At this point my give a damn is broken if you’re a Trump supporter. You’re standing with Putin. I’m not letting them try and be like “Well listen I’m a Trump supporter but.” There are no buts. You stand with him you’re with Putin.
I saw many post election interviews of reasonable looking women that voted for Trump because he said he would protect women’s right to choose after he ended Roe v Wade. The maga brain can convince itself of anything. Immigrants eating dogs, doctors murdering newborns, schools castrating little boys.
Some of them are literally Ukrainians. Not kidding. I have neighbors who think they’re now “good Americans” because we shouldn’t be sending “wheelbarrows full of money to a corrupt “President” in Ukraine.”
Some of these previous military personnel defending Krasnov on his abandonment of Ukraine just blows my mind. Since when did anyone, anywhere, in the US think Russia is our friend or allie? It’s insane.
It's amazing the prejudicial environment media creates. If you are labeled 1 item, your beliefs in all other items must conform to the media prejudice.
If they were willing to vote for him despite knowing the dangers he posed to the country, why are you surprised by their inconsistency regarding Ukraine?
To many MAGA, Trump is whoever and whatever they want him to be. They're similar to those professing to be Christians while ignoring all Christ's principles.
Every day I review the heritage foundation and all the publications as much as I could tolerate. These people have planned to take over our government 15 years ago ago and it's all for everyone to see on YouTube at the Heritage foundation. They tell us everything about them. They're sick people.
We are giving up and they did long ago. Thought it would be impossible to legally sell women out…but they did and pressed forward. Why bother? When the efforts of the past never enshrined voters, women, or minority rights? We have to keep fighting?! Seriously?!
You poor Trump supporters once Every thing we all depend on SS, jobs, Medicaid USAID etc was screwed with then Maybe as you're parents, grandparents or even yourself see how much of a traitor he is to all of you. He scammed so many people.
Well, issues are bundled in our two-party system. It's not impossible a voter may value anti-democracy fascism, or gangsterism, or plutocracy, racism, bigotry, misogyny, whatever, so much one is willing to sacrifice Ukraine and stable peace in Europe to get it.
So you can believe in democracy for your country but not give a shit about democracy in other countries? I feel like you are either for democracy or you’re not
Say what now? The question concerned Trump voters, hardly believers in democracy, and how they might profess to support Ukraine while voting for Russian tool Trump. I suppose the answer is they’re lying, or issues are bundled in some way.
Oh, wait. I get it. How can one support anti-democracy fascist Trump in the USA but also claim to oppose his fascist ally, Putin, invading Ukraine? Yes. Does seem a bit inconsistent, now you mention it. But some others issues may intrude. Geopolitical, for instance, or ways of introducing fascism.
Not how I took it. He was saying you can’t support democracy and support trump, even though that’s what they’re doing. You commented it is possible. I disagreed 🤷♀️
It blows my mind that there are Republican House and Senate who strongly support Ukraine but will not use the enormous leverage they have in those closely divided bodies to insist on the right Ukraine policy
Sighs. Unfortunately still too many Americans are delusional in wanting democracy with their rights but still defending the policies choices of the current administration fascist/convict4547/Republicans/MAGA that does is actively suppressing Americans rights.
They believe Ukraine has a right to exist as long as they give away all their resources. Same way they believe Democratic voters have the right to exist as long as they forfeit their freedoms.
They only know what Fox News and Newsmax tells them to know. Blinded by stupidity. It's why Trump and his cronies try to destroy education and higher learning.... keep em ignorant so they can control them.
Just like you can’t state that anyone who kills a police officer should get the death penalty, and also let insurrections who killed police officers out of prison.
You can't support trump and the USA either. Whenever I see a flagpole with the US flag and a trumpy rag, I wonder about the person who put them up. But the flag I have in indoors, I keep in a triangular frame. And I'll never have one of those rags.
UK Parliament today at PM Questions were calling out names of British soldiers anniversaries of their deaths in Afghanistan. That would be our “random” country & soldiers. UK remains livid about Vance.
My brothers have been fervent GOP supporters for five decades. They somehow are able to believe Trump wants to stop the war & the only path to peace is giving Putin whatever he wants. They believe Ukrainians have NO right to want to join the EU/NATO b/c Putin doesn't want them to. Crazy
Like the trump pro-Palestine supporters who voted for the guy who said Israel should “finish the job” so he could build resorts build. You can’t be both.
I am reminded of Republican Congressman Scott DesJarlais
Who ran on "Pro-Life Family Values"... then was caught pressuring his mistress, who was also one of his patients, to get an abortion after impregnating her.
He even recorded his own phone call to her doing it...
Well now the US of Russia has stopped Ukraine from sharing intelligence,,your president is turning Ukraine into a wasteland, you absolute turncoats..
For decades Trump has been paid vast sums by Russians buying his real estate. The dollars and dots are now connecting as Donald is dancing for Putin. The danger is real; a self inflicted boycott of America is needed, as money is the only language he speaks. Time for action before it’s too late.
They parrot their cult leader. While having a 6-week vacay in Mexico in 2018, I was talking to a next door renter about 45. She was spewing lies, I called her out, she had to go home to get her notes. What??? She sat in front of her computer all day taking notes from right wing propaganda sites...
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
Lack of education but what do you expect when average US-Americans are just on the level of 6-7th graders? Your education system is on the level of a third world nation and will get worse nuw expect for the wealthy „elite“.. those who can affort special education for their average intelligent kids
They're just lifelong R voters. They don't pay much attention and only know what they know from watching Fox. Tons of older folks here in Wisconsin that vote for anyone with an R by their name are pretty pissed about this whole Ukraine thing.
It's really not about supporting Ukraine. It's about supporting democracy and opposing a dictator. I think it should be talked about in broader terms like that instead of just a question of foreign aid.
