Greed and Superiority are both illusions practiced by those that live with fear as their master true freedom is from a balance and respect given to all I pray those whose minds & hearts are trapped in this cult-a-vation are healed and freed may they see the true strength in kindness & compassion
They’re convinced Obama still is attempting this, not sure where the psychosis and brain rot started but even my own mother sent me an Obamagate propaganda post. Then was convinced that saying Trump is a bad man but we need him was the correct way to “reach” me.
They could not handle a person of color as president. This was the ultimate tipping point for the MAGA cult and gave them their opportunity to feed off the racism still alive and well. He fears DEI because that is a way to help others understand this and build some empathy and unity.
How fucking convenient. Their illegal dealings rule out others to do illegal things. Only they can be unconstitutional. The rest aren’t allowed to do so. Fuck him! I hope he dies this year!
Well; fuck their proposal! It’s unconstitutional. So if they’re wiping their asses with the Constitution; we’ll create our own “rules.” The fucking nerve!
Maybe all the preservatives are actually helping…🤔
But I am sure it’s like that study on macaque monkeys… the dude on top of the food chain had little to no stress so he survived a long time. (Well until he super f*cked up and killed himself and all his buddies)
Then woman took over= peaceful
Whoever did the graphics had definitely studied Roman coin art, but I wonder if they realize how much this makes him look like some of the worst emperors. Caracalla (the nasty scowl), Nero (the long, foppish hair), Maximinus Thrax (a short-lived military usurper).
Yeah, but we might want to stop promoting this for him. He hates to be ignored & reposting this only serves to give him more exposure, regardless of the rage that may accompany it.
This president is a golfing felon wannabe dictator conman king who needs to be impeached... again. So let's start the paperwork for 2026, because the Republicans in power now can't seem to find fault in anything he does. It would "BE BEST" for wannabe Palpatine-Sidious to go home and play golf. ✌️ ☮️
💯💯💯 It really is! So many people have lost their family’s because of MAGA. They are STRAIGHT UP A CULT!!! But we’re taking our Country back… They are the minority and have bamboozled people into thinking they’re the majority… Um, NO! 🇺🇸🇺🇸WE ARE!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸💯
It's not a cult. That makes them look crazy. They're nazis. They're racists and religious fanatics. And they weren't drafted, they volunteered. They don't get any breaks from me or sympathy. And what's worse is that they'll be nazis until the end of their days. They went along willingly.
The German people fell victim just like many good Americans did. It is up to the rest of us to resist or not I guess. My German great-grandparents left between WWI and WWII. I keep asking them, 'How did you know it was time to leave.' I'm afraid they might actually answer me with , "Run don't walk"
Dear Supporters, I need your help more than ever! 🙏
Life as a paraplegic comes with daily struggles, and I’m reaching out for support. Please consider donating or sharing my GoFundMe to help a disabled paraplegic in need. Your generosity and kindness can truly change a life!✨🔗
We're way past the point where Trump dying of natural causes would solve this problem. He's set the playbook and, seeing that it works, there's now a very long line of people behind him who will fight to pick it up and run with it the moment he drops.
I agree. It will take many future Presidential terms to kill this rump cancer and put the US back together after he is gone. Especially since we all know there are morons being trained to try and follow in his footsteps and continue Project 2025.
But history demonstrates that the void fillers usually fail. I don't see an energy in the wings that could continue in popularity the way that Trump has.
I really hope you're right. If you've got some examples of void-fillers failing that you can share, their Wikipedia pages would make for mighty comforting reading right now.
Well, whether this is a cult or just a bold statement, history has seen figures rise with grand ambitions before some even got their own statues. But as the image reminds us, not all who wear the laurel escape the Ides of March. Time will tell how this story ends.
To paraphrase Patrick Henry, "Caesar had his Brutus, Charles the First his Cromwell, and Donald Trump . . . " (voice in back of room, "Treason! Treason!") "Donald Trump may take a lesson from them. If this be treason, make the most of it!"
They gave him jaw definition, especially under his chin. His real chin to neck transition in profile is a hypotenuse, a straight line between chin and base of neck.
Your only hope is Trump being assassinated, good luck, Hitler survived 42 attempts on his life, and Trump is definitely eviler than Hitler, who liked dogs, even if they feel the same way about black people and Jews.
I think we should put Assange in charge of Australia and revenge against American for what they've done to us this past month. I trust Julian Assange, formefr attempted murder victim of Trump's, reforge our alliance w/China, Europe and India against American(Nazi)/Russian aggression. Kill the cunt.
