Tesla was one of the greatest minds in history. He was also an immigrant who has touched all of our lives. His generosity made much of our modern life possible as he gave up his patents for the furthering of mankind. He could have been extremely rich but knew what is important and right. Unlike Elon
Tesla wanted to give Free Energy to the world. Tesla sadly died poor and all of his Brilliant Notebooks disappeared "mysteriously" prior to many of his the inventions that our country use now.
Just ⚖️ sayin'
Thank you for piping up about this. I'm not surprised to find out that yet another guy from history had horrible views they don't teach about, just upset.
Absolutely NOT condoning Tesla’s ideological views, but this need some context: Eugenics was a respected ideology in the early 20th century (yes, it’s unbelievable 😫, but true) and even integrated in law in many countries. Many academics, authors, artists and obviously politicians subscribed to it.
This is not to excuse Tesla’s abominable views, just explaining the wider context t of the times he lived in and circles he moved in. But yeah, those views were just plain wrong and awful.
He may have been into some form of eugenics but Nikola Tesla is not some elitist prig. He tried to make a better world, most of our current tech has ties back to his research, and he wanted to give humanity free energy.
I understand all of these facts, and believe it or not, I have A LOT of admiration for the good things he did for this world. I am simply not willing to paint a rosy picture of a man who also had some monumental faults to go with that good. The whole picture is important.
I still think his intention was more along the lines of benevolent gene editing, and repairing humans so they don't get sick or age. Kind of very much what the singularity proponents are talking about. When we get ASI, I am sure things will change, and Nikola Tesla's prediction may happen.
You are correct. He invented more than any other human here. … just that we were oil rich and the Rockefellers and the Mellons snuffed him out. Then Ford made the model A. My dad bought one for $6.00. He made it run too at 12ys old. I wish he was here.
Tommy Edison went to town
Buying up inventors,
Fucked Nick Tesla up the ass
And called himself Nick's mentor.
Fuck you Musk and fuck you Zuck,
Fuck Microsoft and Apple;
Fuck Bezos and all the rest
Who've followed Tom's example.
There's a whole universe of facts. If this nugget hasn't made it into general knowledge yet don't be sad now it's getting there. Everything's new the first time you hear it
I work with a supposed Christian that didn’t even know what lent is. I guess it’s common for atheists to know more about the Bible than your average crizzo but they still manage to shock me.
Or how stupid or corrupt tRump is as well as how gullible his followers are.
We spend more money in Canada because they have more things we want, tRump says they're taking advantage of us.
We don't know if he really believes that or if he is genuinely stupid.
I think he's faking, just to hurt the US
I meant the whole Goliath thing. Like we’re told we’re the greatest country in the world and they believe it but why? Freedom? Most countries have freedom within limits. We don’t have the best education, healthcare, housing hell TRANSPORTATION.
What's crazier is somehow with their everyday displays of sparkling intelligence half of them are Ivy League graduates.
Really calls some things into question.
???That plus the loss of power over distance as compared to AC. Also, the difficulty of attaining multiple voltages for different applications from one DC source is another reason.
Mr. Tesla was working on wireless technology around 1900 and his funding was pulled by JP Morgan.
He did win in the DC vs AC battle with Edison. Interesting I never learned about Nikola Tesla until I saw a movie called THE PRESTIGE.
"As regular readers of this newsletter know, on June 21, 1943, the Supreme Court affirmed a 1935 ruling of the United States Court of Claims which essentially invalidated Marconi’s claim of having invented radio, and clarified Tesla’s role in inventing radio."
Yawn. Yes, he was a good inventor hounded to death by the magats of the time.
Nobody "won" the DC vs AC debate, AC is just MUCH more practical for mass distribution. Back in the day science and facts actually mattered when building infrastructure.
They’re not Musk’s cars, but he did ruin their reputation by smearing himself all over them. Martin Eberhand and Marc Tarpenning are the founders of Tesla, but you already knew that!!
John Trump, (missing files), Edison and patent office. Not a bit of this is coincidence!. Conspiracies are rooted in facts, paved by gossip and echoed by the conspirators themselves!!! Yet the finger points away from itself!
