Johnson knows a lot of ppl in his State are on Medicaid. If he doesn’t know, it means he doesn’t care about those in his district or State - which isn’t a surprise .
He's got to cover those massive tax cuts for the wealthy somehow.
Johnson said at a press conference Tuesday. “So everyone needs to take a deep sigh of relief and understand that we’re not going to harm any Americans with this. What we’re doing is the right thing by the people.”
How long before a loyalty oath is required for any benefits? And they’ll use AI to search social media to vet those who swear the mango is the bestest king ever in history
they do know that the ones scamming medicaid was the wealthy medical industry (clinics, pharma, hospitals, doctor equity firms) and not the individuals needing healthcare right ????
They wanted to remove Medicaid to hurt people of color. They had no idea that their White constituents in red states are some of the largest recipients of Medicaid. Now they care about “their own”. Typical.
BINGO. They’ve always thought that blacks got most of the welfare benefits. Surprise surprise… it’s the white folks. But it doesn’t fit their narrative to cut it for white folks. It’s about the racism and NEED to keep blacks down. WE GONNA BE GOOD. WE ARE BUILT FOR THIS.
Yep. The system is designed to keep Black and Brown folks down. So basically, the MAGA agenda, and every Republican agenda before them is dead set on maintaining the status quo. MAGA goes one step further into blatantly displaying their White supremacy. They don’t even hide it… We know better.
That’s why they were “bothered” about Kendrick’s halftime performance. White guilt is a powerful thing. They will remove EVERYTHING that invokes those emotions. Hence our current book banning. It’s okay for US to be uncomfortable, but not them. IJS.
I’m not going to say much on here. But this is why certain artists were SILENCED. The messages were too deep and became a call to action. They couldn’t allow that to happen. Hence the “gangster rap” genre. What better way for control of black culture than to fill it full of negativity and misogyny.
Agreed. I often wonder, what would Tupac say? Wish he were alive today to shut these pigs down. As you already know, they couldn’t handle Kendrick’s message.
I was at work the day Tupac died. I was crushed. He carried too much knowledge being the child of a black panther. They would have taken him out regardless. His message would have been STRONGER than Kendrick’s. We saw a LOT in the 80’s and 90’s. He was another Martin or Malcolm in the making.
Anyone who spoke out against the industry “mysteriously” died. I was born in 71. I had years to get messages from REAL ARTISTS. Not these Beyonce clones.
You're right and all that bullshit mis-information started with Ronald Reagan and his "welfare queens" comments. It's so stupid of them to think that white are a majority in population (for now) but don't make up the majority in any gov't program. SNAP, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security.
Exactly. I’ve always wondered how us blacks could be the minority, but CLAIM the majority of welfare benefits. Then as I got older I started seeing the numbers. We weren’t the recipients, THEY WERE. We were just the scapegoats of the lies.
I'm white, I was on food stamps and AFDC back in the 1980's when I got divorced with my child and I was pregnant. I sat in those offices. I can tell you that even back then, when Reagan made his disgusting "welfare queen" comments, that the queens had blonde hair!
I totally understand what you’re saying. Being a black disabled woman, couldn’t get ANYTHING. I had to work regardless. I was injured at my job and couldn’t even get help when I was being treated. That was in 1998.I had to work regardless.But becky got EVERYTHING SHE APPLIED FOR.I had a back injury
41.31% of people in Louisiana are on Medicaid. Third highest rate behind D.C. and New Mexico. Mike Johnson doesn't give a Tinker's damn about his own people.
Why aren't people piling on Mike Johnson and attacking him like they attacked Pelosi? She was all over the news being criticized for existing. What's the difference? Why does he get a pass? He's "in charge" and yet...
As a Peds MD in UC/ER for 25yrs, if they cut Medicaid…
kids will still get sick. Children’s Hospitals will cut staff&services/cease to exist. Sans Medicaid, they won’t be seen by PCPs or UCs. ERs will be flooded (EMTALA requires they be seen). System will crater. Kids will suffer. Call your Rep!!
Read Russian history. They truly believe their patriotic duty is to suffer in order to support their dear ultrawealthy leader and the ultrawealthy oligarchs. The more they suffer, the more patriotic they are. It's been going in for more than a century.
We have been into suffering since we landed here. Look at our history. We’re very into making people suffer, and the current regime is set on making everyone who doesn’t pull down at least 9 figures suffer.
He will try to find a carve-out so that only Medicaid recipients who didn't vote for his boyfriend will have their lives ruined by these disastrous policies.
I love this for him. I hope people that voted for that little turd will finally decide it’s higher priority to have things like medicaid for health care than to belong to a hate club & will stop voting to reelect him.
