I remember watching it and liking it, but damned if I remember what it was about. IMDB tells me series creator David Greenwalt achieved success afterwards on the X-Files and then as Joss Whedon's first TV production sidekick
“Queen of Swords”, a syndicated show that only lasted 1 season in 2000.
It was about Zorro’s daughter, fighting for the oppressed like her father did and I loved the show. It ended way too soon.
Harry and the Hendersons.and I think he was either the original Predator or the one from Predator II (also a memorable reoccurring role on 227, where he met his wife)
“Frank’s Place” (1987-1988) on CBS.
Starring Frank Reid & Daphne Maxwell-Reid.
Set in New Orleans, I read because of Music Clearance issues, it was never released on VHS and will never see the light of DVD/BluRay. 💔
“Lucky” (2003) on FX.
Starring John Corbett, Billy Gardell and Craig Robinson.
I remember this one. I had begun developing an interest in the work of John Douglas and his Behavioral Science Unit in the FBI, which I suspect was the inspiration for this show. Plus I had a bit of a crush on Jennifer Hetrick from her time on LA Law, another Cannell creation.
I watched Profit in first run and have that DVD set. I always recognize Adrian Pasdar as Jim Profit first, and whatever character he's playing now second. A look at corporate sociopathy that deserved more eyeballs.
It was about Zorro’s daughter, fighting for the oppressed like her father did and I loved the show. It ended way too soon.
Just bought seasons 1-5 on DVD on eBay.
If I could reboot a show, this would be one of the ones in the running.
I LOVED this show so much. Lasted only 7 episodes.
Starring Frank Reid & Daphne Maxwell-Reid.
Set in New Orleans, I read because of Music Clearance issues, it was never released on VHS and will never see the light of DVD/BluRay. 💔
“Lucky” (2003) on FX.
Starring John Corbett, Billy Gardell and Craig Robinson.
I would have enjoyed another season or two.