The sun dips below the horizon, casting a final glow across the sky. Its colors fade, much like the ideals of liberty and justice. The once vibrant hues of democracy dim, overshadowed by rising inequality and division. As the night descends, the promise of a new dawn seems distant.
Okay. Hear me out.
You, nic cage, Sam Jackson and Harrison ford all team up to get the narcissistic, deranged, terroristic, mother fucking snakes off Air Force One.
Are you moving house as well?? Seems like the blue bird has flown the nest and landed right where it's meant to be. No stench here...just us...happy to see each other 👋✌️
nice pic tho ☀️
You, nic cage, Sam Jackson and Harrison ford all team up to get the narcissistic, deranged, terroristic, mother fucking snakes off Air Force One.
I can’t take the old place…
It’s trashed.
PS, your book is one of my conversation table books.
Two years ago this very week...
@irishelt from the mad bird house...