Unfortunately, the brilliant Tesla died penniless, got screwed by Westinghouse and others. It would be schadenfreude if Elonia Moscowitz followed in his footsteps.
A (34) felony count convicted rapist, isn’t legally allowed to appoint federal justices, or flip burgers, much less run for federal office. But,,,,,,,,hear we are. 👁️👁️
Unlikely. Tesla was in favor of eugenics and forced sterilization of "inferior classes." He believed only "the right people" should be allowed to reproduce.
Nikola Tesla was unfairly treated like he was crazy when he was actually a mind-blowing brilliant man. Meanwhile, we're stuck with some dude who only wishes he had half the smarts and achievements that Mr. Tesla had.
???You should check yer facts. SpacExplode has been a complete failure by every metric except recognition. NASA launched, orbited the moon and returned FLAWLESSLY. SpacExplode can't even reach LOE.
NASAs Space Shuttle was never cost effective. Everytime the NASA got paid for lifting a satellite - the cost was higher than the revenue - the taxpayer actually paid for it
As said - NASA vehicles exploded as well. Lots of them, so I would rather suggest "you" check your facts.
Fun fact: both Elon and Lord Farquaad inherited money from an emerald mine.
Both also wanted a kingdom free of freaks while simultaneously denying their own freakiness.
"The day will come when we will be able to send a telegraphic message to any part of the world. We shall see that the people of all nations, by communicating with each other, will never have a cause for war."
Think about the time. What did the people believe in, in the late 1800s to the beginning of the 1900s. I'm not defending eugenics, I'm suggesting that in 1900 we were pretty stupid or unsophisticated, if you prefer.
You know just as well as I do... we women couldn't do much without a "pen name" ..MEN thought they where the " Superior knowledge"... it's 2025 and I know I feel like I've been "kicked back in time". I doooo "believe" Tesla name shouldn't be on "much" of technology of today! Same "principal" yet not
Eugenics is not inherently evil, only the method of it's application. Nowadays we can easily sterilize anyone, have as much sex as you want, but if you have too many recessive disease genes, no kids. Had we started a proper breeding program back in the 30's we'd all live till 140 disease free.
Fuck that. Eugenics is completely fucked. Even if you throw compassion and ethics right out the widow you can't know what traits that seem like weaknesses may prove later to be strengths. Eugenics is the shit nazis like.
Right, genetic diseases that are fatal in childhood have such a huge chance of becoming a strength.
SMH it's not the 1800's, we have considerable knowledge of genetics.
Sickle cell anemia, early onset diabetes, literally THOUSANDS of genetic diseases than could be eliminated
Sterilizations are simple and basically painless, have as much sex as you want during your life, but if your genome has too many reessive genes for disease, will no kids (genetically) for you.
Doubling down on the nazi shit? Wow. We have things like CRISPR to deal with genetic disease without sterilizing people or risking genocide. Certain people are naturally immune to different diseases. If you caused a genetic bottleneck on purpose you could doom the species on accident.
Same. Honestly I think I heard it go by before when watching documentaries and stuff but I guess didn't really think much of it. Hearing it now takes on a very different light. I thought Elons robots were pretty cool too before I learned what a tool he was.
I'd say this really disappoints me. Meh 😑
I think it would be a harder blow because I love Nicola Tesla's work. But its been a lot of hits lately. I'm either numb, armored, or both. All at once I feel less of him now but not like a lost a hero. Onward and upward.
But now I can say things like:
No wonder the pigeons were his only friends.
Lol on pigeons. He's not alone in being great at what he did and a jerk. Our space program was advanced greatly by an ex nazi and Ted Nugent made some awesome rock and roll. Space is still awesome and I still crank it up when stranglehold comes on the radio. I would give Ted the finger if I met him
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Funny enough, trumps great uncle was one of the scientists that went into teslas' apartment after his death. They were making sure there wasn't anything crazy in there.
Musk probably doesn’t know who Nikolas Tesla is, the original founders of Musk’s company might know, but I am guessing Musk has no idea. The man has built his fortune off the work of others.
YES!! Stop defiling the name of one of the most civic-minded scientists!! Tesla wanted to make electricity a free public good and had real plans to do so, of course stopped by:
“Ignorant, unimaginative people, consumed by self-interest”
It's almost like he did it intentionally huh. Let's take a public minded scientist and use his name for the exact opposite of what he would have done...
