Silly man. The report confirming that he's the fittest of fit presidents and, really, human beings ever will definitely be released. Along with his height (6'5"), weight (180 lbs), how much he can bench press (500 lbs) and, for good measure, his IQ of 250.
A report declaring in the strongest terms possible that Trump is in the best mental and physical health that any president has ever been in and that he is expected to live until at least 150, if not longer, has already been prepared.
I am not entirely sure that the threats inflicted on Congress are strictly coming from djt. Mush has been threatening, and while Vance's sugar daddy is comparatively quiet, he is also very well heeled.
Which is a good thing. An unelected official should not have as much power as he is, especially if he is giving himself the contracts that he is taking a way from others.
Let me guess- he weighs 178, low cholesterol, the stamina of a 22 year old, 💯 cognizant - man, woman, child, asshole…. and he’s in great physical shape…. Will live to be 104.
I can’t believe he’s still alive. Has anyone checked to see if he even has a pulse? Maybe he is one of those characters from men in black. An alien in a skin suit.
Is 47
Weight: 180
just sayin.
👌👈 That fascist asshole--literally.
Or are they going to say he's too ill to stand trial?
——- Dr. Ronny J