I'm curious about this. He says he prefers to work behind the scenes ... but will the new Heritage + Asshole Line-up truly accept him? Where's his record of sexual assault? Some deficits, like that, just can't be overlooked.
No he meets the requirement of being a sexual creep. It's NOT being one that counts as a deficit, as far as I can tell.
trump, like most of us, wants to surround himself with people like him. Is this guy gonna fit in alright without at least an investigation into mistreating women?
I will ask aloud what we have all been afraid to even contemplate: to which office or department will Elon & Trump appoint Alex Jones? An already existing position or another new department? The Ministry of Fear?
I maintain that he's hiring all these completely unqualified morons just so he can fire them when the time serves or they piss him off. They are all scapegoats for taking the fall.
It's disappointing on so many levels.
trump, like most of us, wants to surround himself with people like him. Is this guy gonna fit in alright without at least an investigation into mistreating women?
Somewhere, somehow….
I'm joking.
For now.
Given how inappropriate DT's other cabinet choices have been for their subject areas, I'm presuming he'll get Secretary of Humour.