Stephen Miller, the Goon of Gaslight. The ratio of him shouting, disparaging people, vilifying whole demographics, and insulting interviewers is so off the charts we see nothing of a genuine person in there.”
Teaching Materials on Propaganda
These lesson plans explore how propaganda and hate speech were used by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Lessons encourage critical thinking about the effects of propaganda on people and society.
she is in my state and I can't believe people voted for her or any republican. That criminal grifter cotham campaigning and winning as democrat on keeping roe v. wade as settled precedent and then joining republican nazi party to outlaw women's bodily autonomy really pisses me off.
Both Goebbels and Stephen Miller mastered propaganda, using fear and division to push nationalist agendas. Goebbels fueled Nazi ideology through mass media; Miller crafted rhetoric and policy demonizing immigrants. Different eras, same tactics.
He could have been the Walmart Greeter if the Nazi Death Camps had Walmart! She’s your typical grandma racist who only talks to blacks when she’s running for office !
Stephen Miller, the Goon of Gaslight. The ratio of him shouting, disparaging people, vilifying whole demographics, and insulting interviewers is so off the charts we see nothing of a genuine person in there.”
We have a smiling old bag that looks identical to this skeleton at my gym. She waddles around with a MAGA hat on. I told her to shove the hat up her ass. She hasn’t worn it since. Oh well.
He died in 45 - however - she may be one of goebbel’s spawn - while history states goebbels and his wife murdered their children before they committed suicide it’s possible someone saved them and she was smuggled out of the country to the US and adopted. Many people are saying…
Apparently I’m not the only one who sees Stephen Miller and thinks of Joseph Goebbels. Every. Single. Time. I can’t stand to listen to him speak. Makes my skin crawl.
Follow the money.
These lesson plans explore how propaganda and hate speech were used by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Lessons encourage critical thinking about the effects of propaganda on people and society.
But lost his hair and looks throughout the process.
SO good!
Better question: how to remove them?
quite as much, swa in his stika if you know what I mean
Goebbels Goebbels Goebbels!
“How old are you?”
“I fought for the south; we lost.”
I mean, pictures don't lie... they obviously dated.
Did Joe have a dick? We know miller is dickless.
You mean Steven’s little white weiner is smaller than Goebbels?
Steven Miller had a poster of Goebbels.
She saved the world from DOZENS of little Nazis !!
Social media is filled w/ HATE, IG & X influencers should announce to women to cease online dating over fears for women's safety.
Also Musk is obviously the Goebbels on this administration.
Republicans amaze me because how the fuck did you get to be a senator when you were functionally retarded?