When people talk about the need for a positive masculinity I think they’re missing that “masculinity” has no real content other than domination. What’s changed is that *human*virtues—integrity, honesty, leadership—were for a long time seen as men’s exclusive domain.
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People assume Andrew Cuomo is tough and A Fighter because he always looks angry and acts weird. Mistaking a total lack of emotional self-regulation and wild, self-destructive spite for Masculine Strength is one of the defining political errors to me. No one even tries to keep it together anymore.
But that like Han Solo or Indiana Jones mold of 'Good, but self-reliant and capable'; 'rugged, but caring', etc.
I find living up to any of the positive character traits attributed to masculinity, much easier if I let go of gendered expectations consciously.
The connection relies entirely on how men have chosen to portray themselves while being culturally dominant.
To turn it around, why would masculinity not founded on dominance be a problem? Who gets to define gender expression?
I need to print this out and pin it to my wall.
Traditional masculinity disgusts me—especially when I see it in myself.
These are the values I need to embody, figuratively and literally.
Just like his brother.
Ironically testosterone is just as well associated with "roid rage" and "gooning".
Why not just say "emotional stability" to refer to emotional stability?