I know this can't be fair or really true. But after the last decade whenever I hear of a scholar at Stanford who I'm not familiar with and especially if they're tied to one of the centers or institutes I have to remind myself not to assume they're a charlatan or involved in something evil.
Now all you naysayers--do you even know who that IS???
Even more so about the undergrads.
“Let me send you a link to my Forbes column!”
No thanks, bro— I’ve ghostwritten far too many 🗑️ Forbes columns for PR clients at the last minute, just before deadline, with zero direction or input from “the author,” to take “your” column seriously.
- Michael McFaul -- https://fsi.stanford.edu/people/michael_a_mcfaul
- Karl Deisseroth, creator of optogenetics -- https://profiles.stanford.edu/karl-deisseroth
- Ken Caldeira -- Pioneer in the study of ocean acidification from CO2
Beat Cal!
Or GWB-affiliated natsec. Allow for some overlap
I realized this at the start of the pandemic when that guy at Stanford had the real bad stats survey of people with Covid where he concluded we'd all been infected by March 2020. :|