This at an essential point. If Republicans want to abolish USAID they're as free to do that as with any other part of the government - through Congress. (i.e., follow the constitution) There's a budget process starting right now. Go for it. Doing it this way is illegal.
Reposted from
Brendan Nyhan
Conservative budget wonks (Manhattan Instiutte, Tax Foundation) confirming that this is a consittutional crisis. Not liberal hysteria. Happening right now.
Lysander Spooner
As for MOC: USAID doesn't directly affect Americans like, say, not getting tax refunds - why make a stand (literally) at that office?
The end of this pernicious organisation (USAID) is a matter for rejoicing, not mourning or wailing in agony.
And Musk can break the law with impunity too, because Trump has undoubtedly told him he will be pardoned.
This is where we’re at.
Maybe they don’t want their fingerprints on his chaos.
What’s the point of ratifying treaties with 2/3 of the senate if they can just be ignored or tossed in the trash?
For bullet item 2, there needs to be a full assessment of the security implications that could effect every citizen, by a non-political, security expert team. This is our collective assessment that has been put in danger
Republicans are happy to let him do what they want done.
For decades Congress has refused to do its duty under the US Constitution.
Think of all the "wars" in which the USA took part that Congress did not "declare."
Think of Congress passing "The War Powers Act" that GAVE a long succession of Presidents war powers.
If you're a patriot, you don't support ignoring the Constitution even when like the (cruel, anti-American interests) outcomes.