The consequences of voting counter to your own interests, playing out in real time. The only thing that will bring me joy in all this fuckery will be watching Trump supporters starve.
These crazy republicans are still applauding Trump for his cost cutting, deserves them right but unfortunately so many innocent people are going to suffer along the way.
It's their children I worry about. Without Medicaid, I don't know how we'd have kept my multimillion dollar premie alive and been able to live any life at all.
I'm in the crowd that opted not to have children, like my sister & brother. I think some people just shouldn't have children. So, I'm not really a good peson to have a discussion on bringing more children into this world.
And I decided four decades ago that it wasn't right for me to bring children into a life that I could not provide for them as they should be provided for. I think people who can't afford children need to think seriously about their decisions. Again, I'm not a good person for this discussion.
I'm not in disagreement about having babies if you're poor. I was only allowed having Medicaid for my daughter because of her prematurity. But those kids are here and they don't deserve to starve just because they have stupid parents who made a stupid vote.
Turns out if you convince a large group of people that you are going to help them actually harming them and their will being will get some kind of reaction
And when they do learn of them they are suspicious, even when they ask how long has this been going on and you answer “Oh, a couple hundred years, why?”
Many Congress members have never lived in the real world. They think they got where they are by being superior, when all they are is lucky and wealthy. The ones that got their by hard work and talent are extremely valuable.
Maga, of course. Hey, aren't the maga republicons the party of the people now? Who does he think those people attending the rallies were millionaires 😔
And they will be screaming bloody murder when they get their funding cut further.
And muskrat we'll just laugh at them. The poor maggots. Don't get any flu shots and hopefully you didn't bother with the measles shots either. We don't need idiots around. Just ask a muskrat.
Don't forget about Republican voters' parents, Mike. A lot of them rely on SS and Medicaid. Are your people going to want Mother and Dad moving in with them when SS gets cut and Medicaid is abolished. Hmmm?
A lot of fundamental xtian crazies like him think it's your duty as a child to care for your parents, not the other way around. You honor your parents and you be grateful they let you live.
The regime does not care about anyone or anything other than their agenda to destroy America and rebuild without democracy so that they can rule as they see fit
Where I live they are blaming the Dem’s for the red states having so many people on Medicaid, poor education, and the most depending on welfare programs
Dem Politicians MUST STOP fighting for this ignorant MAGA voters. Let them feel the pain and eat their own shits. SERIOUSLY…!!! Until then, those ignorants will always blame democrats during election campaign.
Ron, they have no idea the chaos that cutting Medicare and Social Security will bring, nor do they care. Half of America will be dying in the streets. America will be LAWLESS.
As I've posted elsewhere, and from knowing folks who work at these places, many small rural hospitals, particularly those in economically challenged areas, are heavily used by individuals on Medicaid.
They can't possibly realize that foster children rely on Medicaid and special education, right? They don't know that social security programs help fund foster care, riiiiight?
Someone put it the other day " There is too many people that would be perfectly happy living under a bridge in a box as long as the person next to them under the bridge didn't have a box" Can't remember who said it but it stuck true.
And a lot of them are in “red” states like Louisiana. How weird is that. Just goes to show how much attention he has been paying to his constituents, the ones who voted him into office. The Republicans can no longer lay claim to being for the people, they are for Trump and his alone.
Hey, Trump supporters. The GOP is going to cut Medicaid and Medicare benefits and give your employer a payroll tax break. YOU are going to pay the same amount into it but get less out of it after you retire. If your child or you are disabled, YOU will get less out of it immediately.
If Elon Musk never made another cent for the rest of his life, it would take him 219 years, spending $5,000 a day to exhaust his wealth. Let that sink in Trumpies. That 5K he wants to give you to get you through one month of bills. He couldn't spend in two hundred and nineteen years to end up broke.
Pretty sure the MAGA followers aren’t up-to-date on reality as they think they are! In fact, I’d venture to say they’re working far behind the norm as the average HUMAN BEING!!! Cruelty is a sport for them. They certainly aren’t candidates for any physical TEAM sports! 😡😡😡
I hope anyone in danger of losing their Medicaid is taking this serious. Tell your rep how you feel about being this vulnerable to losing this assistance no matter what party
He already had the concepts... I believe Vance said it was like a 900 page boring document that he wasn't going to read during the debate to explain their healthcare plan. Seems like a lot of paper to say shut it down. 🗑️🔥🎪🤡🙄
I have never been on it and may never have to be on it. I have always voted to protect it, because I know for some people, access to Medicaid is life or death. Why don't people vote in their own self-interest??
