/2 One of the most degraded and corrupt elements of the Trump wing of modern American evangelism is the indifference to Trumpists saying scandalously awful shit about Jesus and the Bible.
But they get their worldly power and support for hating people, so they don’t care.
But they get their worldly power and support for hating people, so they don’t care.
"I'll give you political power if you worship me" is a bargain that'll cost you more than you think.
Yet they get enraged at anyone for calling them out on not actually following the shit they claim they do.
They get mad at a preacher for actually preaching empathy.
always have to remember Tipper Gore's PMRC and how much more "moral" even the Dems were back then.
Not funny haha Warhammer heresy memes, but actual heresy that directly contradicts scripture and the Nicene Creed.
Always a new witch hunt.