I would prefer the rule of law to survive by more than 5-4. But I'm getting used to disappointment.
Reposted from
Lee Kovarsky
Dissent suggests that SCOTUS basically decided merits of request to disburse funds for completed work. The gov's sovereign immunity argument lost, 5-4, & it seems 5 justices think gov is acting in bad faith, given Alito: "A federal court has many tools to address a party’s supposed nonfeasance."
Abolish qualified immunity End impunity and pay the exonerated.
Toss the lying DA and kkkops in prison general population.
When it comes back up I'm sure it will be 5-4 the other way at some point.
I remain amazed at how the guys who scream loudest about Western civilization seem totally fine undermining one of its bedrock accomplishments.
Don't tell me that you don't get warm fuzzies from the thought that we almost saved Democracy but we were "" this close.
(Fuzzy isn't new, and I'm not ruling out "warm" being due to the interaction of medications.)
With 3 years, 11 months left ... it's not ideal. But a win's a win.
"No one of consequence."
"I must know."
"Get used to disappointment.”
Where did you think they're going with this, anyway?
It's going to get too expensive to feed all of you so first we're weeding out the trouble makers.
You've already been sold, this is negotiation of working conditions.
I am glad to see Barrett once again on the side of good, that must piss off those MAGA assholes who think once Trump appointed her she was supposed to go along with everything.
It's going to be a wild ride.
If so, how can any Justices dissent from an order enforcing valid contractual payment?
I'm not sure anyone actually knows what Alito is talking about.
I mean, if I stiff a contractor and the contractor sues, the judge doesn't have a lot of "other ways" of remedying the situation beyond enforcing payment.