♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
Right?!? He’s nothing but a big, bloated, orange, hump-backed, diaper-shitting piece of garbage. I can’t imagine any woman fawning over him. He wasn’t even good looking in his younger years…🤮
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
He's heading for the wash rack where little marco, and ted crude will wash him down like a muddy elephant, with a brush on a stick and a garden hose!
Imagine being so fucking stupid that you'd wait around all day for the chance to applaud this NAZI SHITBAG (literally) as he walks past. The smell alone would be absolutely nauseating!!!
Sad reality is I will never get the chance to call him a shitted pants Nazi rapist to his face. Get me a magic lamp and it's my first wish. 2nd is he shits himself to death live on TV, maybe whilst falling down the stairs like a diarrhoea powered Catherine wheel. 3rd wish something for myself
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
It looks like hanging loose skin. It’s been rumored that’s he’s using ozempic, or something similar, for weight loss. The rapid weight loss would leave loose hanging skin. He likely tucks most of it into his pants but it’ll still bulge up like that over his belt.
I am not paying for this Old Fat Ass Racists Felon Coward to golf all day. Get back to the White house and do some damn work, Traitor to the United States of America. 💀
It is all smoke & mirrors. MAGA TV. Feed the masses propaganda & they will believe it. Where is the free press? Oh right, the MAGA press has taken over. Every photo op, every sound bite, every ad (paid for with taxpayer $) it's all propaganda. Fight the lies & misinformation. Who stands for America?
I feel like he's the Robert Baratheon of presidents. Doesn't go, or pay attention to small council meetings, racks up incredible amounts of debt on parties/hobbies. Or, in this case, playing golf. Which Republicans used to hate when it was Obama, but whatever
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
Yes we must keep calling our elected officials & demand an audit! I mean WTF everyone knows that tangerine twat cheated! That's who the f he is! Plus he basically freaking admitted it! There is no way he won all seven swings states! Audit everything every state!
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
They look like fucking groupies from Beatlemania, but instead of cheering something good and wholesome are literally cheering for a convicted rapist and serial con man
I just want to see the explanation for how this bloated, baggy, shambling, mumbling mess is seen by anybody as cult leader material. I mean who has these people caged up with electrodes in their brains to understand how this pathology works?
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
Note the breathtaking array of socioeconomic & demographic diversity there! Oh, and soooo much stale, caked-on makeup - worn by men & women. So exciting!
I live close to his Bedminster golf club. I know people who have been trying to go there to see him (awful MAGA folk). But the beauty of it is, I mock them for not being rich enough & connected enough to get in, even for a cameo appearance. He doesn't want unwashed, middle-class rabble in there.
Does a man need to have a pep rally for their everyday activities (playing golf, riding in a golf cart, destroying infrastructure, disenfranchising over half of Americans)? Is it fair to say that he is missing something in his personal life?
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
The similarities are growing every day between the Nazis Germany and Trump. They use the same propaganda techniques. The same bad guy scapegoats rhetoric. Almost like he read mein kampf.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
Brainless cult followers. If he gave them poison to drink telling them it will be the best kool-aid they've ever had. They'd gulp it down at warp speed. What a bunch of dumbasses.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
I’m not dissing on fat people or people who have weight issues I weighed over 300 pounds for a good portion of my life… But I have lost over 100 pounds. so I know what carrying around a shit load of weight that you don’t need to carry around, can do to you physically…
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
Sooo I suppose they purposely pose all those women there when he comes into a room… good lord it actually looks like one of them is gonna cry 🙄 unbelievable
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
He thinks he's a rockstar!!! Our president believes these cult followers truly love him. No president worth anything needs this kind of ass kissing. A true leader wants no accolades, but results for the people. This is absurd.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
imagine that awful smell of shit in his diapers with all of that flop sweat? yet, those cult members suck it in like it's a beautiful flower. Americans have lost their way.
They may not have been paid, but they were corralled. It looks like they're just in the front and then a big gap in the crowd and others in the room who might be club members.
These women are delusional. Fawning over that disgusting, blubbery pig, vying to get his attention.
Like he could give a shit about any of them? If they were the last women on earth he wouldn't let any of them suck his dick.
They had to clean them out every so often so they could even walk.
That’s the US President, hard at work on the things that matter most to the citizens of the greatest nation on Earth!🤦♀️
He's heading for the wash rack where little marco, and ted crude will wash him down like a muddy elephant, with a brush on a stick and a garden hose!
I would never... with any of them. & it is 100% OK if they feel the same way.
Go fuck a trump or a tate.
They'll give u what u deserve - disrespect, abuse & a medical condition requiring shots / heavy antibiotics.
& maybe shame after u think about your life choices!
They look like fucking groupies from Beatlemania, but instead of cheering something good and wholesome are literally cheering for a convicted rapist and serial con man
I wonder what that could possibly be about?
Oh wait...
with bleach blond bottle enhancers…
This is so sick!
Cholesterol, your turn!
I wouldn't even act that way for my favorite music or movie star.
All these people are just so reminiscent of those idolizing Hitler in the 1930s and 40s
Bigotry (he hates the same people they do)
Greed (they love tax cuts)
When are they going to collect all guns
Private ownership of guns is illegal in Russia
Can't fucking wait...
Good luck, America!
convention in San Antonio
in January-it was hilarious
They’re eating cake 🎂
residenital/commercial buildings.
Talking about ?
All those Sheep...
He is so vain & shallow.
No wonder Putin got to him so easily.
He believes this is his due!
He really does.. 🤯