I won't watch. I'm hoping that whichever Democrat is in charge of the weather for that day creates a HUGE fucking blizzard with wicked cold temps just to make it extra fun!! #DemsWeatherControl
That happened for Reagan’s 2nd inauguration! I was there! DC never has blizzards but that was one for the ages! And Mayor Barry (RIP) refused to come back from the Super Bowl in LA to deal with it! I think they ended up swearing Ronnie in indoors.
Biden will surely assist, unfortunately, George Bush as well. Now, I hope Michelle Obama can convince Barack to stay home or going on vacation somewhere. Going to watch how the orange criminal rapist fakes to take the oath to the Constitution for the 2nd time is a shit show no one should witness.
Given 47’s open vitriol towards those he considers his enemies, I wouldn’t consider that many former presidents all together in one place after he’s sworn in to be a good move.
Boycotting?!?! How about going in and arresting them there is no shortage of evidence that they have committed treason against the Constitution anybody in mega or Trump's cabinet or his government has committed the highest crimes against our country it is heresy of the highest order.
How about instead of boycotting they put their big pants on stop being afraid of maga get their cops in order and arrest the seditionist traitors how about they show America that we actually have integrity that we care about Liberty and our constitution matters
That the dems did not prosecute him by the end if 2022 and put a stop to magaism is the big failure that I will never ever understand. And days are running out now, so while I would really, really like a big surprise, just can't see it coming.
I would love every Democrat; I mean every one to stay home. If we applaud, we are telling people that we agree with an insurrectionist in power. It’s merely symbolic but this one has effect
I'd prefer freezing rain, but I'm cool with even a constant drizzle.
A blizzard and they may postpone. I want it to continue on and for him to get thoroughly soaked and people to leave while he is still speaking.
Freezing rain would be really cool on the walk to the White House.
Whether they do or don’t it, should be that they show up.
We do not like the orange face criminal that should not be anywhere near the White House let alone behind the resolute desk, but we can’t run and hide that’s what the Nazi’s want.
Show up, fight to save our constitution!
Not gonna watch it. I watched the insurrection that started right after the fat mans speech. Still have nightmares, can still hear my screams. No thanks. He lays that hand on a bible and swears to uphold and 'defend' the Constitution?? Are they kidding??
Not good enough! Demand a recount. Replace Biden. Protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies; foreign or domestic. Republicans will replace it with Project25. They want to destroy our country!
I broke ties from Walmart and Home Depot. Still trying to find a Spectrum replacement for internet and mobile. With a little exploration, we can together starve out these sharks.
I’m boycotting all four years. Have books, streaming, language lessons, long-term live abroad plans, and Trump-proofed most investments. Will see the other survivors on the other side. 🙃
Don’t get me wrong. When/if Democratic leaders have a real honest self-reflection on what went wrong and where they need to go, I’ll be engaged in the fight. But if they don’t get it right, we’re all doomed. Electing Ben Wickler DNC Chair would be a real good sign.
Simplified and diversified so I can get out of something quickly if needed. If he launches nukes against someone we are all doomed of course and it won’t matter, but there are areas where the damage will be slower rolling and annuities offering limited upside participation but zero loss risk.
It will never happen. This country’s people have never
Be a first thought. The power base will take care of itself. We are collateral damage as they preform their power struggle. Will the fascists win?
These are extraordinary times so I'm fine with the boycott.
The rest of us should proclaim the Day for Democracy by wearing blue and avoiding any celebration of the inauguration.
Not even a protest against Don- he hates to be ignored- so, ignore him on the 20th
First lie from America’s One and Only Convicted Felon President will be about ratings for his Inauguration. Bent knee ABC will be watching, no one else. On related topic, who has a Trump-In-Office 4 yr countdown calendar?
On that day, we that did not vote for him and abhor his Hypocratic party agenda, can protest by not watching, reading, buying, or engaging with their media/content platforms.(Amazon,FB,X,Wapo,NYT, other enablers)
Thousands and thousands of North Korean troops are going to be at the inauguration to fill in all of the seats of the boycotters.
That's why they are sending him $millions to pay for it.
He vows that the photos will show that he had the most people attend than ever before!
Well worth skipping… after the Capitol ceremony, the parade to the White House will be followed by musical performances of equal questionable taste & talent.
"All media" should boycott this convict inauguration! It will almost feel like we're watching Russian propaganda TV. I'm sure Putin's celebrating his puppet.
So media, if you want to redeem your reputation to the viewers, then this is the moment to do it.
No no, must be bipartisan and gracious and bend over for everything turmp wants, because somehow that became more important than protecting the nation.
