Dismantling the Department of Education has nothing to do with improving outcomes for our kids, it’s simply about taking away resources from our public schools.
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Matches with the US book ban, I´m from Germany, but we do and did not ban history books about the #Nazi regime or about #WW1, we learned our lesson from what happened more than 80 years ago, at least most of us, except for the #FCKNZS who voted for #FCKAFD #NOAFD, #Weidel´s party...
Thank you Mr Walz for continuing to support the regular American. I’m proud to be an American because of people like yourself. But deeply troubled by … well you know.. I refuse to use his name.
Because Felon47 “loves the uneducated!” The GOP have realized that they only way they stay in power and in elected offices is to the majority of the voting population stupid and gullible and will believe and do exactly as the GOP tells them! That has been their strategy for the last 40 years!
I think one thing many people may be overlooking, there will be a vacuum of critical agencies that there is no choice but to replace. The idea that the agencies are corrupt and bad paves the way for privatizing those agencies. Gee, who do you think will be awarded the contracts? 1/2
Imagine Elon in charge of the Department of Education, NASA, Social Security, and one near and dear to me the Department of Veterans Affairs. HEY, how about the treasury, yep that's a good idea. NOT 2/2
Republicans have been cutting education funding for public schools for decades and decades and democrats have never done anything to stop it, restore it, or do anything to fix it. sadly they're as beholden to their corporate campaign donors as the republicans are. Charter schools should be illegal
If there are any people that think and live like communists it’s Minnesotans, especially the northern ones and their Canadian cousins. I know because I used to be one, born and raised.
Trump, Musk, & the GOP are moving at warp speed to break as many agencies, critical infrastructure, & institutional knowledge as they can. It is impossible to keep track of just how devastating the impact will be. This is by design. They dismantle at break-neck speed so courts can't keep up!
... And funnel said resources to the top 1%. These people suck.
They attack education also because they want an uneducated populace that they can manipulate. If more people know how things are supposed to work, the more likely they are too see through MAGA bullshit. It's a disgrace
We know how dumb half of our country was WITH a Department of Education, imagine how much worse it would be without one at all.
THAT is exactly what they want. Uneducated dependent on them…sheep. Ripe for the slaughter.
Cruel to inflict the republicans’ wrath on those who can’t vote. Private schools not work for children in low income neighborhoods. They do not offer free buses. They do not work with special needs children. Working families? No before or afterschool care. No free or reduced breakfast and lunches
The magats won't worry about it ..listening to most of them talk it's obvious education wasn't much of a priority growing up ...I look at them and wonder who ties their shoelaces in the morning ...
Donnie von Shitzinpants did poorly in schools, regardless of the lies and hype you here. So why would Donnie want others to learn from education. He's an evil monster.
it's about SENTENCING your children to menial work... for the rest of their lives! At that age, missing 4 years of formative education will be impossible to recover from. They'll be behind the 8 ball the rest of their lives!
I fear covid already did cause our kids to be behind in their education. I don't have kids in school anymore, so I'm not sure if it affected their learning or not. Has anyone seen any studies on this?
Musky has launched a 7 figure ad campaign against this supreme court candidate for Wisconsin's supreme court. Why? Because he has a legal case in Wisconsin and he wants his way.
Donate so she has a fair fight in this election. It's imperative that she wins. https://www.crawfordforwi.com/about
Thank you,Tim. We need more politicians to stand up, be very vocal, & be very clear where they stand on the education, & the well-being of ALL children across this country. Trump's regime must immediately be brought to a sudden halt. It's obvious that republicans don't care about children.
Oh, please hold one of your town halls in Rep. Jamie Comer's KY-01 district! His gerrymandered district covers everything from MO to the state capitol in Frankfort now. You should do it in Paducah or Frankfort. I will bring you a crowd, my friend. We need you because he refuses to hold one.
Governor Walz, please come hold a town meeting in Andy Harris's Maryland district 1. He won't, and the farmers and watermen need to hear what you have to say. They voted against their own best interest
He is on MSNBC right now with Chris Hayes and is speaking bluntly. But it is speaking to the choir...if this could be force fed to the FOX MAGATs it might help...but cults only believe their leader.
As a school board member in a rural community (red district in a blue state), dismantling the DOE is going to really impact our district b/c we have many multilingual learners, high rate of poverty and of course kids with disabilities & on IEPs. I'm heartsick. 💔
Don't fade away Tim. We need you for the next 20 years my man. You need to pick up Bernie's torch and keep it real for the regular citizen of this country, like you've been doing. Keep going, please.
