"...and then I shot them. I just couldn't deal with them anymore, they were getting to be a PITA, so I took the responsibility of humanely dispatching them."
Wasn’t the reason they were stranded because Boeing, a private company, had failed to build a working vehicle that was safe for them to return? Once again providing that the collaboration of international governments that built the ISS more effective and safer than private enterprise?
She will never not be the slut who had a years long affair with Trumps first Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski. The guy who likes beating women. Noem was also cheating on her husband as well. These people are massive hypocrites preaching their morality bullshit to the rest of us.
I can’t stand her puppy murdering ass either but slut shaming is unacceptable. If she were a man it wouldn’t be a big deal.
Better to just call her a liar and a cheat.
No man. Shes a slut. She carried on a years long affair behind her own husbands back. Thats not shaming. Thats calling it for what it is. Lewandowski is a slut too. He cheated on his wife as well with Noem. I stand by my statement. They're hypocritical sluts.
Facts: Biden ordered Butch & Wilmore return August 2024 to be back Feb 2025 Boeing rocket kept failing but brought 2 INTL astros. SpaceX kept failing. Biden got NASA to redevelop with SpaceX. But it kept failing as recent as March 4. Facts! Pushback!Astro Suni has! https://www.factcheck.org/2025/03/the-facts-behind-the-delayed-return-of-u-s-astronauts/
She has claimed to be a firefighter, ( doubtful), now rescued astronaughts? Where's her flight hour credentials? Kristi with an I is magical white chick indeed.
All her working costumes come with removable interchangeable parts. Helmets, hats and scarves. ICE Barbie is ready for any performance art cruelty per request.
Such bulkshit. All Republicans just lie their asses off. Ask the actual astronauts if Biden "stranded" them in space!! They said themselves that they were NOT. Shut your stupid pie hole, Kristi Noem!! Go work for Mattel Toys ...
I did read somewhere that Trump is taking credit for bringing them home, but this was a planned time under the Bidens administration. Trump was not successful in bringing them home any earlier.
Where's DOGE to shut down this fraudulent wasteful use of taxpayers' money?
Not the Dems... business as usual... we go high... blah, blah blah.
Know while that was smart 20 years ago, nobody thinks that way. Do something, or get out of the way.
Spaced Out Barbie
Easy mistake to make 😂😂😂
Better to just call her a liar and a cheat.
Incinerate your goddamn waste like the good alien overlords intended.
Set the controls for the heart of the Sun!
Elon should rake the forest around his dealerships
Tar and feathers optional but appreciated.
Attention, RuPaul
Something about tesla rockets (space x) not being up to snuf, something, something...
The one where we jettison her off of this planet into a completely different universe.
...and murder puppies?
she really looks more fat in her new suit
Fixed to better reflect reality!
...If I told you once I've told you a thousand times.