Instead of boycotting they should all attend, then turn their backs on him when he takes the oath. Then one person should shout "liar!"
Much more dramatic!
not going to watch, but i am worried for anyone in government, former office holders or those leaving office that may be there getting arrested on false charges.
I dream of all them getting swarmed by the FBI on inauguration day and arrested. It would be a great day in American history.
Imagine the memes this would generate 🤣?
Good, so are we. Let’s be the party of un-tolerant Dems. Too long. Enough is enough. Al Gore won. Hillary won. Kamala won. We must question authority & challenge them. They know we don’t. No nice libs, it’s time to forge new.
They won't. They should but they'll all show up even though the orange guy invited President Chi. (He'll invite all his beloved dictators.)
It will be the 2nd inauguration I won't watch. Didn't watch his first one, definitely won't watch 2nd one.
You know what would be more meaningful is demand a forensic recount of votes before the Dec 20th deadline. Pretty speeches and performance is meaningless to people without a voice who are going to be hurt by the incoming garbage administration.
That's all? That democrats don't honor the 14th ammendment, is a regrettable turning point to Putin owning America! That democrats allow this, is the path to dictatorship in America!
Trump won’t care if the Congressional Dems boycott. Trump cares only about 1. Crowd size, and 2. Ratings. If you want to hurt Trump, stay home and do not tune in. For myself, I can’t imagine why anyone would watch. I’ll just read about the horrors the next day.
We did that in 2016. I’m afraid more people will show up because he actually has supporters and those who will show fealty. At any rate he will still claim that it was the largest inaugural attendance in history and maga will swear to it. It’s a shitshow all around.
And all the millionaires and billionaires are bribing people to show up so attendance will look good. If they're smart, but they aren't since they're magats, they'd take the money and stay home.
when you refuse to attend, you give up your voice. perhaps a more pointed visual would be to turn up and as he is sworn in, stand en masse and turn your backs. that would be impressive. it would also change nothing, but it would make a statement.
He's desperately trying to buy back his Washington hotel so he can score a fortune overcharging for the inaugural ball. I'm making this up, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Sounds like a plan. I won’t be watching-I have a prior pressing engagement-doing my sock drawer. Looking forward to when this guy is toast then a ghost👍
Remember when Bush2 rolled by in the parade and people turned their backs and brought signs saying 'Hail to the thief'
Trump sign ideas...
- Bought and paid for
- Convict!
- Rapist!
- Felon!
C'mon people ..whaddya got?
Democrats have no clue on messaging that's why they screwed America and let this shit show happen.
A blizzard and they may postpone. I want it to continue on and for him to get thoroughly soaked and people to leave while he is still speaking.
Freezing rain would be really cool on the walk to the White House.
We do not like the orange face criminal that should not be anywhere near the White House let alone behind the resolute desk, but we can’t run and hide that’s what the Nazi’s want.
Show up, fight to save our constitution!
Trump wants to change everything, so they are complying.
Shit. Do something real!
Boycotting all of his donors will do it
Time to reassess everything we use and consume!
No more traditional civility.
Be a first thought. The power base will take care of itself. We are collateral damage as they preform their power struggle. Will the fascists win?
The rest of us should proclaim the Day for Democracy by wearing blue and avoiding any celebration of the inauguration.
Not even a protest against Don- he hates to be ignored- so, ignore him on the 20th
A silent protest by the 'actual majority', just for one day. https://youtu.be/yISNT2wUmwA?t=154
Or a Big Mac/QPC
That's why they are sending him $millions to pay for it.
He vows that the photos will show that he had the most people attend than ever before!
It's the civic duty of everyone who isn't a fascist to be a thorn in the side Grand Oligarch Party 24/7 for the next 4 years.
We have no reason not to be everything they're accusing us of being.
So media, if you want to redeem your reputation to the viewers, then this is the moment to do it.
Remember, Jefferson's rough draft of the Declaration of Independence. His idea"...
"The government is run for life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. It's run for the benefit of the people".
Well, it's not happening. It's run for the benefit of Trump & his corrupt oligarchs! Boycott!
This ain’t NORMAL
Much more dramatic!
Imagine the memes this would generate 🤣?
It will be the 2nd inauguration I won't watch. Didn't watch his first one, definitely won't watch 2nd one.
don’t watch it either.
Boycotting it versus insurrection ……
We win
We need to make it the lowest rated event in history
Then... #CallYourSentator
Then... #DontConfirmAnyTrumpPicks
Then... #VoteBlueForMidTerms2025
Then... #ImpeachTrumpAgain
Trump sign ideas...
- Bought and paid for
- Convict!
- Rapist!
- Felon!
C'mon people ..whaddya got?