Not all that familiar with the New Testament, so perhaps some of the good Christians who serve in the Trump administration could explain how this gibes with their deeply held beliefs.
Remarkable reporting via a 5-person NYT team.
Remarkable reporting via a 5-person NYT team.
Tell that to White Christian Nationalists….
The MAGA crowd picks and chooses
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.”
I'm praying for this woman, but I feel like it's useless.
The state is not meant to follow Jesus, individuals are. Would Jesus have a military? No. Is it acceptable that we have a military? Yes.
My problem is that they don't hold to this separation of church and state consistently.
But this is the result of
NOT having an
We can do better, America.
We NEED to do better, America.
Like an iron maiden.
Only outsiders to the religion confuse them and imagine that looking into the New Testament will deliver insight into Christianity-the-thing.
The king will answer them, ‘I tell all of you with certainty, since you did it for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did it for me
"Jesus was a White American!"
dude ... seriously?
Let me draw you a map.
The parable of the Samaritan tells exactly how we should help anyone in need. Even those of another faith, race, or nationality-even perceived enemies. (Luke 10:29)
And that's how you know no Republican believes in him.
Tuez-les tous; Dieu reconnaitra les siens.
Arnaud Amalric
Christianity harbors a LOT of this kind of sadism and has foe centuries.
We are the Bad Guys now.
Does that help to explain?
Shit like this reflects their mindset that non-believers deserve to suffer.
“And he will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’” - woke lib, Matt 25:45
Contemptible, to be sure, but they manage their own consistency.
Sending them to their deaths?
Sure isn't liberals or Democrats.
It's the Banana Republicans.
#HolyBible #WordofGod
People who don't watch Fox News are sadly unaware that freedom of religion died in 2012, exactly when Glenn Beck predicted it would. It's time to recognize this reality.
my faith.But,for a decade some US bishops,in step with evangelicals have homed in&focused all their attention on one issue while blinded&choosing to ignore all others in their quest for social Justice! Immigration,the poor,the Dignityof the individual!