Suddenly, insurers won't want to insure Tesla cars...
These cars have already become the target of graffiti... if we start burning them, no one will dare buy them.
Exactly. A total insult to a guy who supposedly invented free energy. Maybe killed for it too, but he definitely would have hated Musk. (Who wouldn’t?)
In November 2024 there were hearings on DC bringing up two big ass names, Boeing and Lockheed Skunk Works / Lockheed Martin and some others. 3 months later the NJ unmarked drones incident to distract media
What Trump do? Went out to say "drones were just testing flights"
Oh for crying out loud! He SAVED a pigeon, like one would do with a beloved pet.
There was lots wrong with Nikola Tesla’s view for optimal society.
Plenty of bad about Edison too, but his view for society was better.
musk seems to have co-opted the worst parts of both of them
NONE are worship worthy
Eugenicist, not quite a “master race” Nazi guy.
Didn’t like gender equality either.
musk has exceeded him there.
Weirdly, Edison was better in that department.
But more like musk in his proprietary ownership of the work of others.
None are worthy of hero worship, and only one is destroying us now.
That is a copyright name isn't it? Why is Elon Musk even using another person's name on his shitty ass cars? Nobody will buy . Remember X is the mark of the beast.
I have a theory, and I know Elon would fucking hate it. Given how shitty and out of character the Cybertruck is, I think its the only car Elon had a personal hand in. Know how I think I know? What fucking truck in 2025 needs bulletproof windows, or looks like a shitty cyberpunk car?
You are not the only one who thinks that. How that got signed off as an acceptable design is beyond me. It's like it based on a young kids stick drawing.
You're right. And in my own way, I had agreed with you. Because I can't imagine this bland lack of creativity in any child. Even they would want to draw something better, which their muscle mind coordination might not allow.
The other day i watched Total Recall from the 80’s, hadn’t seen it in decades. It has vehicles that look a LOT like cyber trucks. And the Mars base overlord reminds me of Musk himself. Musk watches too many fucking movies and has blurred the line between reality and fiction.
I'm 100% convinced the cybertruck is a troll. Like Leon fully said "I bet I could design anything and these dumb fucks that worship me would buy it". The same reason Tesla's have prank modes built in. He never matured past 14.
I think the truck builders looked at the truck and said who the fuck designed this heap of shit! Twitter twunt doesnt have a creative bone in his body so the truck looks like a dumpster and has no redeeming features whatsoever much like the designer himself!
Given the data we do have about it, this truck doesn't even compare favorably to the Ford F-150. A truck that is widely mocked in Europe for being impractically massive. And that's if compare it to one from just a decade ago. One of its many defects include that if it snows, the lights are blocked.
If it snows it cant move because its too heavy! It also has too many sharp edges that can hurt pedestrians! Apart from all the faults lets be honest its fucking ugly!
the only correct response to someone correcting you with correct information should be "thank you for informing me, I'm glad I could learn the correct answer". But then we have the people who are "never wrong". I love that this platform is not full of those people
Totally, so many people have gotten used to giving the knee jerk reaction of, "Oh, so you're better than me? Because you know that? And who do you think you are ...." Etc etc etc
It's not b/c this is a natural human response IMO. It's b/c it's what works for the social media algorithm to thrive.
Something in that vein, but opposite, could be made for Musk... who actually didn't invent anything, but tries to destroy everything but his own interests
He didn't do any of that. He hated the turks for what they had done to Serbia. Remember, during the Ottoman ocupation there, they used to built towers of fucking skulls from their victims.
You can idolize him if you want, but at least acknowledge his whole person and complicated history. We shouldn’t be erasing the awful things people’s histories just because they also had amazing accomplishments.
And, of course, serbian ethnics, who are a southern non-white slavic descend, were also victims of the Reich. The nazis used to categorize them similarly to the rom and persecuted them. A lot of serbs were killed in concentration camps by german and croatian nazis.
I think we agree; genocide, ethnic cleansing, and eugenics are all objectively bad. Including the one perpetrated against Serbs. But also the one perpetrated by Serbs. There are many people who supported eugenics who did not align with the entire message of the Nazis.