Ending this war only requires Russia to withdraw it's troops from a sovereign country and stop bombing civilian cities. Why isn't Trump asking him to do that? 🙃
Not if you end it with a third of their country still living as Russian slaves in their own homes.
You could ask Czechoslovakia about that…except it hasn’t existed since 1938, when last the west decided to give other peoples’ homes to a bloodthirsty dicktator to prevent war. PS it failed.
Ending this war on Putin's (sorry "Trump's") terms will support extermination of Ukrainians as an ethnic and cultural group (even if Russia is willing to limit physical extermination of individual people for the sake of solving it's demographic problems).
Russia's proudly (& in Russian - loudly)stated goal is the restoration of the empire. Russia claims that Ukrainians do not exist as an ethnic & cultural group. While they would prefer to convert them into Russians they will exterminate as many as they can.
What matters is that they started a war of invasion, they are indiscriminately bombing civilians, they are committing acts consistent with the charge of genocide, they are trying hard to achieve their stated goal. And Trump is doing everything to help them.
They don't support Ukraine. But it's much easier for them to deal with the fact that they support a fascist white supremacist and a political party where certain members wave Nazi swastika and Confederate flags.
And I would add that you can't be a Republican, now the official party of the KKK and White Nationalists and claim you aren't racist. The radical white racist Republican Theocracy is all about, well, racism.
The ones I see are either making fun of Ukraine asking for money, or telling anyone who wants to support Ukraine to go over there and grab a gun yourself. Such humanity from these "Christians."
My MAGA dad chose Putin/trump. He decided that ‘maybe we should be with Russia’ and called Zelenskyy terrible names. I am still 😳 as I thought surely that would be a red line for him.
So far he agrees with absolutely everything felon45 says & does, so what I could ask?
Disobeying the Supreme Court? He did say no court in the land has jurisdiction over trump except the SC, but I’m sure that’s a very moveable goalpost, should trump choose do so … let’s watch funding freeze saga.
He’s 81; he has threatened to leave his nonMAGA (4th) wife of $30+ years & give “his 1/2” of the estate (my inheritance) to trump, so he’s all the way gone.
Yesterday he said he didn’t want to see me anymore because I despise trump and argued with my dad over it. I don’t ‘know my place,’ you see.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I just talked to a work friend who has also been married for 30 years to somebody who now supports Trump and it might be what breaks the marriage up. It's tragic.
It’s horrifying. He told me that the way I’m feeling now (scared and horrified for our country) is how he felt during the Biden years. Then he said awful things about Obama. Never thought of my dad as a racist before; but here we are.
Luv this idea. Because it’s going to take us dropping everything to make sure we have something in our future. Why work if our money won’t be worth anything? Why try to live longer without basic healthcare? Why have a set of laws with no teeth?
Trump just wants to make peace by saying Ukraine should just capitulate and give Putin what it wants. However, what Putin says it wants is the whole of Ukraine. It is all nicely published on the Kremlin website, and translated into English for easy access.
I think more than divided by Trump’s actions, our country has splintered. Unfortunately for many, there seems to be a lack of trust in government. Not to mention leadership with vision. I think Kamala was close.
He withheld aid illegally in 2019, and as a citizen he held up Congressional aid.
Vindictive and stupid
Really blows my mind that THIS!
They will need to decide
Or they can contribute to a go fund me for Ukraine
Hope that helps.
Believing a liar is do outlandish that I don't have another explanation.
-Nausea, vomiting, and confusion
-Defects in brain function <======
I’m still blown away by MAGA people who say they are against the “elite,” but put their faith in billionaires
Who ran on "Pro-Life Family Values"... then was caught pressuring his mistress, who was also one of his patients, to get an abortion after impregnating her.
He even recorded his own phone call to her doing it...
He was still re-elected.
They were born in Ukraine, left in the late 80s, early 90s when they let the Jewish population leave and are now American citizens.
They’re afraid of communism and see the Orange clown as pro-Israel (even tho he is really just pro $$$)
Latvia is leading!
Its just the MAGA way of TRYING to appear sensible. Its just empty words, it means nothing.
Are they PREPARED to pick up arms and fight for Ukraine? No, they are just dropping an empty comment on Ladies Night, hoping to score.
Noting more than Pabulum
The elevator doesn’t reach the top floor
Ending this war might support Ukraine better than anything else.
You could ask Czechoslovakia about that…except it hasn’t existed since 1938, when last the west decided to give other peoples’ homes to a bloodthirsty dicktator to prevent war. PS it failed.
And that "Russian slave" scaremongering is nothing but idiotic vilification of Russia. Russia cannot occupy for a long time Ukraine. It's impossible.
Your BS scaremongering is getting stale. There is not the slightest evidence for such a thing could happen.
Russia cannot and will not occupy all of Ukraine. It's impossible. Too big, too much trouble, not worth it.
And with Trump's help they can do a lot.
It's irrelevant what Putin says on a given day. What matters is the diplomatic record, which is consistent and clear: No NATO in Ukraine.
And Russia cannot and will not occupy all of Ukraine.
It's impossible. It would turn into an Afghanistan-like quagmire.
Sorry I keep calling you Shirley… ✈️
Disobeying the Supreme Court? He did say no court in the land has jurisdiction over trump except the SC, but I’m sure that’s a very moveable goalpost, should trump choose do so … let’s watch funding freeze saga.
Yesterday he said he didn’t want to see me anymore because I despise trump and argued with my dad over it. I don’t ‘know my place,’ you see.
They're the lifelong R voters, not MAGA. I've been seeing it a LOT with the farmers and elderly here in Wisconsin.
We the People
April 25th
Arbor day
Let's plant our future.
No work.
No school.
We occupy our towns, our capitals, DC.
Organize now.