More than a cult, it's a criminal conspiracy masquerading as a terrorist organization.Trump and his hard core followers are sock puppets for the forces of techno-feudalism who want to reduce all of us to serfs to do their bidding.
Or Caligula, Nero, Domitian, Commodus, Geta, Caracalla, or just about any of the short-lived "soldier emperors" of the 3rd century? When Diocletian came to power, and reorganized the government, he established "term limits" and retired. 1st emperor to die of natural causes in over a century.
Hey, even in Children's Movies
Cautionary Tales even the Lion King Scar Usurper destroyed the Prideland in Search for Power got it in the end by his henchmen hyenas
This president is a golfing felon wannabe dictator conman king who needs to be impeached... again. So let's start the paperwork for 2026, because the Republicans in power now can't seem to find fault in anything he does. It would "BE BEST" for wannabe Palpatine-Sidious to go home and play golf. smh
And they need to draft the articles for Vance and have those ready, too. Draft the articles for all of them so that as soon as they shit and use the Constitution as toilet paper, they too can be removed. The SCOTUS as well, since 6 are partisan puppets that were bought and paid for.
This president is a golfing felon wannabe dictator conman king who needs to be impeached... again. So let's start the paperwork for 2026, because the Republicans in power now can't seem to find fault in anything he does. It would "BE BEST" for wannabe Palpatine-Sidious to go home and play golf.
I disagree. I don't think we need them, I think we have enough people - note that it only takes 3.5 percent of a population to successfully overthrow the gov't. 😉 That's roughly 11 million people. (Legal disclaimer: Not that we should overthrow the... blah blah 🙄)
I know. I didn't say it would be easy or even possible; I think it likely that things will have to get much worse for the majority of people to take such an action. It shouldn't, but it's clear Americans are not the French. I damn sure wish they were.
I hate to say it, but he can’t fall until he has burned enough of his base to upend the whole party. Given a chance, he will prevent the party from having any future.
You’re miscounting. It’s 3-5% cult, 7-15 Stockholm syndrome supporters, 10-15% racists, 10-15% staunch republicans and 5-20% fooled floating voters. So you have to reprogram 20-35% of 74m, just say 20m out of the 330m population. They’ll build camps you can re-use as re-education institutions.
We have to assume that even if Trump's health doesn't hold out, there will be others just as bad if not worse than him to be in his place. We have to cut off the plans. No matter who is frontlining.
There are plenty of substitute.
Musk as dictator and erasing the constitution
Or Barron or Ivanka or Donald Junior or Kushner etc… they will not give up their power
What the Tea Party & Republicans feared & accused President Obama of likely to pursue a 3rd Term at the end of his presidency is in effect The Dear Leader, President Donald Trump planning. Trump throws these pointers to test public opinion & eventually implement his undemocratic & dictatorial plans.
My family has a cat named Cassius, as well, with “a lean and hungry look.”
An asymmetrical Tuxedo of mixed parentage: Siamese mother, and traveling salesman father.
His lopsided markings gave him a comical appearance, and he was pleased to play the clown.
when i was a kid it seemed like every year “might be the last time” to see my great grandma. she was a bitter mean old racist woman and lived to be almost 100. that bitter hatred can keep a person going longer than we expect 😔
The kid won’t be 35 before he dies.
That requirement is written in the older part of the Constitution.
The requirements to pass amendments to alter that (or a 3rd term) won’t come to pass.
I was just about to say - how many years does he realistically have left in that dumpster of a body. I really think it’s the golf that’s keeping him going - and the greed.
A monarchy with his children assuming the “throne” after he’s gone. That’s what “& beyond” means.
Kings don’t have a good track record in this country. I’m definitely in the revolutionaries camp in this fight. Need copies of The Anarchist Cookbook, anyone?
Fred refused to step down even while dying of dementia (Alzheimer’s), they built him a fake office.
Maryanne Trump Barry died of dementia at 86.
Donald’s unable to drink with one hand, word salads, gait & balance problems, incontinent, -organic brain disease, dementia.
Yes, I've seen posts about this. Also, Cannon was screaming in his microphone 🎤 regarding the for third term. They are starting to brainwash their cult.
Call it the Fourth Reich, you insecure white supremacist losers. When you have to start screaming from the rooftops about how Supreme you are, you're not in any way Supreme
We'd also have to worry about Vance, Johnson, and the rest of the line of succession until we got to a non-MAGA person. At this point you might be talking about a mousy little file clerk at the Library of Congress.
Hey, a librarian would be a better president than that lot. As an alternative to the current system, we could just have a randomly selected Social Security number and put that person in office. It would save millions in campaign spending.
