Very well put. So entitled and privileged we can't even embrace the foundations of our global entitlements and privileges EARNED by our vets, govt agencies and civilians.
It’s really diabolical how the billionaire class managed to blind people into fits of rage against our school teachers and national forests, while they are nonplussed over our tax dollars bankrolling the heist that is rapidly destroying them and our place in the world.
Think they have always been blind with rage. Reagan helped crystallize hate against those receiving welfare to the states like WI where the minions eagerly consumed the rhetoric against teachers- the seeds were planted long ago. Voting against their self interest was normalized decades ago.
No we’re not, our country is hijacked by hostile foreign interests and is being driven into a building. Trump and musk are here to wreck it all for their own gain, and especially control. It’s their hegemony they want, and the American government, our government, is supposed to protect us from that.
People said a foreign country could never beat the US and they were right, but a lack of predators has made us lazy and bored, willing to entertain destroying ourselves because at least it’s interesting. Countries need outside threats for internal cohesion or they will find a villain within
It’s a more extreme version of the Brexit inversion where Britain was somehow an occupied victim of a Union it helped create and massively benefitted from.
Don’t worry, American hegemony is just getting a rebranding as one leg in the new US, Russia, China axis of evil. That it’s being done by the stupidest people imaginable is peak American exceptionalism.
I think it is not so much "historically inexplicable" as this hegemony, continuously acted through domestic rules so as to establish a legitimacy in imposing similar rules to the rest of the world, acts as a perceived drag on a power grab to very rich people that want to be "unchained".
Well said. The US won the Cold War, but Russian intelligence managed to bamboozle Trump (who then bamboozled his followers) into believing that it had lost. Under his leadership the US has now launched a war of revenge against itself. An astonishing coup - by Russia.
I know, and it's got me completely baffled. Just GIVING IT AWAY. Not having it taken. Not watching it reduced because of external influences. Just deciding: "Naw, we don't wanna have it no more."
It's not really a paradox. The people who have destroyed what America built over the last 80 years are not the ones who built it, have no idea what it means & why it's important to them.
Because they are uneducated, ignorant, yet arrogant.
Also what a grim world it is in Trump's head. Completely impervious to the truly great things about the US. Nothing but fear and the related urge to dominate. You'd think he was from one of those shithole countries he talks about.
The thing that's striking is how small the vision is. Kowtowing to Russia, a country with the gdp of Italy even though it has double the population. MAASGC - Make America A Small Grubby Country.
Trump is making it impossible for Republicans to win elections. Trump is destroying the red states that voted for him. They know he was lying to them now and the Democrats were telling the truth about him.
The hegemony created insatiable Billionaires who form alliances with like minded ideologues,autocrats.
Liberal democracy an obstruction.
Poor get poorer, ill educated eat up billionaire scapegoating racism etc
Vote in the Billionaires- end of democracy?
Trump et al incompetence leaves hope alive
Sure there’s some truth in this
Putin plays a long game
But look at the handling so far
It’s not smooth
They don’t really understand liberal democracy - how could they ?
Massive incompetence
Missteps all over
And the world looking on
It’s a bit of shit show isn’t it
Early days I know
Yes,the shrivelled goblin in the Kremlin can’t abide the existential threat of thriving, liberal democracies on his border or anywhere- a huge threat to his kleptocratic dictatorship.
He can’t tolerate any threat to his reign,he can’t retire - the end for him is death
Let’s hope it’s soon eh 😄
The USA that did that is over. The sooner we adjust to that the better we will be able to take action. Better it fall apart into regional countries that will preserve the values we admire than stand wishing this evil empire will end. It won’t. The confederacy was also part of our history. It’s won.
That nonsenical whine gets traction repeatedly.
Russia, Russia, Russia.
It's Trump & MAGA that are inexplicable, angry rebels against our own hegemony.
Many of us appreciate the post war global order.
Because they are uneducated, ignorant, yet arrogant.
This kind of combination never ends well.
Not so much as "uneducated" as "under-educated", especially in civics, logic, history & its repercussions.
If you DON'T have a gigantic armed forces, you can NOT afford a gigantic armed forces.
The USD is the reserve currency despite a massive debt because the US has the biggest armed forces.
Trump and Putin hold regular off-the-books phone calls.
Putin tells Trump what he wants, which is the destruction of American global hegemony of influence and economic power.
Trump does his bidding.
He's a Russian agent intent on destroying us.
Their backers also specialize in hollowing out institutions.
Liberal democracy an obstruction.
Poor get poorer, ill educated eat up billionaire scapegoating racism etc
Vote in the Billionaires- end of democracy?
Trump et al incompetence leaves hope alive
Putin plays a long game
But look at the handling so far
It’s not smooth
They don’t really understand liberal democracy - how could they ?
Massive incompetence
Missteps all over
And the world looking on
It’s a bit of shit show isn’t it
Early days I know
He can’t tolerate any threat to his reign,he can’t retire - the end for him is death
Let’s hope it’s soon eh 😄