I have five kids, and if somebody ever told me that they were having a wedding in which there were no children, I would be so fucking ecstatic to just have a couple of hours to myself to dance and be free. LMFAO this guy’s brain is fucking cooked.
So now it’s not enough for this waste of cum that you get married, you have to do it specifically in the way he demands. Land of the free y’all. The entire country is going to become a HOA where your freedom of choice is going to be limited to picking out 1 from 3 pre-approved options for everything
I mean, kids at wedding sounds a lot like he’s promoting diversity of age, equity for all ages, and inclusion of all family types. I don’t think he thought this through. 😏
And it’s the bride and grooms wedding….not this tool’s. They have the right to call the shots, sorry this male Karen gets his feelings hurt. Seriously these “winners” aka MAGA-TS are some real snowflakes
People like this don't realize that they're usually being invited out of a sense of obligation, not because we want them there. We know they'll have a reason to not come and we're banking on that.
Matt Walsh: i am entitled to have you feed my children and for them to be disruptive to your special day. Your wedding is all about me and my family and their needs. Why do you discriminate against me and my family and make me respect your wishes!?!
If you can't afford the gift, the travel or the childcare, don't go. Must be the same story covered on virgin radio this morning. The guest brought her uninvited baby to the ceremony. Her baby was screaming and she was asked to leave but refused, because she didn't want to miss anything.
Hey Matt! Come'ere! Why don't you just send the card back with apologies and go on with your life? It's called MYOB. Now, here's a lovely card for you:
He is truly the face of entitled macho-bullshit fuckery.
Such fragile masculinity!
“Sounds like this problem solved itself.”
This is the dream.