Funny thing is they don’t realize the Empire is as a white supremacist organization and the Rebellion was an organization of mixed race mixed species ran by a woman and one of the leaders of the military was a woman as well.
Weird. If anything I feel like you and a few others helped keep SW on track and "less woke" (using their insane definition of woke). Disney's SW has had some missteps but it's also introduced some amazing and meaningful stories. Why is this so hard for people to accept.
Star Wars wouldn't be Star Wars if it got rid of Diversity, Equity, and inclusion. It is a series that has always been about a diverse group of rebels that fight against a fascist empire.
Yes, the guy who bragged that half of the LFL leadership during his tenure was women and hired a woman to take over for him HATES diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Not to mention the same guy who made the original trilogy in his sci-fi space-fantasy opera series a allegory about the Vietnam Wars where the bad guys represented the United States of America.
Social media is a big factor. Go watch some liberal tears, trump is winning videos on youtube and you'll suddenly arrive in a youtube where Trump is great and democrats not
Thank you for proving the "54% of Americans can't read above a 6th grade level" with your run-on sentence that makes no sense to anyone with decent reading comprehension.
It’s amazing to me they watched the prequels and took the position that Lucas is somehow a conservative who hates DEI lmao. maybe he should have kept the Dooku lines about doing evil capitalism since you can never be too obvious I guess.
This is exactly why you should just give a sample at the doctor's office and eschew the "convenience" of those putting your crap in a box and sending it to the lab services. Sometimes you have to wait on the label. I know the ick fandom is invasive, but that fantasy really crosses a line.
It’s quite sad and embarrassing, especially with Rebels Recon being so good and informative. I couldn’t re-watch Rebels without also watching those after each episode. Andi was fun. Chopper was a good host.
(What have I done)
Pass it on.
You'll catch more that way.
They need to be deplatformed and ignored.
All around the world people are already trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with these absolute dipshits.
Scoop: thing you want to hear is happening, according to my vague sources.
Gives boys in moms basement vibes.
I know it wasn’t the HoloNet News articles website because those were fantastic!