In her latest filing, Ashleigh Merchant says she can prove that Nathan Wade lied in his affidavit about when the relationship began because his law partner says it started before his divorce.
They work for the same side so the implication is what?
(1) a DA hires her boyfriend (without telling anyone he's her BF);
(2) structures her massive case in a way that sends upwards of a million dollars to BF (who buys fancy vacations for the DA); and
(3) then BF submits to the court a sworn statement that is false?
Nor is the billing/pay. the actions by Trump, his staff, his consultants & supporters were criminal.
Would I donate again to Willis’ re-election campaign? No. Too much bad judgement in her personal life. Still not criminal.
I don't know how that's relevant, but it feels good to write.
Willis may have improperly benefited. Paxton took millions in bribes, then fired his staff who cooperated with the FBI investigation. Willis's charges are grounded in facts; Paxton makes stuff up in order to harass parents of trans kids.
Criminal law isn't a team sport. Everyone can be in the wrong for different reasons.
Yeah, it’s relevant.
There's no case right on point.
But it seems like a problem
But I refuse to give up my principles for how DAs should behave because the case involves them.
It's vaguely upsetting how many people are prepared to just write this off.