I think the producers of Traitors looked at series 1 & 2 and thought, despite all the tension the contestants seem to genuinely love one another. Let’s make the missions and challenges in series 3 really divisive so that doesn’t happen again.
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Yes that seems fair - the missions are more tactical, and personal, this season. I like how those have developed, but not so keen on the divisive impact it’s had on the relationships between the group. Wonder if there would be a way the missions could carry that level of intensity without division?
I say all that speaking from a viewers perspective to e of course. Absolutely no experience in producing and the game play - they’ve got some talented team going on there!
It’s a mistake imo. Didn’t the lad who won before do a great job of winning without too much drama? Some of the current lot are over- acting. I hope the Traitors win!
I think changing the missions has added more interest in the sense that the Traitors have to work out how to play them rather than just go for the money. But it has def meant raised emotions and people getting personally wounded which is less enjoyable to watch
I also think that after each round table eviction, they have a toilet break where they brief the victim they HAVE to say how much fun they’ve had and how they love everyone and it’s only a game, before filming the reveal.
Yes! All the pre-reveal little speeches have been remarkably similar, and upbeat. No bitterness, no “ you’re a bunch of idiots”. They’ve clearly been briefed.
I like Richard Osman’s observation on The Rest Is Entertainment that it’s a format that works despite its flaws, and that in some ways it’s a battle between the production team and the contestants. This series feels more ‘divide & conquer’. None of this is a criticism. I’m thoroughly enjoying it.
I was very conscious in the first two series how humans are unable to stop themselves forming bonds of trust, despite knowing in their rational minds not to trust anyone. I found that strangely touching and reassuring. I feel much less of that sense with this series.
Also, for the person telling me off for watching ‘that rubbish’ - I don’t watch ANY other reality shows, no strictly, bake offs, nothing. I find Traitors psychologically fascinating, so I would recommend it to anyone who thinks they don’t like that sort of thing.
I agree it's rubbish, I never watch reality rubbish. I turned onto Traitors (3) having never seen it before and it is rubbish.. but .. its compelling rubbish. Can't bear its now a few days before the next episode. Fantastic crap TV. I'm a celebrity, big brother sod off but Traitor .. oh my
I've never been into any reality TV, maybe other than the odd cooking show...but my friend said I should get into Traitors, and we do tend to like similar TV, so I gave it a shot. LOVE IT. So fascinating to see people un-pick real or imaginary events/reactions, etc.
The cast really seem to be struggling more than the previous seasons to work as a team, both building the prize pot for faithfuls & traitors, & for faithfuls catching traitors. They just seem bad at the game 😅 I wonder if it's because they've seen the first 2 seasons & that's skewed their tactics?
It’s a real distinction between this and Bake-Off, say, where the camaraderie is something the audience surveys identify as a major reason for viewing. The Traitors team might want to be careful what they wish for. People do not automatically wish to see maximum conflict.
I watch a bit differently after @gralefrit.bsky.social point that it's edited backwards, so after the round table they then go back and edit that day so it leads to what occurs round the table.
It started on the train. They were taught that standing up, taking the lead and being kind would be punished before they even got to the castle. Now they focus on shields (individual) more than money (team).
It does seem particularly brutal and divisive this series doesn't it. I'm still really enjoying it but they've turned the intensity up to the max haven't they.
I can't remember who it was but in a previous series, a traitor who was so miffed at being thrown under the bus by his counterparts very nearly gave them away, very nearly.
What I don't understand is how the last 3 to come to breakfast reveal works - if they all know who the last 3 is and they've watched the show at all, then surely they know who have been selected by the traitors each time and by process of elimination should be better at finding them?
Do you watch uncloaked? It’s really interesting hearing them speak more freely and without the producers edits. I find it paradoxically about authenticity. As they emerge from the confines of the artificial game, they seem to observe their behaviour less defensively.
They always are, it rmjnds me of hanging out in the bar after “you me bum bum train”. They seem to have discovered things about themselves and it helps me think that the producers are celebrating the human quirks rather than exploiting them.
Watched the first episode of the UK one, and won't be going back this season. The only likable person was killed off first because she was too smart. We'd previously enjoyed the UK traitors because the people were real, but this year's batch are all plastic influencers, it seems.
