I did not watch the SOTU. I can't believe that the rest of the Democrats sat there and said or did nothing. What the hell happened to the Democrats? I did not bother watching because I knew I would be shouting at the TV the entire time. 😡
Odd isn't it? As yet, no mention of Greene & Boebert calling Joe Biden a liar. What a fucking joke this gov't has become. I thank god I don't live in the "Disunited States of America"! How much more can Americans take. How much more can the world take? When is this volcano going to erupt?
JD Vance sitting up on the podium where he should NOT be using his hand signaling to throw out my Congressman Al Green is the epitome of hypocrisy. Disgusting white supremacists leading Congress.
Yes, I know “Why” he is there. I’ve worked in DC in Federal Government & quite familiar with protocol. My comment is that he should NOT be there at all, especially acting as though he’s in charge.
Who's the R asshole who tore away the "this is not normal sign"a lady in pink was discretely holding while Trump was walking in? He should be charged with assault.
A dictator can't have anybody speaking against him. Trump is a dictator and he's moving everything he can towards consolidating all power under his authority. My congresspersons are helping him but they don't realize they're going to be out of a job shortly
I’ve been tweeting, calling and messaging them on here and-so have a ton of other people-that they shouldn’t go. A half empty chamber and him losing his mind over the loss of attention would have made him blow a gasket!
Instead, he sneered and taunted them right to their faces.
I’m so frustrated.
Ommmmgggg, He would be complaining about it for days, if not weeks, if not years…
(if he makes it that much longer 🤞🍔😇)
It would’ve made him go crazy like he did in the oval the other day, you know how he needs that attention. It was just such an obvious play to make-and they’ve blown so many.
Green was a disgrace. He should be arrested for threatening the: Speaker, VP and President with that brandished metal stick he shook and aimed at them.
We need a united democrat leadership that will back their own. We don’t individuals who sit by and behave when tyranny grabs one of your own! RESIST! That whole democrat side should have stood and left with him, and not sat there like fearful sheep before wolves.
How many of the dems are actually DeMagats for even just sitting there and giving trump the aura of legitimacy considering how he’s burning every institution down?
The democrat representative side of congress at trumps BS spew to the country just sat and let one who of their own who resisted be ejected. The whole democrat side should have stood. THEY DID NOTHING to resist. Where is the leadership?
Let them call me rebel, and welcome, I feel no concern from it; but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul by swearing allegiance to one, whose character is that of a sottish, stupid, stubborn, worthless, brutish man.
Seems to becoming a habit evicting people from a room or event if Trump doesn't like it. The Celts and Scotts could show those Democrat's who should have walked out how it is done, turn you back show your arse to the opposition when you disagree with them.
mikie "moses" johnson needs to be pressed hard on why he has NEVER removed empty greene and boobert for THEIR outbursts and empty greene for wearing BANNED apparel in the chamber!!
One Democrat willing to stand up just isn’t enough! Thanks Al Green. When he was removed every Democrat should have stood up and followed him out. We need leadership!
But MAGA will cheer it on. We need a few more people thrown out to change the optics from it being a person of color tossed out by the white supremacy party.
An absolute travesty after their behavior over the past 4 years. I had to quit watching. Doesn't seem to have any affect for dems to shout out.
I'm mad and sad
The only "good thing" that came from those signs was a video of a scumbag GOP ripping the sign out of a congresswomans hands showing who these bullies are. Unfortunately it wont chsnge anyones minds as MAGA loves a bully, especially against women.
"Just following orders" was something we decided wasn't a defense for the indefensible.
The sergeant at arms had a very hard decision to make, and I'm not going to pretend otherwise. But he chose to follow orders, and the things that the current regime is doing are indefensible. What they will do,
When given the opportunity to say "this has gone on long enough", a person who had the visibility to make a statement far more impactful than the entire Democratic party chose to support the fascism unfurling in Washington.
They had their chance to organize a meaningful protest & they chose paddles. If that doesn’t suggest we desperately need new D leadership nothing does. Jeffries & Schumer are beyond useless!
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
Find a team here: https://tinyurl.com/x5b4zbd9
Keep in mind that it was her "brilliant" boyfriend who attacked Zelensky about not wearing a suit. Weren't they all just having such fun in the Trumpty scripted gang party picking on one guest? One person "against" the gang on Bully Trump's playground lackeys.
Ooo, I wish I had taken a screen shot of this list. I went back to it just now & it’s no longer accessible. 🤔 They are eliminating the fed buildings, inc the soc security building, in Anchorage, AK. It’s hard enough to get anything done here, now it’ll require a costly flight to Seattle or further.
How in the actual fuck did that not happen?
That's not a rhetorical question.
To be clear, I didn't watch (boycotted), but if they didn't walk out at the beginning, how could they have missed the moment so badly??
Refuse to watch this shit show. I’m just hoping that the Dems aren’t playing nice and giving them a piece of their own medicine. But for some reason I feel that they’re not going to even flinch. Dems need to fight the fight!
No standing allowed in the chamber even for someone using a cane with difficulty going from sitting to standing as is done frequently during the State of The Union. There is no inclusion for those with disabilities during this administration.
I only reposted this to spread the word NOT TO REPOST. Do not repost this post because it makes the Cheddar Chump look like the piece of shit that he is.
Beyond they hypocrisy (first with those creatures Boebert and Greene not being removed when they started throwing their feces out) and Vance's "First Amendment" BS, this is textbook fascism.
All of a sudden the Republicans are worried about decorum???? I seem to remember two illiterate congresswomen acting up during Biden’s address and another ass speaking out during Obama’s. Nobody was removed ….