That’s the feeling. The feeling of hopelessness so you don’t go to the polls . If there is a low voter turn out then they make it up with manufactured numbers but if voter participation is overwhelming they will not dare
Putin does it all the time. They will demonstrate that you with your social security number and driving licence number etc voted for them. If you protest you get arrested for voter violations. And they have long practice in voter suppression.
I’m sure Nelson Mandela held onto hope and courage, no matter the circumstances. He refused to give up. When this dictatorship takes hold, as many predict, the people will rise against it under a unifying banner: The President is not a King.
Yes, hold onto courage, not false hope. Know what you are resisting. Make your voice heard. Ring, message, write your representatives. Attend demonstrations, let them know we are watching them.
He needs to take his sanctimonious a$$ home & quit trying to turn the U.S. into a Christofascist nation. Separation of church & state should not only be expected, but DEMANDED!
Watching Trump reverse position on Medicaid without warning and play the House against the Senate after years of hearing this is his primary management style. This behavior is typical of narcissistic sociopaths and is sometimes called "crazymaking." Create chaos, exert control.
OMG. These people are so clueless. We’ve listened to many of them say year after year that “We need to do away with Obamacare, but keep that Affordable Care Act.”
Mostly he tried to tell me I was wrong about MaineCare. Once it started to sink in that I was telling the truth then he tried to say that 'DJT wouldn't do that because many self employed people (like himself) depend on it'.
Hoo boy! Trump is now supporting the GOP budget plan that will decimate Medicaid when he said he wouldn't do that a week ago. We all know he lies like he breathes.
Voted by the stupidest MINORITY in America. His base never grew. Explain that. Yet they have all the power!! Over and over the stupid keep voting them. Supposedly. Gym Jordan, MTG, BOBO who moved districts and gave a public handy for christs sake. Ted Cruz!?
I am in healthcare (in a mostly blue state), of course we all know it. My middle aged white medicaid pts think 🍊🤡 is a hero, and the rest feel so disenfranchised they believe their vote won’t matter.
They created their version education for this very purpose. Red states try to keep their citizens focused on religion and meaningless shit instead of actual education.
The voters actually believe it's best for them.
It starts in infancy. 1st- no reading to children. 2nd- ban books in schools & libraries. 3rd-censor books everywhere. 4th-feed the masses carefully crafted misinformation & propaganda. Result-stupid population who’ll believe anything.
Yep, they continue to reelect representatives and senators who do not have their best interests in mind. They always vote Republican so it's automatic. They are the majority of the folks needing those services. They didn't know he meant them. They thought it was the others! 🐑🐑🐑
The dumbing down of America has been happening for decades. The uneducated gullible brainwashed idiots have no clue. That's why we have trump. A 34-count convicted felon rapist in our WH.
I dont think they care, as long as they keep musk and his hackers happy they'll keep "winning", assuming trump hasn't crowned himself king by then, so no need for elections.
The poor southern states are about ur to find out what they really voted for. Those egg prices and great health care and ending DEI are gonna hurt them most. The well off blue states can weather the new king but the poor states can’t. Watch Alabama when the well paid government workers are gone.
To Louisiana to talk to the good people in Mike Johnson's poorly run state. They are feeling the pinch from the Medicaid and snap losses I'm sure. Those poor people! Stop voting against your own self interest!
Read the room Mike. This is why they "honored" you with the speaker's gavel. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Just a sycophant with probably a side of a little kompromat.
In order for them to admit Trump is horrible, they would first have to admit they themselves were wrong. Most of these people have built their entire personalities and life around Trump. These are the people who would literally rather die than say the words... I was wrong.
It’s been clear to me for at least 20 years that the GOP has been trending toward seeing democracy as an impediment to their God-given right to run things, no matter what voters think.
I don’t think Trump/Elon *need* anything on them—they’re here for it.
According to the recent (impeccably-sourced) Vanity Fair article, credible threats of personal violence toward their family. There’s a reason for those pardons…. It was a message.
Agreed. I see that some big accounts are sharing it, but I think that the more it's out there, the more it'll bring some of the GOP officials willing to step into the daylight about it.
It’s doing that thing that ultimately kills you just because you’re so focused on doing that thing you can’t see why it’s dangerous and stupid. They gotta”own”…
True story about a mega-maga: speeding on a motorcycle, pissed off because he thinks he got cut off by a car changing lanes, speeds up to shoot finger at said car, crashes into back of a dump truck. Nearly died. Now on disability. Now riding other motorcycle without a license. Where’s Darwin?