I was so hopeful when he was chosen to run for VP. We have so few down to earth people in politics. Too many of them aren't involved to make the World a better place. Empathy should be a prerequisite to governing. 👏 I know I appreciate those that are fighting for the greater good. 💙
Pete Buttigieg is President material. This country needs his intellect, empathy, and relatability. He would do absolutely AMAZING things for this country. Him with Walz as VP yes but not the other way around.
Please link up with @aoc.bsky.social and join @sanders.senate.gov on the Fight Oligarchy tour.
Some Americans seem to imagine that Trump will rebuild a new country after he tears down the old one.
Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you.
He can't and won't build anything.
He's going to do what he's always done - get the hell out and let someone else take the fall.
To privatize. Once they privatize EVERYTHING… why should we pay taxes at all. ? ? Take away what we now pay for - national parks, medicare education etc - WHY SHOULD WE PAY ANY TAXES. Just asking.
The Republicans have been trying for decades to undermine public education, take public funds to finance private education, including parochial schools.
This is Project 2025 in action. They laid out for us and then trump Lied about it. So here we are …
Big government has its problems. Sure. But it's the only entity strong enough to stand up to corporations and private wealth. When you devolve down to state level it's far easier for both to get their way.
Precisely. When he said he loves the uneducated that's one of the most truthful things to ever cross his lips. People with few critical thinking skills are easy to manipulate. They have definitely taken advantage of that reality.
It's about breaking the teachers union and keeping red states ignorant. The original purpose of public education was to create an informed electorate (and also to keep wages high by keeping kids out of factories and coal mines)
Closing the DOE is really about making it so that education is only for the wealthy. They want to keep the rest of us poor and uneducated, so that we are easy to push around and manipulate.
And given it to people who want to send their kids to private religious schools of government approval, not any school that’s not Christian and by taking it away from our public school system that serves a less fortunate, they keep the populous dumb
The republicans are intentionally breaking it so they can claim privatization is the fix. They are hoping we will not keep track of the timeline of events and their narrative will hold up.
They say they want to return “it” to the states. What they mean is that they want the states to raise taxes for added responsibility and resources. They can blame governors for raising taxes and praise themselves for lowering them. In the meantime, tax payers will pay more for their inefficiency.
Once again 45 admitted the election was rigged 2 put him back in the WH. This needs 2 B investigated in the swing states 2 C what happened so we can stop it in the future. If U & Kamala R the actual winners then we can stop this madness & remove the cancer in the WH.
Dismantling the department of education has everything to due with instituting private Christian schools in red states. Tennessee has been pushing for private school vouchers for years.
Governor Waltz, I saw you on with Chris Hayes. I hope that you're more outspoken, going forward. The election wasn't on you. We need as much of your voice as you can spare. Thanks!
thats not really true. one of the reasons kamala lost was because of her support for gender policies that harm kids, gays, women, ppl with psych issues, orphans and others. Waltz also fell for this fraud and probably thats why she picked him
Taking away education from children, some of our most vulnerable people, to fund tax cuts for the least needy among us. Plus adding $2T to the debt. Enough with this nonsense!
🍊 will destroy everything & make the youth stupid. This way, he and his successors can rebuild & control it all. By the time that happens, ppl will b too scared or too ignorant to know better & Ds won't b able to stop them.
Smoking in public coming soon 😔🤷♀️
#narcissist #psychopath
Thank you for being a leader. Thank you for doing it for the right reasons -- because we are scared and exhausted. We need someone decent, strong and steady to stand up for us. Maybe you and AOC can do a joint appearance. Maybe you can give us up and a light for us to follow.
As an Ohioan, whose state government has taken billions of public school money and given it to rich parents to reimburse them for private schools via voichers, I approve this message. Gov. Walz, please run for president in '28.
They are THRILLED he's going. Hopefully he'll bring his insane wife, the one that likes the smell of burning tires that screams at everything. The damns literally had to hide him he was so bad.
It's not even that it's about having people unable to change their circumstances to leave an exploitable labor pool that is easily manipulated.
This is all about billionaires setting themselves up and their heirs up to exploit as many people as possible.
Keep going with the thought, sir? Help the people understand that public schools struggle, and fail leading to state funded private schools, which will involve christian teaching, and segregation. This will also lead to uneducated masses who cannot gain upper employment and will be the new slaves.
I’m sorry Governor, but I voted for Trump. Now I wish it was you and Harris… I think you actually could have been an awesome vice president, I wish I would have seen it sooner.
Well, we all make mistakes. You can channel your energy into using sharing your story with others like you who voted for Trump and using your resources to oppose Trump and stop him from destroying democracy.