Barely believe what he's been allowed to do, month, I guess it's money that rules USA after all, not that even a shadow of it exists now after a month of Trump. There's no trust to be had, the world sees you now as evil Putin stooges who shouldn't get involved in wars and have your military removed.
Hey, I was just minding my business, then you happened. Now, here I am, sending this message, hoping to uncover the kind of conversation that makes time disappear. So, tell me—should I prepare for laughter, deep talks, or a little bit of both?
Romanticized figures are less approachable and thus more monumental. They may be perceived as unstoppable. Some people who would otherwise resist might feel intimidated, or that the adulation is deserved. Either way, resistance can falter. Not to mention the fools who love him even more. IMO.
I know it’s probably just trashy AI errors, but given their fascination with 14 words and symbolism, is there any obvious reason it’s missing a star on the arches above the eagle?
It was at recent CPAC. Tip: screenshot the image, then hit the "share" icon that quickly pops up next to the screenshot... "Share" to Google image search.
That's where I found articles discussing this atrocity, where the pic was taken... (And even a rightwing reddit with people loving it 🤮)
good point.
not reposting until I have a source is a good policy these days.
I don’t have the energy to give on fake shit.
all the leftist AI memes are extremely disappointing considering how many good artists we have.
we must be better.
That symbolism also comes from the Roman Empire. It was part of the legionary standard taken into battle. He is their Julius Ceasar, here to take down the old Republic once and for all.
Even though Ceasar was assassinated, the Roman Republic was lost forever. They had become their own version of an Oligarchy. We can't repeat their mistakes. Power needs to go back to the people, not the Uber rich.
Roman Leader Caesar Was Assassinated. A Sign Depicting The Future Of Trump By His Own Fascist Moronic Government. Republicans Should Have Attended Education In Blue States —Where Education Is Higher Quality—To Increase Americans Knowledge, Future Prospects, Their Ability To Contribute U.S./World!
Yes. It Was Expected And They Announced Long Ago —All Non-Fascist Leaders Would Be Fired-Replaced With Those Willing Break Constitutional Laws And Enforce Fascist Control By Trump, GOPs And Adm. I Can Hardly Breathe Knowing The Next Assault On U.S./World Security And Democratic Order-Moments Away!
I see you and I did consider it, but Caligula was arguably initially a decent guy who went bonkers from lead poisoning, whereas Nero was clearly a narcissist out the gate.
"There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries...."
This president is a golfing felon wannabe dictator conman king who needs to be impeached... again. So let's start the paperwork for 2026, because the Republicans in power now can't seem to find fault in anything he does. It would "BE BEST" for wannabe Palpatine-Sidious to go home and play golf. ✌️ ☮️
This president is a golfing felon wannabe dictator conman king who needs to be impeached... again. So let's start the paperwork for 2026, because the Republicans in power now can't seem to find fault in anything he does. It would "BE BEST" for wannabe Palpatine-Sidious to go home and play golf.
My street is a bit of a United Nations of residents. We’re true friends.
My brother lives next door to me.
Im away atm.
Today my brother txt me. He told me that for the first time in their lives our neighbors are buying guns.
I was rattled. As far as I know nobody in our street ever owned a gun.
Not a bad idea. Please urge them to take lessons, safety courses, go to the range, get snapcaps and practice loading, unloading, dry firing and clearing malfunctions.
It's ironic how in 250 the tables have turned
In 1776 England was ruled in effect by a dictatorial umdemocratic monarchy
Today, regardless of one's view, the Monarchial system is a guarantor of democracy with guard rails jealously protected
Unlike the US which now seems to crave dictatorial rule
I've been saying for months that as soon as they've got all their Project 2025 controls in place & they no longer need him to provide daily media distractions with his outlandish bullshit, they'll quietly "disappear" him either via an "accident" no one witnesses or a supposed heart attack in bed.
The people behind p2025 are insidious and smart. They know Trump is a grifter and a fraud and will dispose of him after they cement their theocracy into the guts of the nation.
Dummy lardo dump will just be disposed of like a McDonalds wrapper and he's too stupid to realize it.
I’m very sad about the future of democracy!
I swear these tattoos are like pokemon cards of idiots.
But I am sure it’s like that study on macaque monkeys… the dude on top of the food chain had little to no stress so he survived a long time. (Well until he super f*cked up and killed himself and all his buddies)
Then woman took over= peaceful
Let's not just dismiss this.
We have to fight with everything we have.
Nothing is a given.
Our constitution is no longer a given.
I’m stealing this!
From what?
The grave?
5 pres are said to haunt the WH - Lincoln, Jefferson, Tyler, Harrison & Jackson.