Yes but eugenics is a term that had a more complex and open meaning at the time. Genetics was a new science by the time and the idea that it could be studied to eradicate some diseases and traits had some promise. And even today we use it but with other terms and intentions.
Well, technically "Tesla" cars was founded without any muskie-sh1ts, he came later. So, maybe better: "Tesla, get that nazi fuck ceo outta my name company!!"
Excuse me, I have a "cunt". Can you stop using the name of an organ that has given me & others immense joy, two sons, & was originally a Goddess whose believers were beaten in a war, so was taken & used in a derogatory way. Thank you.
Maybe "small spotted pecker dick".... on the "goddess" stand point... it was "small minded male spotted peckers dicks" that took our "POWERFUL female rights" away cause... meh sometimes its "MEN" who just don't "understand" -.-
Musk was only good at selling ideas to investors and some of the ideas weren't his own.
In the beginning, Musk had a small team of engineers that were his friends working on bringing to life some of the ideas while Musk was tasked with finding investors.
"When Musk bought an electric car company, he renamed it “Tesla” becuz Tesla helped develop the original idea of AC induction motors, which the cars use, but mainly because Musk thinks Tesla was a cool dude"
Having billions of dollars (even if you got it from govt subsidies or ripping off other people’s ideas) is a sure fire way of impressing most of the world
Good PR. Prior to the sink publicity stunt he rarely put a foot wrong - a bit like Trump, he's been able to spout BS and get away with it. I'd say he's great at spotting an investment opportunity and a bastard once he's bought-in.
Because he knows just enough to bullshit the average idiot.. but every time he is confronted by someone who actually knows what they're talking about he goes straight to ad hominem
Just ⚖️ sayin'
he isn’t the right icon for a liberal movement. he was smart, but in a lot of ways he was a piece of shit ideologically.
My high school textbooks literally had zero mentions of Tesla. I checked the index.
Thus he’s not father of much
Plus he’s an asexual virgin who fell in love with a pigeon&got financially betrayed
Taken advantage of by Edison who died cozy in bed surrounded by family
While Tesla died alone in an apartment he hadn’t been evicted nor banned from
While not sure if Tesla had heat in his deathbed apartment
I wished to die as Tesla has and fell in love with an owl
Since I’ve also been taken advantage off & ripped off while I appear as the most evicted disproportionally no room at any inn
As the forces that bind and part
That are Ultimately the powers of Darkness
Yet a flock series
Not sure if the same and or plenty of owls
& mourning doves that are macchiato doves in place of ivory
Frequently encountered as well as nature trails I am chopped away from
Diminished forcefield
Tommy Edison went to town
Buying up inventors,
Fucked Nick Tesla up the ass
And called himself Nick's mentor.
Fuck you Musk and fuck you Zuck,
Fuck Microsoft and Apple;
Fuck Bezos and all the rest
Who've followed Tom's example.
I was depressed for a week.
They just assume.
“The Man Who Invented The 21st Century” is available on https://Amazon.co.uk I’ll bet it is on https://Amazon.com too
When I say they're pretend "religious" people...
Or, was it the can’t fix stupid?
We spend more money in Canada because they have more things we want, tRump says they're taking advantage of us.
We don't know if he really believes that or if he is genuinely stupid.
I think he's faking, just to hurt the US
taking advantage -> I'm not getting a cut
Of COURSE they think Goliath is the victor.
They're morons.
How are these stupid people so famous, wealthy and influential?
Really calls some things into question.
He did win in the DC vs AC battle with Edison. Interesting I never learned about Nikola Tesla until I saw a movie called THE PRESTIGE.
"As regular readers of this newsletter know, on June 21, 1943, the Supreme Court affirmed a 1935 ruling of the United States Court of Claims which essentially invalidated Marconi’s claim of having invented radio, and clarified Tesla’s role in inventing radio."
Nobody "won" the DC vs AC debate, AC is just MUCH more practical for mass distribution. Back in the day science and facts actually mattered when building infrastructure.
John Trump, (missing files), Edison and patent office. Not a bit of this is coincidence!. Conspiracies are rooted in facts, paved by gossip and echoed by the conspirators themselves!!! Yet the finger points away from itself!
it would be perfect.
