Two billionaire Trump supporters suggesting that a Deep State cabal planned to assassinate Trump, enlisted one of the worst marksmen in America to do it, and CNN was in on it so they could televise it live. This is the twisted and sick mental illness running our government.
that’s for sure! He’s a Liar and
Desperate to stay out of Prison!!
We all know he was Looking for
Sympathy vote !! Boy did they
Ever take the Bait!! Didn’t his base wear a Kotex on there ear
👂? Geez !! It’s like sheep 🐑
Following each other to the
Slaughter house
How have all these people lost their minds?
What they didn't do was let Reagan brush his hair, yell for his shoes, and then pose with a clenched fist before whisking him away.
I watched both.
One of these is not like the other.
Then dogpiled him.
Agent Kraznov had to get his shoes.
except for the FEMALE HEAD OF SS who was basically forced to resign !
Just saying...
Follow the money! Always!
That's enough for a plane load of scumbags, who should be required to live in Snagost, under Ukrainian control.
See, I can play that game too.
If either is true, more likely the latter
Plus let’s face it - if anyone was going to pay for the equivalent of a Temu assassination attempt it would Trump and his team
Seems like a great opportunity to get rid of him and have no one asking questions.
SMH Lord, when will this country grow up. SMH
These 'influencers' are just charletons selling their stories of deep state to any idiot still buying that crap. Which still appears to be large.
It proved good for him.
You’re making it hard for those of us who think the actual shooting was staged and scripted by Trump himself.
Curious, that.
Joe Rogan should stop asking questions.
I’d like to get to the bottom of why a 22 yr old kid died too
If you want help, you have to pay upfront.
Signed Canadians!🇨🇦
be honest..... we've all entertained the thought.
I want him to have to suffer like the rest of us... 🤬
imagine having to promise to take a bullet for that man
Some of his private security was deputized last week so they can carry weapons into WH grounds.
fElon probably keeps him on his shoulders because wearing a helmet made of kevlar would look too obvious, and fElon can hide a kevlar vest under his poor fitting shitty clothes
We are in the most f’ed up timeline
Trump should worry about his own voters.
Trump MAGA are heavily armed 🤣
This whole country is nuts.
and fuckin depend
BETHEL PARK PA not cheap to live in
kid's parent not arrested nor in jail - like school shooters
Do you think for one minute that tRump would ever stop playing the victim if it was a REAL assassin attempt?
It was staged and innocent people were hurt/killed so they had to bury it. Conspiracy? Possible, but it doesn’t add up
Was CNN invited to stream it by the campaign?
Did they invite them before?
And if not,
Why did the campaign choose this day?
Trump is too stupid to realize that a terrible marksman trying to miss Trump closely…
…might accidentally hit Trump!
He’s a coward. There’s no way he would stand up unguarded if they didn’t know how many shooters there were.
Written transcripts can be posted online along with the appropriate fact checking.
Right-wing nut jobs can continue questioning the dead assassin.
Problem solved.
They will never produce this evidence because it doesn’t exist.
Do I believe this asinine theory?
The behavior of the secret service immediately after he was shot is highly irregular, and allowing Trump to shake his fist in a performative manner while the situation was still fluid suggests it was staged.
That’s close by. Hmmm……
This doesn’t feel right.
How did she know to teach there and not Harvard? She must be involved…They should investigate this!!!”