She claimed to be smart, but she wasn't smart enough to keep schtum about her supposed ability to "read" everyone. If you boast that you can read everyone's true intentions, then of course the Traitors won't want you around. I'm sure she's a nice person IRL but she sure didn't understand the game.
Apparently this has been an issue for reality tv all along as they’ve had to deal with the reality that if you put a group of people in a situation where they start equally, they will tend to work together and get along.
I would love to be able to choose to watch a different cut where I don’t know who the traitors are. I think this would be even more compelling viewing for those that choose it.
Are you aware of a series called The Mole? Only one Mole, but their job is to limit the prize money & we don't know who they are. On Channel 5 in the '00s & slightly less good Netflix version now available.
I was obsessed with this show back in the day (and agree about the Netflix version). I thought they were going to introduce a spot of task sabotaging into The Traitors with the gunpowder collecting challenge - it certainly made it more interesting.
Yes! Because it introduces an opportunity to gather ACTUAL evidence rather than just hunches. Shame there wasn't more of that.
There are loads of subtitles international series of The Mole online if you look in the right places.
They have a similar format in 🇳🇱, called ‘Wis is de mol’ (Who is the mole). It is hugely popular, with 25 seasons, but I’ve never got into it as I feel the editing drives the narrative more than the people.
Like when Big Brother started I was intrigued but then had to stop watching, I've felt the same about The Traitors. But that won't stop me giving it one more try....!
If so, that's a huge mistake. What made the final episodes of both previous series so compelling was the bond that had formed between the final contestants.
Every TV series follows this arc. Way back in the beginning, Series 1&2 of Big Brother UK were really compelling, then they started packing the house with the least compatible people possible just to ratchet up the ✌️ drama ✌️.
No need, that show was great with some fairly vanilla people.
We like the UK version better than the US version (which just started its season 3 episodes). But we have to wait for UK season three to be released here. It’s the only reality show we watch, mostly for the host, Alan Cumming.
They seem to have tried to make this season more difficult for the traitors i.e. the challenges are higher stakes for the traitors now with more shields available. And the rule change for the last reveal is clearly to avoid the sacrificial traitor tactic that's been used two seasons in a row.
The UK version is MUCH better. The US version is overburdened with "Real Housewives" and "Survivors". These people have already experienced "reality" TV and their reactions are always to promote themselves first.
Had to laugh at Minah(spelling?) talking about loss of trust after getting gunked. I mean you're whole game is about abusing the other contestants trust!
They picked a lot of emotionally driven people this year. As as they come across someone like Dan who isn't like that then they all gang up and remove them. Not because they actually think he's a traitor but because they need to remove the not-we from the tribe.
I don't know. Being exposed as a liar in a game full of paranoia and suspicion is going to paint a big target on your back. Dam has been praised for "being true to himself" but being kicked out of the game at the half way stage made it disastrously naive.
I think they concluded the missions were the bit that viewers liked least as everyone was pulling together, so they wanted to introduce some traitor-y jeopardy into the missions
It’s not the missions, it’s the format of the whole show. It’s loads better now that the missions have an actual impact on the game.
It is essentially having someone look you in they eye and tell you your faithful, and deciding whether they’re lying or not. Everything else is window dressing.
Maybe I should have prefaced all this by saying these are my impressions as a viewer. I still think my observations are correct, despite everything being edited to tell a particular story.
Yes, I hope it doesn't go too much down the "nasty" route. The game is fascinating enough. The producers say they still want ordinary folk - not influencer wannabes. 🤞
Have you ever played Werewolves/Mafia? It's such an enjoyable party game. 😀❤️
I'm consistently up at 6 no matter what, even if I drank the previous night.
But in case I cannae find it, did Richard Osman say if he'd take part in a celebrity version? I was half expecting them to do that this time round
Producers constantly have to work against this.
There are loads of subtitles international series of The Mole online if you look in the right places.
No need, that show was great with some fairly vanilla people.
It is essentially having someone look you in they eye and tell you your faithful, and deciding whether they’re lying or not. Everything else is window dressing.
Have you ever played Werewolves/Mafia? It's such an enjoyable party game. 😀❤️