People: We love BlueSky! We've left twitter! Its amazing! No more outrage baiting!
Also people: Look what's happening over on twitter, people are mad!
Also people 2: Let me repost what people are saying on twitter on here repeatedly so you can be outraged!
Jesus! Just let it go!
Also people: Look what's happening over on twitter, people are mad!
Also people 2: Let me repost what people are saying on twitter on here repeatedly so you can be outraged!
Jesus! Just let it go!
remove their bones :3
BlueSky is very good for that.
discover is angering for some?.. Guess my experience making my twitter for you feed nice worked here too...
Yeah it’ll probably calm down soon but when I started seeing all the old discourse screen capped all over my feed I roll my eyes like a fruit machine. Luckily the block and mutes are very effective.
I’m tired of people counting their followers and comparing their engagement.
They have all lost the plot.
Also here's something I said to a long-time mutual, about sharing screenshots (short thread quoted below) and thankfully it was received thoughtfully (small exchange quoted in the post below this one.
After years of only being fed comments they're likely to push back against, & only feeling good if they try to have their say, people have had their natural urge to chat replaced with an awful need to "win."
Just had to rant, as a person I followed filled my wall with some screen capped drama over on that nonsense gibberish site, just so they could feel superior.
But thanks again for the welcome I like it here 😊
Not just be bombarded with screen caps of assholes being assholes.
I ditched Twitter for a reason. I do not give the slightest fuck of what is going on there.
Moving forward makes you a more difficult target than periodically pausing to look behind you.
It'll likely pass ....... eventually.
Gives the impression they didn't come here to leave that fuckin platform but because it's "in"
Can’t believe I hadn’t heard or thought of that first!
Stealin it..
Sooooooooooo yeah imma keep that screenshot button at the ready.
"We broke up 2 years ago. Why are you still messaging me?"
I'm from the UK, I love seeing people get the consequences of their actions
I left that shithole site, let them sit in their swamp and play with shit. Its not something I care to see or be reminded of.
Now, I also have very little social media presence, so it's not like I was giving up an income stream. But still...nobody wants to hear about your e(X)
Shake your head knowing there's nothing you can do, and drive on, determined to not wreck yourself.
Of course there is the slop but everyone likes some good slop from time to time 🤣
Follow goal 100! I post random stuff & wizard memes
Share info not just drama rubbernecking and preaching to the choir dragging stupid dramas on to a platform we left to avoid