I’m sorry, but this makes me happy. We have to start fighting fire with fire. Americans don’t understand policy and good policy has stopped winning dems votes…but memes might get us back in the game. Also, I live in the dumbest wealthy nation in the world.
I think the AI that created this picture must have scraped its content from Saturday Night Live because that looks more like Alec Baldwin’s DT than it does actual DT. It was awfully kind to the Musk image, too. He wishes he looked like that. But if it makes Donnie mad, then that’s great.
I certainly hope the Democratic Party has adopted a line into their platform that limits or eliminates large contributions, PACs, and policy influence from millionaires & billionaires.
keep it up...
Almost had me.
They should go even further.
But I think this is fine for the Dems to call out when it can and will impact millions upon millions of people over the coming years.
Remember: Kinks are fine as long as everyone's consenting. Last I checked, we didn't give consent to President Musk.