The market is tanking, Trump just launched a trade war, we told Cyber Command to stand down against Russia, Trump is rolling out a massive crypto scam, and drug dealers have started selling eggs because the profit margin is better. You aren’t distracting us with culture war BS.
Elon has ideas!
Or as our fearless orange leader would say, it is “the best”.
(A country who has a president who cares about his constituents!!)
Can't figure out why?
Makes complete sense and it makes complete sense that trump wants to name a fort after a main who fought to retain slavery and prevent freedom.
How long until Mississippi reverts to their old flag?
he’s a traitor
A link to court case (lots), provided by Democracy Docket 🙏 Marc Elias is pinned to my feed so you can search the cases, including appeals to SCOTUS by 1st Fascist
Rule of law!
Welcome to Economics 101... Trump-style
Folks, we have a winner
"drug dealers have started selling eggs because the profit margin is better"
They're so stupid it's embarrassing. Even their own constituents are howling at their idiocy.
Dr. Feelgood give egg.
Promise made, promise kept.
Call DOGE -- that was unacceptable waste of government time.
"It's woke to change the names of the military bases! So we're changing it back to the Confederate names! But not really, because we're naming them after random soldiers we found with those same last names! Because it's wrong to name them after Confederates!"
Alcoholism is a serious, serious issue by the way. Not taking anything from somebody fighting their demons. Especially when they’re losing.
But this isn’t that.
My favorite WW1 corporal
Absolute beast
Getting ready to start war with Mexico too perhaps?
wasn’t it just changed in 2023?
But, pronounced like Elon….
Trump talked in his first term re China's President Xi being president forever. When campaigning in 2024, he said you won't have to vote again. Remember that?
Thanks America
V.P. J.D. Vance
GOP Mike Johnson
And the Fascists Oligarchs all
They will make up any excuse to do so, as unrealistic as it may be.
2 Pinkies, no Brain.
Trump's America - open for business, any business at all.
At least the scumbag politicians have a power and money goal (apprehensible obviously but at least it’s a motive).
I don’t understand how their base is still supporting this circus. They have NOTHING to gain and everything to lose.
Their bait and switch doesn’t work when the first thing is way worse
Looking from the UK, why aren’t the opposition doing/saying anything? It seems they are just sitting back and watching as their country is razed to the ground.
The USA will destroy itself from inside.
And nobody is doing anything against it.
No mass protests, only a few hundreds here or there.
The USA does not need new elections, it needs a revolution, a coup d'état or the USA will remain a pariah for decades.
FAFO is a bitch, ain’t it?
1 - Attack.
2 - Play the victim.
3 - Demand an apology.
To counter-attack them:
1 - Ignore them. Fuck them!
2 - Keep doing what you're doing. Double down.
They will crawl back to you.
Fort Benning was originally named after Brigadier General Henry L. Benning, a Confederate general and staunch supporter of slavery.
They are making it tongue in cheek systematic.
Trump is like a bad magician
Look at this hand not the other where the card is hiding
Or the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz - pay no attention to the man behind the curtain - I am the great and powerful Oz
Their sophistry is just an appeasement to those whose southern antebellum heritage was tied to the original name, what happens when they discover it’s Fred?
The installation will now be renamed in honor of Army Cpl. Fred G. Benning, who "served with extraordinary heroism during World War I with the United States Army, and in recognition of the installation's storied history of service to the United States of America," the memo reads.
Naming Commission in 2022 included an Appendix E in their final report. It was a large pool of names that included soldiers that shared the surname of the forts in question. They’re just selecting the least objectionable white guy
And at what point Martial Law will be declared.
How many attending D"s will be arrested?
America is in danger due to a foreign asset being President. But we will wave some signs and hope it works out.
Coming, social
security, education, it’s always something!