(Since it doesn't,
I'm gonna steal it.)
Unfortunately, the brilliant Tesla died penniless, got screwed by Westinghouse and others. It would be schadenfreude if Elonia Moscowitz followed in his footsteps.
The world now: Oh. Oh no no no. No, he's not the kind of special we thought.
"Legal for a price"
They're less safe than other cars and don't do exactly as promised.
Golf 2 is beter for roads and off roads
by the way, you think USA can function without putting satelites to space? Because that's what Space X does .. way cheaper than nasa did ..
As said - NASA vehicles exploded as well. Lots of them, so I would rather suggest "you" check your facts.
Both also wanted a kingdom free of freaks while simultaneously denying their own freakiness.
"The day will come when we will be able to send a telegraphic message to any part of the world. We shall see that the people of all nations, by communicating with each other, will never have a cause for war."
He believed that people can talk ..
She doesn’t use her name any more and he’s angry… at Elon Musk for ruining it.
SMH it's not the 1800's, we have considerable knowledge of genetics.
Sterilizations are simple and basically painless, have as much sex as you want during your life, but if your genome has too many reessive genes for disease, will no kids (genetically) for you.
But seriously. You bring up a good point.
Awww, nuts! 😔
I'd say this really disappoints me. Meh 😑
But now I can say things like:
No wonder the pigeons were his only friends.
Togli il mio nome dalle tue macchine di merda, fottuto nazista!!!
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“Ignorant, unimaginative people, consumed by self-interest”
Huge antisemite like a lot of this country
Hence our current predicament of stupidity
Free-dumb is a bitch impaled on a double edged sword
FWIW, the Dark MAGAt Boy Blunder will see the underside of a bus soon.
Please know that my work is 100% free forever, I only want to share my light.
These cars have already become the target of graffiti... if we start burning them, no one will dare buy them.
It’s still up after a month.
If you piss the government and the oil industry, I'd say you got your name on my respect list.
In November 2024 there were hearings on DC bringing up two big ass names, Boeing and Lockheed Skunk Works / Lockheed Martin and some others. 3 months later the NJ unmarked drones incident to distract media
What Trump do? Went out to say "drones were just testing flights"
Can't think of anything else, I suppose. Pretty pathetic.
Just ⚖️ sayin' 🤭
Oh, Tesla...got it!
There was lots wrong with Nikola Tesla’s view for optimal society.
Plenty of bad about Edison too, but his view for society was better.
musk seems to have co-opted the worst parts of both of them
NONE are worship worthy
And Peter Thiel (JD’s sugar daddy), below some of his investments ⬇️
Didn’t like gender equality either.
musk has exceeded him there.
Weirdly, Edison was better in that department.
But more like musk in his proprietary ownership of the work of others.
None are worthy of hero worship, and only one is destroying us now.
Note that it's also illegal in most of Europe, because it doesn't meet safety standards.
It's only a couple of months since one managed to sneak onto the streets of the UK.
(It was seized.)
There's more, but these are my favorites.
It's the simple things. Like strangers saying, "Oh, you're you're right" that we need more of in this crazy world.
It's not b/c this is a natural human response IMO. It's b/c it's what works for the social media algorithm to thrive.
We use that second concept nowadays, although we don't call it "eugenics" no more because of the heavy connotation it has.
He doesn't just ruin everything he touches; he does it so spectacularly and visibly that no investors see him making off with all its wealth & worth.
I am looking here:
Oh, and-aa, that's your timeline, basically. Valuable stuff 😀:
In the beginning, Musk had a small team of engineers that were his friends working on bringing to life some of the ideas while Musk was tasked with finding investors.
Of course all the paypal engineers mocked it mercilessly as it was horribly done, and caused a ton of problems later, but what do you expect.
"When Musk bought an electric car company, he renamed it “Tesla” becuz Tesla helped develop the original idea of AC induction motors, which the cars use, but mainly because Musk thinks Tesla was a cool dude"
I used to have EarthLink for Internet service
Can you do something similar about Trump, whose MAGA see him as a genius and succesful busines he's not?
Bloody fools.
Erich Fromm, The Heart of Man (1964)
He argued that advancements in energy and communication could prevent conflicts by fostering better understanding among nations.