Its money laundering scheme. Thats what orange turd is since he went belly up in 90s. But ofc our media,government agencies knew all along a looked other way.US is a fkin sewer of corruption and deserves to fkin vanish.
He will pay them back 10fold with his policy and support. He will sell this country again and again for a building. Happened before, happening now and will happen again!
Just what the world needs ANOTHER fancy place for the RICH to hangout! 👎So where's all the CONCERN from the right about WASTED MONEY when all that money COULD'VE been used to build housing for the homeless which will only GET WORSE BECAUSE of DICTATOR Trump & Musk!
Does that count as part of the bribe the US govt for only $1 billion to get what you want plan that was being thrown out there the other day? What a bunch of corrupt a-holes.
It was always going to be. Trump just had to convince enough rednecks that this he was "the chosen one" so he'd skip prison and not lose his "brand" through disgrace. Saudis own the Bushes and now the Trumps/Kushners.
That’s a real achievement Eric. And a testament to your hard work and talent, and definitely not to your daddy being the most blatantly corrupt human being on the planet.
The Constitution needs to be rewritten in a dumbed down version so that even the maggots understand what conflict of interest and emoluments actually mean. Maybe a comic book version.
Honest question, are Trump hotels popular? I never hear anyone singing their praises or how you HAVE to stay there even prior to 2016. Even MAGA doesn't talk about Trump hotels
I read a hilarious review of Trump's hotel in Las Vegas. Let's just say it was not exactly glowing. They said you could tell everyone hated working there.
Really? Isn't a night only 200 bucks? Which I guess sounds a bit weird coming from a working man but, I'm about to pay 100 bucks for a holiday inn room lol
Can we please go back to the days when people and the media were upset over Obama's tan suit?? I'm not sure I can make it four more years I'm exhausted already and he hasn't even been sworn in yet! 😔
Will the tower come with complimentary hookers, a minibar stocked with Adderall and cocaine and a box of classified reading material in the bathroom? The Trumps are known for their "standards," after all.
I thought they were so concerned about making AMERICA great again. Instead, their business is involved in the construction of what Eric calls one of the most “luxurious” buildings in the world-in a city that most of the MAGA fans likely haven’t even heard of. Why not build it here in AMERICA, Eric?
Pathetic. He sells out America and his Millionaire buddies and family give us the middle finger. I hate them. They keep getting away with murder. With no one to stop them.
We took one down here in NY after his first term. I’d hoped more would come down given his legal losses to NY AG Letitia James. But now I fear that’ll never happen.
The corruption is just being worn on their sleeves at this stage. And as repugnant as it is, I can't even blame them. As far as they're concerned, the American people just told them they support their corruption to the hilt. 😑💔🙏🇨🇦💙🇺🇸
Apparently only 70+ million of us do not support their corruption, another third of them don't care what they do and another third didn't care enough to vote.
It's the ones that don't care I find frustrating. Because they will care when it bites them in the ass. And it's going to be very difficult to sympathize.
Well, what happens when Saudi Arabia Russia get into it someday because you know superpowers never have enough money or land or anything else so it will come eventually, but how is Donald supposed to decide which backer he’s going to choose to stick up for?
Any dummfvkk that wants to fight over “my make believe magic sky daddy is better than your make believe magic sky daddy” is only beneficial to the planet when converted into grist.
They are dumb, they are hateful, and they are a disease on civilization.
I am at a loss for words when I try to find a reason why white women overwhelmingly voted for tRump. An educated experience black woman was a bridge too far but a convicted 78-year-old felon awaiting sentencing was the "patriotic" choice.
5th graders are easy to manipulate. According to US Dept. of Education survey released in 22', 54% of AMERICANS read BELOW a 6th grade level. That's about 130 million people and too many of them watch Fox "News" and believe "they're eating the dogs: they're eating the cats".
White women didn’t overwhelmingly vote for Cheeto. He won this election by the lowest margin in US history. Men did not want a black woman in the white house, so they didn’t vote.A few white women did vote for him but he got in because people thought someone else would vote so they did not have to.
Just my opinion…white women with narcissistic men do what they are told. I’m in a small town. Women don’t get involved in politics. I can see what happens when they have no self esteem or self worth. This is absolutely true where I live…not just in politics but also everyday life.
There are women all over this country faced with suppression.
Advocating for themselves, regardless of consequence, they did what needed to be done.
Some of us have invisible battle scars and believe it was worth it.
Don't believe what the corrupt news outlets are selling. It's one way they're trying to tear down women. He didn't "win" and the news outlets are trying divide us further by calling out groups they fear. Vlad has his hands in this, did in 2016.
$787 million for intentionally lying to your audience turned out to be an excellent ROI. Look how many Fox "News" talking heads will be in the cabinet or rather junk drawer in the new administration.
Another consequence of The Catastrophe - their stupid brand is bloody gold again, and will be enriched and strengthened to sustain it for decades, when it was on the verge of finally being totally bankrupted and extinguished. Thanks Murca!