I really do believe that he wants to hurt everyone because he wasn't elected in 2020 and because he was almost punished for some small number of his crimes.
do any of these clown know what the government does for citizens...especially the ones the hope votes for them? I don't see any evidence of clueless can you be?
As of March 2023, over 5.8 million individuals were enrolled in Texas Medicaid, which offers health insurance coverage primarily to children, pregnant women, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities
In GA alone there are almost 2 MILLION Medicaid patients and GA didn’t even do the ACA expansion!! If you have insurance through Pathways to Coverage- that’s probably getting the ax first.
Mike Johnson is from Louisiana. He should absolutely know how many people rely on Medicaid, Snap, etc. We are not a wealthy state. He is just spiteful and another one of those hypocritical 'Christians'
He doesn't know and doesn't care because he was NEVER challenged. He got handed a seat so thus he couldn't be bothered to find out about his constituents
It does matter since they only watch Fox or Newmax, etc. That's why they have to learn the hard way, and unfortunately, are taking us with them thru this hellscape.
Johnson said at a press conference Tuesday. “So everyone needs to take a deep sigh of relief and understand that we’re not going to harm any Americans with this. What we’re doing is the right thing by the people.”
Are they the poor and uneducated MAGAs?
They disappeared after the elections I don’t even see them posting on socials. 🤷🏽♂️
kids will still get sick. Children’s Hospitals will cut staff&services/cease to exist. Sans Medicaid, they won’t be seen by PCPs or UCs. ERs will be flooded (EMTALA requires they be seen). System will crater. Kids will suffer. Call your Rep!!
Sorry, Not sorry.
Can you imagine making your SON your porn accountability partner 🤮
And muskrat we'll just laugh at them. The poor maggots. Don't get any flu shots and hopefully you didn't bother with the measles shots either. We don't need idiots around. Just ask a muskrat.
Just saying
Whatever it takes to trigger the civil war and rebuild of this country’s federal government.
I’m sick of the unending failure.
He funnels most of his income to the church making it tax deductible and then the church provides for a lot of his needs
Also when he was a 25 yr old bachelor he adopted a young black man->
My best guess is that it is a cheap way to get a live in servant or maybe it is something worse that I won't speculate on
It's all kinds of strange
In reverse correlation to education
No surprise
Hateful, nasty pieces of shit. 😡
300,000,000,000 / 219 yrs = 1,369,863,013.7
divide that by 365 days per year:
1,369,863,013.7/365= 3,753,049.35
Yup. $3M per day for 219 years
Even at just a bit over 3% per year, Musk could spend $3M per day in JUST EARNINGS and not touch the pricipal.
But we know he actually has more than $300B, and he makes more than 3%.
His wealth is inexhaustible.
King Trump
#NoKings #USDemocracy
Josh “Runner” Hawley too.
Hell yes maga’s in your state will be hurt
AND guess what nobody cares
Fist pump that u no runnin maga punk
I literally had some red hat laughing at me because I was concerned about losing my Medicaid
He laughs "good thing I'm on MaineCare then". He had no freaking idea that MaineCare was what they call Medicaid here
Decades ago, an elderly republican I knew (with a PhD no less) boldly stated that the government needed to keep its greedy hands off her medicare.
He's diabetic. It's not going to go well for him.
The cult is strong in that one
It’s almost funny, but it’s not.
These MAGidiots were warned by all of us.
I just hate that they’re now finding out. 😏
The voters actually believe it's best for them.
c'mon, you know
They'll blame the "leftists" for whatever happens to them, even if Trump ate their child right in front of them.
And the "leftists" will blame Hillary and Biden, and Harris because Gaza, etc
We are in some super stupid times
They grow up so fast. 🥹
Join our community Orientation this Thursday at 9 PM CST!
We seriously have some of the dumbest rocks on the planet in Congress.
Dems should go to thier districts.
To Louisiana to talk to the good people in Mike Johnson's poorly run state. They are feeling the pinch from the Medicaid and snap losses I'm sure. Those poor people! Stop voting against your own self interest!
Well, a fake one.
He just wanted to say I am somebody. But I know who he is. He was one of the backers and fundamental supporter of J6. F*** him.
I don’t think Trump/Elon *need* anything on them—they’re here for it.
I was born in Bossier City on the AFB. Then lived in Shreveport, Ruston, West Monroe, and Monroe.
A lot of poor people along I-20.
*I know Medicaid isn't just for poor people.
*checks notes*
Looks like those figures may need to be recalculated on account of unborn - I mean unforeseen compounded inflation
Most Medicaid recipients are Americans in Red states!
We cannot survive if we’re qualified for Medicaid in Blue states. 😂
I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!