I hope so but we also know Legacy/MS Media wont cover it like it should be covered. They wont point out the hypocrisy in Lauren Boebert or MTG not being thrown out but a balck man was. They wont point out the supposed "Free Speech warriors" wont allow free speech if its against their dear leader
Yeah, I saw that he should not have gotten removed. He should’ve removed himself. I mean let’s taste it. It’s nothing but bullshit up there the market has tanked and we are headed for a major recession. We’re not going forward we’re going backward.
Al Green is 77. From Johnson's tone and face you would have thought Al Green was holding a flame-thrower. What is wrong with Johnson? Did his mother drop him on his head a lot when he was little?
How many f-ing times has MTG done this and nobody makes her leave!! #Democrats #Senators You should be ashamed of yourselves for not standing up with Al Green!!!! What the heck??!
Yes. What a double standard. Republicans talk about a 2 tiered system of justice. What is this exactly? The morons on the other side he heckled Biden and the other called Obama a liar! WTF?
Nobody put them out.
Representatives should be there to speak for the people of their constituencies, not for a national group whose goals may go against what is needed locally.
I agree. Trump is a fourth grader in so many ways. He’s also a drama queen and an attention whore. Democrats need to start hitting the Republicans back as hard and harder. We also need to get our own state militias going, blue and swing states. Textbook second amendment. Act now before too late.
I couldn't agree more!!
Matter fact not all Progressives are afraid of guns.
My daddy was a gun collector, I knew how to shoot a gun when I was 8 years old.
Just remember, it's never too late to learn.
Hopefully we'll never need to use it but I feel better just in case my home is ever invaded.
My Daddy was born in 1910 in the Appalachian mountains.
He was what you'd call old school!
We lived just west of Knoxville TN on the main highway before there was an interstate.
My parents owned a mom & pop restaurant, before I was born.
Best food within a hundred miles & a gun just in case!
They will pay attention to sustained and strategic economic boycotts. They will play attention if we fan on on highways during morning rush hour maintaining no more than the speed limit in each lane. It’s called passive aggression.
As I'm scrolling through my feed, directly above this comment is a story about Al Green being removed and directly above that is a story from another outlet about Al Green being removed. It's everywhere.
Trump owned the democrats last night. It isn't even a question.
Or they all shout out for every lie
Or they all hold up cards for every lie
Or they all face the opposite way
Or whatever they do, they need a plan
The republicans CLEARLY have a unified plan
Why don’t the Dems?
Keep it all in perspective.
Not one of them should have shown up, now this is “business as usual”
He taunted them right to their faces repeatedly.
Democrats are not an opposition party, they’re obviously part of THIS ABOMINATION.
Instead, he sneered and taunted them right to their faces.
I’m so frustrated.
(if he makes it that much longer 🤞🍔😇)
It would’ve made him go crazy like he did in the oval the other day, you know how he needs that attention. It was just such an obvious play to make-and they’ve blown so many.
I was already angry about what's going on but these antics have made me beyond angry. Apoplectic, in fact.
Article: https://archive.ph/VFhi2
— Thomas Paine, The American Crisis
Decent America Knows!
🇺🇸 🗽 ⚖️
Just saw someone say it happened. So I grabbed the clip.
Been looking for DEM shenanigans.
Found ONE!!
In response the Republicans all stood up and began chanting "You the Man!" for Trump so Green couldn't be heard.
Johnson warned about the lack of decorum, and had Green expelled.
I think we just keep harassing them until they are more afraid of their constituents than Trump & co.
Al Green was the only one who fought for America at the address last night. ☠️
I'm mad and sad
The party needs to be gutted from top down and filled with people who actually do something
Dem leadership should be ashamed & removed
The other Dems should have made a true ruckus. Shameful cowards
The sergeant at arms had a very hard decision to make, and I'm not going to pretend otherwise. But he chose to follow orders, and the things that the current regime is doing are indefensible. What they will do,
When given the opportunity to say "this has gone on long enough", a person who had the visibility to make a statement far more impactful than the entire Democratic party chose to support the fascism unfurling in Washington.
Believe me.
What mental midget is banking on them suddenly saying "wait. Is this right?"
I mean, seriously. It's a hope without any basis.
Good thing the Sargeant-at-Arms didn't have to remove MORE ANGRY DEMOCRATS FIGHTING FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
We will follow his lead but some of us won’t be nice
Find a team here:
Something like that should never happen.
Should have been ... that is because unlike tRump, President Biden isn't a whiney ass twat.
That's not a rhetorical question.
To be clear, I didn't watch (boycotted), but if they didn't walk out at the beginning, how could they have missed the moment so badly??
Beyond they hypocrisy (first with those creatures Boebert and Greene not being removed when they started throwing their feces out) and Vance's "First Amendment" BS, this is textbook fascism.
Nobody put them out.
Mission accomplished. 👍
Well then, WE need a new party for the people, not some wet dishragtag group of "do nothing "dems !!
Representatives should be there to speak for the people of their constituencies, not for a national group whose goals may go against what is needed locally.
Matter fact not all Progressives are afraid of guns.
My daddy was a gun collector, I knew how to shoot a gun when I was 8 years old.
Just remember, it's never too late to learn.
Hopefully we'll never need to use it but I feel better just in case my home is ever invaded.
He was what you'd call old school!
We lived just west of Knoxville TN on the main highway before there was an interstate.
My parents owned a mom & pop restaurant, before I was born.
Best food within a hundred miles & a gun just in case!
It was because he was acting a fool and did not heed a warning.
BTW, Cracker ass Cracker is really racist. FYI.
Amusing when someone screams racial and then says something purely racist. 🤦🏻♀️