Today in Politics, Bulletin 80. 2/27/25. You aren’t going to want to miss this one! Here is everything you need to know about a wild day in politics.
Just another day of lies and bullshit
If you truly want to derail trump's fascist regime (TFR), please support the idea and the actual action of a 10 million person march on Washington DC.
If you follow anyone or any podcasters with broad appeal--make them aware.
Trigon is a comic book figure OR
a 3 cornered harp with 4 strings. Someone pass that on to TubbyTown, pls.
1 min ⏰
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One of the things they are known for is
A manuf sells a drug to a pharmacy for we’ll say
The pharmacy sells it for $75
The patient copay is $10
So insurance should pay the pharmacy the remaining $65
However their PBM comes in and says no we will only pay $25 (below the manf cost)
So the pharmacy has to eat the remaining
This isn’t a big deal for chains but for small business it puts them out of business
Then the chain can come in
So the chain can come in and over charge the patient because most chains not only control the pbm but also help the manf control the drug cost and they tend to raise the price
A middle management scammer! Don’t be fooled by the title! 💰
Just like Medicare Advantage! Total Lies!
"This is not a move toward efficiency; it’s a move toward putting Americans in danger every day.”
Ron's nightly bulletins are critical to finding out what is happening in these insane times.
… I think they call that a triangle.
Total racket.
Are you aware your Democratic Party is a dumpster fire with approval rating in the 20s?
No leadership, no message, no ideas.
Instead of an obsessive rant over everything Republicans do, maybe try using all that rage-fueled energy to better the Democratic Party?
No offense. I’m all for it!
Keep up the great work!
Most of his business ventures are complete failures, some break even. Only his scams are somewhat successful. 1/2
BTW, how much of the $5 million is supposed to go into his pockets?
You can just tell them shit and they’ll unequivocally believe it no matter how absolutely stupid and insane it is.
Trump tracker
Remember these 'I was only following orders' yellowbellies
… Mike Johnson is already trying to cook the books on his budget, which explodes the deficit .. told Bloomberg after meeting with Trump that the “fraud” that Musk uncovers, Trump’s tariffs, and his now...Gold Visas selling citizenship for $5 million will take care of everything.
I don't think any rational human being would have expected these people to honestly release information that probably incriminate a lot of people in power.