1. The number of people who believe space isn’t real has either surged in recent years, or more of them simply feel comfortable saying it out loud.
Maybe both.
Either way, it’s unsettling.
Maybe both.
Either way, it’s unsettling.
How does a conversation come up abt the disbelief in the existence of 2 countries? They just randomly told you that without any prompt? And you weren't curious to ask? Did they have any other thoughts on countries they dont....
While you say you don't believe in conspiracy theories, your post would indicate a bais against Ukrainians. I question the validity of your story. Sorry, not sorry.
"I met a couple." You specifically labeled them Ukrainian. Was that necessary info for the story? No.
So, no, I don't know what you were trying to say. Words are important.
We do know that the number of people who identify as flat earthers has gone up… or, again, perhaps it’s people feeling comfortable saying they are
This makes the conspiracy theorists intellectually mere toddlers
To me, doing research is, like, reading Newton's Principia or studying the periodic table. To them, it's watching another Eric Dubay video.
I mean 1000s of likes.
Thousands of comments saying it's bad CGI and we've never left the Earth.