Any conflict of interest there? Wouldn’t matter if there was, who would do anything about it? Same as when Trump was president, he made hundreds of millions off 2016
This is where the gullible’s hard earned money has been going - to the Trump’s who beg for money all the time. Trump’s always have that little sign saying :
DONATE text $ to phone number
The brainwashed keep on enriching the rich.
Right, the most luxurious... but the poor don't even register on the nation's wealth curve any more, the portion allotted to the middle class is shrinking, but this mildew brained bozo is drooling about how much more money they're going to make. Obscene.
"This will be our name, their Tower, their city, their investment, their influence over our government" - What is yours ET? - Your POS family sold everything including your souls - Once again, the grifting criminal family hard at work
I'm betting there will be many weekend getaways at taxpayer expense at this trump owned property for exPresiConvictedFelon Trump and his golfing buddies over the next 4 years
And when it’s finished, I would love to see a livestream of the entire family jumping off. That family brings out a side of me I thought was reserved for thoughts about what I’d do to someone who hurt my kids. Sorry not sorry.
After everything this Nation & those poor people endured that terrible day. Only to end up electing a GD fascist as a dictator that famously boasted about his tower being the tallest after the attacks. That is how low we have sunk. I.JUST.CANT......🤬
I am talking about Rump coming back to stink it up. USA has always been great, but allowing someone to make people think a supposed billionaire will take care of working people is a myth. He is all about filling his pockets along with his First lady (Elon)
I'm so pissed that America continues to suck up to Saudi Arabia after it was announced they funded the 9-11 attack. As far as I'm concerned, they're an enemy nation and should be treated as such.
Just a little something to say thanks for the top secret folders the tannin stained asshole gave them. Aside from the $2B picked up by his bag man, Kushner.
Imagine paying to have his brand on your shiny new building?! Wtf ... Oh, I get it now, the Saudis are bribing an American President - and bragging about it. Look what we bought!
Towers always built high to reach nothing, overlooking at emptiness, shiny like gold, but structured to superficially reflect the exact opposite of who they truly are.
Do magats get like a free weekend there for all their support? I bet some will ask if they get to stay there for free because they're magats, and they actually think that he may let them. They would really think that.
Let's send out flyers inviting all trump supporters to stay there for free.
The hilarious thing is that they think doing a deal with Jr. somehow grants them favorable access to Trump. Have they not noticed Sr. would hack off his own nuts before doing anything that could be interpreted as approving of Jr. in any way?
MAGA Americans are suckers and losers.
No corruption at all.
And in what form?
There are only so many people in the world now who can afford to buy units in these monstrosities.
And as the rich get richer the number of people at the top of the pyramid decreases.
What is the point of buildings that will stand empty.
They can afford it
Bastards... 🙄
This is America now - corrupt and available to the highest bidder
Now listen to the 🦗🦗🦗
Convict in our House.
Easiest, least productive if not counter productive, most money ever given to a convict ever.
America, you Messed up royal November 5th.
That we know about. Who knows what oil pricing hijinks, or purchase of the only/largest U.S. oil refinery being approved transpired behind the scenes.
☠️ Inside Trump and Barr’s Last-Minute Killing Spree Private executioners paid in cash. Midnight killings. False justifications. Executed most Federal prisoners since WWII
Mr. Trump?”
This is assuming wealthier people
are allowed to choose.
The truth will out, we pray.
The #resistance of #BlueCrew in #America is going to be so imperative to how this all goes down. 🙏💙😔
Evil succeeds when good men stand by and do nothing. 💙😔🇨🇦💙🇺🇸
Better them than us!
I was so hoping for them to take that word off that beautiful building in Chicago. Maybe someday soon?
They are dumb, they are hateful, and they are a disease on civilization.
1/3 of the usa are the dummest MFers on the planet, freely electing for their own demise.
It’s not hard math
They’re carrying the continuation of the white capitalist patriarchy for their white sons
There’s no way that they will unfvkk themselves until they acknowledge that disease within themselves.
In the last Presidential election, my county remained Republican, 53.0% to 44.7%.
Advocating for themselves, regardless of consequence, they did what needed to be done.
Some of us have invisible battle scars and believe it was worth it.
Trump said …
“I love the stupid!”
DONATE text $ to phone number
The brainwashed keep on enriching the rich.
Ignorance may take the lead at times but it always has trouble maintaining it.
Fortunately he doesn’t spend that much time in NYC anymore.
With the help of a former president and a couple dozen greedy golfers they tried remaking their image with the LIV golf tour.
They’ll do the same with the 2030 soccer World Cup apparently.
All the while Jamal Khashoggi turns in his grave.
Now, we have MAGAts saying, "Trump says what he means and means what he says," but when we call Trump out, they say, "He didn't mean that!"
Towers always built high to reach nothing, overlooking at emptiness, shiny like gold, but structured to superficially reflect the exact opposite of who they truly are.
The lure for the dumb and evil.
Let's send out flyers inviting all trump supporters to stay there for free.