She's an embarrassment to a state that is now full of them. It's tough to make Grassley look like our more principled Senator but she managed to do it.
No sane senators left in the GOP. Only cowards and b*tt-lickers.
All kissing the ring of the criminal and traitor. Now anything can happen. Trade wars. Turning friends to enemies. And real wars to annex more territory.
I am trying to convince anyone with a bigger platform on the left to talk to me in order to have a very important discussion about what the right wing,potentially foreign actors are doing on YT.Sadly my success rate is 0,which sucks cause I have a bad feeling after 20th Jan we will not get much help
Pathetic and spineless she caved and donned the knee pads. Self serving while giving the finger to her constituents and the military establishment. 👏 Bravo!
Let's be perfectly frank here, who would be stupid enough to single-handedly go out on a limb and vote against Hegseth's confirmation?
After all said and done that would take courage and Republicans are spineless bastards these days.
Confirmation hearings confirm- To save the American way of life will require making Congressional Republicans more terrified of the American people than they are of Trump.
Of course she is.
Why do we continue to think that somewhere, someone will actually do the RIGHT thing for our democracy? Save us somehow?
So far, I am not convinced we have any super heroes that can still fly in and help us.
Five days will go by fast, and then the REAL shitshow begins.
Every day/hour another brick of the foundation of our democracy just falls away. How much longer before it comes crashing down? So hard to believe there are so many without any integrity and morals that do whatever Mango Mussolini says to do.
So she’s good with guys who drug women, rape them, while they’re married and still having an affair with the woman with whom he had an out-of-wedlock child.
Christian values.
I really think the religious right came out in full force today with their pockets full of money. Joni can be bought. Maybe her husband is gone. But her memory of her service is a more romantic motion for her. You had to know she would cave.
How these people went into the military to protect this country as private citizens, but are somehow, unable to protect the same country as elected official is beyond the imagination. #joniernst
All of us can show the world what we think about the Big Convict, his shitty cabinet picks, and maga’s world of hate, by showing up for our local demonstration Saturday 1/18.
Why? Why is a primary challenge such a big deal? Many people died for this country. As a former US Senator, I'm sure she would land a good gig for herself.
The whole goddamn MAGA party is like the mafia. Totally based on fear and intimidation. And every single one of them is terrified and bowed down to Trump. NONE of them have the cojones to stand up to Trump.
BREAKING?????? It was a done deal weeks ago . . . breaking my as8 . . it's not breaking news when Trash Nazi Barbie from Iowa indicates how she is going to vote . . . Like we didn't know?
I don't, either. All I can think is maybe they were the lucky ones and it didn't happen to them. So, they are more likely to disbelieve claims and no empathy for how it feels. 😞
Tim fucking Kaine defending her tonight was disgusting. Neither of them deserve a their seats if they believe that a pressure campaign is an excuse or reason for voting for this dangerous appointment. Clearly, it is dangerous. Ben Rhodes has an amazing opinion piece on it.
He defended Joni Ernst waffling and supporting Hegseth after she said she was wavering. Kaine pretended that a pressure campaign on her, even threats, are a good reason to feel bad for her because she had to make this hard decision, you know to protect her seat. Fuck us, but she won't be primaried.
She should not have supported that asshole. What in the actual blue fucking moon is happening? If other countries Don't swoop in when this shit hits the fan A lot of people are going to die.
So keeping the job is, as usual, more important than following the Constitution and having ethics! And she claims to be a veteran, but obviously doesn't give a damn about the current ones who will be working for an alcoholic, rapist!
What?? Do they want another 9/11 to contend with, my #1 fear. Beside being incompetent and not up to the task. Yes, he was in the military. But, hasn’t earned it. Every other secretary has earned his nomination. Besides the unethical and criminal police reports. And GOP is going to let him fly by?!
Yeap! Once they get their cozy and powerful Senate seat, they will do whatever it takes to keep it. Even by being traitors of the oath they took of “Protecting and defending the Constitution.”
Republican Legislators are SELLING OUT DEMOCRACY for their membership of the Ruling MAGA Class.
You would think if she was being strong armed, that would make her dig in her heels more. She knew everything she needed to know before he opened his mouth.
Turned her back on the women in the military who were counting on her to support them and defend them. Spineless. Speaks volumes for her lack of character and moral clarity.
Because of course she did. Republicans will engage in some performative bullshit, with "concerns about qualifications" and then proceed to all vote to confirm.
It appears Trump/GOP have threatened the Republican senators who were opposing Pete Hegseth confirmation with running opposing candidates against them. Sen Joni Ernst (R) will now support Pete H. She also refused to meet with the sexual assaults accuser of Pete H. This kept her name anonymous.
Hope Ernst along with the rest of them remember the legacy that will follow them from here on!! You are siding with someone who has no respect for women. Shame on you.
No fucking surprise here. I take what little comfort I can in this most dangerous and fucked up time we're living in that when it all goes bad, these ass-kissing spineless Trump toadies will go down with ship like the rest of us. What an absolutely pathetic and disheartening situation we're in.
There’s a special place in hell for women who throw other women under the bus. Ms. Ernst is a survivor of SA. She is giving the green light to a man that is a rapist. Deeply sad.
I wish St Peter would put cameras at the Gates of Heaven so we can watch these people get denied entry for their non-repentant evil they do with full knowledge.
She’s been my senator for years. If you know her like Iowans do, this is not at all a surprise. She ALWAYS bows to whatever the party tells her to do and her concern for female service members and victims of domestic violence is nothing more than lip service. Weaker than a wet paper bag.
That is the infuriating question I’ve been asking myself about her and many others such as Gov Reynolds that have abysmal approval ratings but keep easily winning elections.
No sane senators left in the GOP. Only cowards and b*tt-lickers.
All kissing the ring of the criminal and traitor. Now anything can happen. Trade wars. Turning friends to enemies. And real wars to annex more territory.
All blindly just kissing the ring.
I did
After all said and done that would take courage and Republicans are spineless bastards these days.
Make some not so good trouble. Fight fire with fire.
Why do we continue to think that somewhere, someone will actually do the RIGHT thing for our democracy? Save us somehow?
So far, I am not convinced we have any super heroes that can still fly in and help us.
Five days will go by fast, and then the REAL shitshow begins.
Christian values.
That is the question
Actions, people
Makes their black hearts feel better.
There's nothing like being told you'd be primaried if you don't kiss his ass. Coward.
Karma's a bitch and she'll find you, Joni.
Fuck off Tim and Joni
The Tradwife 9000™
They are all just shameless
The whole GOP can be intimidated and bought.
Republican Legislators are SELLING OUT DEMOCRACY for their membership of the Ruling MAGA Class.
Does she know she’s now officially one of those pigs?
What did Hegseth call it …oh, right, “anonymous smears”. 🤔
She had her chance to stand up and say, “if you sexually assault women, you don’t get to head the DoD”.
Joni chose party first. America and women last.
Resign rather than do harm.
Fucking pathetic “patriotism”.