Not one of them has ever tried to run for reelection.
But if Lincoln chose to appear during a "ketamine Adderall fueled" party...👻
But does Mitch still have the hand strength?
Life as a paraplegic comes with daily struggles, and I’m reaching out for support. Please consider donating or sharing my GoFundMe to help a disabled paraplegic in need. Your generosity and kindness can truly change a life!✨🔗
The idea that Dumpster will not live that long is our only hope...
History tells us that is the *only* way.
But history demonstrates that the void fillers usually fail. I don't see an energy in the wings that could continue in popularity the way that Trump has.
A Steward for the NRLCA.
I get it.
The ending changes because he's addressing Brutus.
Cautionary Tales even the Lion King Scar Usurper destroyed the Prideland in Search for Power got it in the end by his henchmen hyenas
(Or whatever GOP opportunist is the flavour of the month)
Defend this enemy within by any means
Maybe we CAN find a way to get more people to vote who sat out the last election.
Maybe we CAN convince more Dems who voted 3rd party to align on our candidate.
Maybe we CAN pick up more independent and traditional Republicans after more people see/feel the pain of an unwanted monarchy.🤜🤛💙
Killing me over here!!!💙
Musk as dictator and erasing the constitution
Or Barron or Ivanka or Donald Junior or Kushner etc… they will not give up their power
Here in the USA, Trump can declare martial law and he owns the USA army now.
Our only card is the non violence. Otherwise we will end up like Tiananmen
An asymmetrical Tuxedo of mixed parentage: Siamese mother, and traveling salesman father.
His lopsided markings gave him a comical appearance, and he was pleased to play the clown.
See me for more options.
That requirement is written in the older part of the Constitution.
The requirements to pass amendments to alter that (or a 3rd term) won’t come to pass.
Wide beak ✔️
Muddy webbed foot prints ✔️
Quack ✔️
Kings don’t have a good track record in this country. I’m definitely in the revolutionaries camp in this fight. Need copies of The Anarchist Cookbook, anyone?
Maryanne Trump Barry died of dementia at 86.
Donald’s unable to drink with one hand, word salads, gait & balance problems, incontinent, -organic brain disease, dementia.
Probably ok. 🤔
They are indeed pushing for a 3rd term.
(Yes, I know it's buzz feed, but there are many more outlets talking third term, as well as podcasts)
But Okay, I’m in.
FOR SALE : 1 American president, as is.
The BE BEST special today only. Hurry while supply lasts.
Oh, and you can't feed him after midnight: He Tweets.
Price: any
No warranty.
No returns.
Thank you.
Not looking good for any of us.
Things didn't work out too well for Caesar.
Very pleased to have tix to see him in September.
Last year, he was sold out in a small venue, before I knew he was going to be in town.
This year, he has multiple shows in a larger venue, so I was successful.
He’s smart, prolific, thoughtful, & funny.
Who knows what will happen?
That's where I found articles discussing this atrocity, where the pic was taken... (And even a rightwing reddit with people loving it 🤮)
I use tineye as well though.
If it is AI, it's like, state actor level, if this level of quality exists.
Also shows no sign of photoshop.
not reposting until I have a source is a good policy these days.
I don’t have the energy to give on fake shit.
all the leftist AI memes are extremely disappointing considering how many good artists we have.
we must be better.
hoo boy
thanks for sharing that.
far too much misinformation.
Even the best of us get caught in it. Can never be too careful.
Elon's going to have someone edit Wikipedia now you've said that.
--Jean-Luc Picard (...)
Felon Trump can’t string a coherent, intelligent sentence together NOW…
I can’t imagine what mushy word salad he’ll offer up in a few years!
“Turd Reich Project”
And I felt that was far more accurate.
'Denke nur niemand, dass man auf ihn als den Heiland gewartet habe."
Goethe. – Sprüche in Prosa. – Maximen und Reflexionen, VII.
"Let no man imagine that people have waited for him as for the Saviour."
My brother lives next door to me.
Im away atm.
Today my brother txt me. He told me that for the first time in their lives our neighbors are buying guns.
I was rattled. As far as I know nobody in our street ever owned a gun.
Beheaded for treason in 1649
Elon Musk hasn't interfered in American democracy since this afternoon.
Parliamentary democracy is looking pretty good these days.
In 1776 England was ruled in effect by a dictatorial umdemocratic monarchy
Today, regardless of one's view, the Monarchial system is a guarantor of democracy with guard rails jealously protected
Unlike the US which now seems to crave dictatorial rule
Make America aim better.
Dummy lardo dump will just be disposed of like a McDonalds wrapper and he's too stupid to realize it.