You seem sincere, and if it is, you can imagine why we are skeptical of your contrition. I hope it is real and I hope you speak openly about how you feel. I wonder, did you felt this way about Bernie?
Will you please please promise me you will seek facts before believing anything from this point forward. There are some great folks on here that can direct you to really helpful sites. 💙
It takes courage to share that information. Maybe you can help dems understand how to reach Trump voters. That would be very helpful as we work to take back the house and pump the brakes on this crazy administration.
There's never been a reason given based on factual to dismantle, defund, or end the Dept. of Ed. Individual states already are allowed their freedom of curriculum and it hasn't worked with individual states lagging behind. The real reason is fed funds to fund pvt schools.
Governor Walz, are you sure that you are not a Canadian? You are a true and genuine person and Minnesotans are lucky to have you as their Premier, uh, I mean as their Governor.
Time to get out there and start punching some of these dickheads in the ball sacs.
I am sick to death of political correctness, it’s time for gloves off. Real ppl are the backbone of the community, they make society what it is,billionaires are parasites living of the souls of us all. ENOUGH ALREADY
Everything in our government that could be privatized already has been. We outsource many services such as internal audits done by Deloitte Accounting (Musk cancelled contract) and even many of our Federal Prisons are leased and run by private CoreCivic, Inc.
I’m a retired teacher. The push to discredit public education has been going on for years. First vouchers then charter schools then standardized testing to prove students were failing. They want to privatize everything. They’d sell the air we breathe if they could figure out how to seize it.
The Tupperware Party is over. 71% of the world's population live under authoritarian regimes. The Executive Branch cannot render legislative acts of Congress null and void by defunding or dismantling. It's obviously and blatantly unconstitutional. What are you doing about it?
My wife is also retired teacher and I hear exactly the same things that you have voiced. It’s just disgusting what this administration is trying to do public education and don’t even get me started all the other horrible cuts to our government that they are doing.
They might want to sell the air, but I doubt anyone will be interested in buying it considering the chainsaw massacre that occurred at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today. These fascists won’t stop until our natural resources are so polluted they spontaneously catch fire. Criminal!
(Fuck you!)
Walz is beholden only to the common folk taxpayers. 🧡
They attack education also because they want an uneducated populace that they can manipulate. If more people know how things are supposed to work, the more likely they are too see through MAGA bullshit. It's a disgrace
THAT is exactly what they want. Uneducated dependent on them…sheep. Ripe for the slaughter.
Accurate education builds critical thinking, empathy, tolerance, and compassion.
There is nothing wrong with being around DIVERSE cultures where different contributions are EQUITABLE so everyone is INCLUDED.
Donate so she has a fair fight in this election. It's imperative that she wins.
"That was incredible." 😉🎯
Don't trust the liberals they will betray you.
I'm a Marxist leninist Anti-imperialist feminist. Lenin was right.
No guardrails now. Tell it! 🥂
Please link up with @aoc.bsky.social and join @sanders.senate.gov on the Fight Oligarchy tour.
Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you.
He can't and won't build anything.
He's going to do what he's always done - get the hell out and let someone else take the fall.
They’ve telegraphed that for years.
You can also post a tip for freedom.
Violations: 31 U.S.C. § 1301(a), 5 C.F.R. 2635.704, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.705(a), and others.
At https://tips.fbi.gov/home
Be a Squeaky wheel and do the same or just quit crying.
They know that smart people don't vote for republicans.
This is Project 2025 in action. They laid out for us and then trump Lied about it. So here we are …
They shut down the government when they chainsaw Department of Education
They shut down the government when they chainsaw Department of civil rights
They shut down the government when they attack their closest allies.
Make them own it!!!!!!
Please keep doing what you're doing! 💙
Smoking in public coming soon 😔🤷♀️
#narcissist #psychopath
Why the deafening silence on the tremendous return on this investment?
Wat to go!! Dems need to hold town halls and get back to basics with real folks
This is all about billionaires setting themselves up and their heirs up to exploit as many people as possible.
It's about controlling information and indoctrination to remain in control.
You've read 1984, right?
It wasn't about "resources."
They're robbing our schools.
Peace be with you
Every single day.
I'm sad that you aren't sitting in the VP seat.
I am sick to death of political correctness, it’s time for gloves off. Real ppl are the backbone of the community, they make society what it is,billionaires are parasites living of the souls of us all. ENOUGH ALREADY
An educated citizenry is not good for the billionaire overlord class.
This is something else--a BIG SCAM.