN, MO, MT, NC, OR, PA, UT, VT, WA, WV) please remember—this is one of the most important down ballot races you will have!
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State attorney generals make complex legal decisions about how the state will interact with the federal government, other states, and itself. State attorney generals help decide whether your state caves to another state’s invasive request for medical details about anyone who travels to your state.
State attorney generals may decide whether your state fights climate change regulations or embraces it, whether your state will allow grocery store mergers that could raise grocery prices in your state or whether they will push back.
For instance, the Colorado Attorney General is suing to stop the Kroger / Albertsons merger based on Colorado state law—a merger that encompasses more than 50% of the grocery market.
State attorney generals can stand up for the weak, fight wage theft and unfair noncompete agreements—things that regular people don’t have the money to fight themselves…
Or they can go to battle to make money for the wealthiest in the state.
Not every state elects a state attorney general, but a state attorney general is the one person you can vote for who is most likely to be able to help you out when the law is being violated but you don’t have the legal means to fight back.
As an example, in Texas, Ken Paxton used his power as attorney general to threaten Kate Cox’s doctors by saying that he (not them) had made a judgment as to her condition. That’s an AG using his powers to belittle and harass a desperate citizen.
He had friendly judges in the Northern District of Texas and the Fifth Circuit, and a Supreme Court who is, er, flexible on constitutionality, so unconstitutional doesn't really matter anymore.
If the merger happens there’s no almost good grocery options in the PNW. Trader Joe’s (labor assholes, shit produce), PCC (labor assholes, so expensive), MCC (so expensive), Whole Foods (Amazon). Sprouts is the only place left and there’s only two of those in the entire Seattle metro area.
Yes! Our attorney general - a Republican! - is currently arguing for a death row inmate to get a new trial. He also blocked the state from using public funds for a religious charter school. He's by no means perfect but I've been genuinely shocked and pleased that he's made decisions like that.
Several states still have them. Off the top of my head, MO, NE, IN, NY, OK, IA, AR, and there are also extensive operations among the PA and OH Amish communities.
The scary thing is that the OR AG GOP candidate is the sanest statewide GOPer on the ballot...and he has issues tied to "charity" work in Africa. Voting for the Dem, but worried because he's not as charismatic.
The Attorney General in Washington state, Bob Ferguson, led the fight (and won over and over!) against Trump's worst excesses. He's running for governor now, so it's SUPER IMPORTANT to make sure we're electing an effective replacement!
My state's AG is a Trumper whom a judge sent back to remedial law school because he didn't know how to trial correctly. He wants to be president someday.
The Republican AG candidate in Pennsylvania, Dave Sunday, bobs and weaves to avoid answering whether Biden won the election, but he's forthright in saying that he'd enforce a law against abortion.
Vote for Democrat Eugene DePasquale to protect our votes and our rights!
My mother likes Phil Weiser, against her will, because of what he did for the Elijah McClain case & challenging the Kroeger/Albertsons merger. As much as the Presidential election is giving me anxiety, it's the down ballot races that will probably haver quicker & bigger affect on my life.
NC's Attorney General race has Jeff Jackson, who is an absolutely fantastic person and one of the most clear-headed politicians and communicators I've ever seen.
I would add research your ballot beforehand so you know all the parties running for election.
I'm in MN and there are 2 Supreme Court justices running for re-election. Both incumbents have MAGA loon challengers, which has gotten little coverage.
For best democracy, please re-skeet.
For best democracy, please re-skeet.
Or they can go to battle to make money for the wealthiest in the state.
For best democracy, please re-skeet.
Pick someone who cares about the people.
For best democracy, please re-skeet.
For best democracy, please re-skeet.
For best democracy, please re-skeet.
Vote for Democrat Eugene DePasquale to protect our votes and our rights!
I would add research your ballot beforehand so you know all the parties running for election.
I'm in MN and there are 2 Supreme Court justices running for re-election. Both incumbents have MAGA loon challengers, which has gotten little coverage.
For best democracy, please re-skeet.